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Army Thread 11th January

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    Army Thread 11th January

    Night Starting!
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      Army Thread 11th January

      Hey bandy, i fecked up just over a week ago too,went out with a mate and drank far too much. Seems the crimbo and new year were easier for me, cause it was a challenge and gave me focus and something too achieve, but like you said, when things got back to the norm, i cracked, wanted 'my christmas' and went out. And you know what, christmas day, sober and happy will be remembered and cherished alot more than a shitty night in town spending too much money and waking the next day with a hangover. Take care bandy and NZ.
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        Army Thread 11th January

        Vlad, how did you get past that? BTW, enjoying your blog entries. :h
        LTG AF January 13, 2011


          Army Thread 11th January

          Night starts, x
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            Army Thread 11th January

            Thanks guys,
            I will just have to take it each day at a time and I'm not going to count days, just get through each one. I know I cannot moderate and I now know that I just cannot have any booze in the house. I am going to plan my shopping trips so that I cannot buy any. My husband is taking my bank cards and I will just have enough for what I need to get.
            There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


              Army Thread 11th January



                Army Thread 11th January

                Thats an excellent plan Bandy. I gave wish(well, she took) my bank cards and i only have money to buy food and pay bills. Best antibuse money cant buy bandy!
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  Army Thread 11th January

                  Bandit, I also gave debit cards to husbo.
                  LTG AF January 13, 2011


                    Army Thread 11th January

                    I have to run and do some chores and whatnot. Back in ahwile, otherwise catch y'all tomorrow! Love and hugs to everyone!!!
                    LTG AF January 13, 2011


                      Army Thread 11th January

                      NZ, Bandy, glad you both came right on back here... maybe with a stronger awareness of what your triggers are, and how to work with them...


                        Army Thread 11th January

                        LookingToGrow;517188 wrote: Vlad, how did you get past that? BTW, enjoying your blog entries. :h
                        You know what, the very day I gave my life to Christ it stopped. It was funny, because I went to go about my same routine that evening (which had gone on for years and years), when I thought, 'Wait a minute, I don't have to do this anymore, I can pray about it!' :H

                        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                          Army Thread 11th January

                          Evening all. I'm just watching the gazza prog on more4 then i'm off to bed. This self tan has taken on a life of its own, my poor face, it's so dark!!

                          NZ and Bandy, taking one day at a time is the best thing and not counting the days will help. Try not to dwell on it. Look to the future x x

                          Thanks Cy for telling everyone my secret obsession with the door locking thing! LOL. I really i'm terrible, i have to check the door about 5 times before going to bed. At mums i'm worse and will get back out of bed after an hour and check the doors again. Starts .. i also drive back home sometimes to check the doors, i'll get to the end of the street then turn back. The straighteners thing also, will say to Cy as we are pulling out of the drive "babe did i turn my straightners off" he just ignores me now. Checking that the gas is turned off on the cooker is also a problem for me. The list could go on and on, taps, windows etc!!


                            Army Thread 11th January

                            Laters LTG x
                            To Infinity And Beyond!!


                              Army Thread 11th January

                              Thanks everyone,
                              WIP, I don't think I even have specific triggers, my whole life appears to be a trigger. AL has been associated with nearly everything I have done for the past 20 years, good times, bad times, ok times etc...I feel like Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie when he's telling Jessica Lange that they are already good friends but that he just has to learn to do it without the dress, I need to re learn how to try and enjoy my life without a glass of wine in my hand.

                              I am off to bed now, feel deservedly like crap but tomorrow is another day.
                              Love to all
                              There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                                Army Thread 11th January

                                What u think of the gazza prog wish? x
                                To Infinity And Beyond!!

