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Day 8 here - who else?

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    Day 8 here - who else?

    Hi all! I'm on Day 8 here AF and am so proud! I'm hanging in there and aiming for 30 days. I just got off the treadmill and feel great. I've been driking water non-stop and just anxious for my headaches to go away. I hear that around Day 9 they should be all gone as my body will be rid of all toxins. It's great to wake up early and not be hung over. I ahven't been AF this long since pregnant. It certainly does get easier!

    Day 8 here - who else?

    Day 7

    I'm on day 7 and am struggling hard. I've lost my cool several times today and really want to drink. I'm not going to but boy do i want to.
    AF since 1/1/2011


      Day 8 here - who else?

      Hey Lynnie and Magnum.Im on day 8 after messing up after a 30 plus day stint. We'll get to 30, and then for me i gotta make 40 for the first time in a while! You ever watch the Senators Lynnie?
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        Day 8 here - who else?

        You got some Kudz Magnum. I find that really helps.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Day 8 here - who else?

          Lynnie. Magum amd cymru.....well done you guys. Dig deep and stay strong, it will be worth it. Janicexxx
          AF since 9 May 2012
          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


            Day 8 here - who else?


            I’m on Day eight and keeping myself busy by going for walk, tidying up my unit and sorting through my finances/tax. It must have been a long time since I looked at my tax as I have unopened letters going back to of 2006


              Day 8 here - who else?

              I made it to day 7 today It was tough making it through the weekend, I discovered that L-Glutamine is better for my cravings than Kudzu, so I take both. But today the cravings were terrible from the afternoon to now. I am determined to make it to 30 days..
              We can and will do this!!!!!! Lets keep each other motivated!!!!
              "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance


                Day 8 here - who else?

                Hey all! Thanks for replying!

                Today is Day 9 and feeling great. I've made it through 2 weekends now and feel so proud of myself. Beats waking up Monday morning with that constant guilt. Today is the first headache free day! Yahoo! I would wake up with an ache behind my eyes for the first week.

                Cymru - Yes I watch the Seantors and go and se them live here in Ottawa. Where r u from?

                Anyhow, let's stick together and make this happen for us. I can tell you honestly I had a better weekend this past weekend than I usually do. It wa sgreat and I got so much accomplished. Was up early both Saturday and Sunday and even went out for breakfast with my younsest son. Was nice to be aout and aboue as I usually don;t ffel the best on Saturday morning cause you have to drink Friday night when you get home from work right? Afterall i is the weekend! Anyhow, I think that's the type of mentality that we have to get around and stop thinking like that. It used to be fun.....but not anymore!

                Take care guys and hope all are having a good day! It is for me!



                  Day 8 here - who else?

                  Day 9 and counting!

                  Hey all! Thanks for replying!

                  Today is Day 9 and feeling great. I've made it through 2 weekends now and feel so proud of myself. Beats waking up Monday morning with that constant guilt. Today is the first headache free day! Yahoo! I would wake up with an ache behind my eyes for the first week.

                  Cymru - Yes I watch the Seantors and go and se them live here in Ottawa. Where r u from?

                  Anyhow, let's stick together and make this happen for us. I can tell you honestly I had a better weekend this past weekend than I usually do. It was great, and I got so much accomplished. Was up early both Saturday and Sunday and even went out for breakfast with my youngest son. Was nice to be out and about as I usually don't ffel the best on Saturday morning cause you have to drink Friday night when you get home from work right? Afterall it is the weekend! Anyhow, I think that's the type of mentality that we have to get around and stop thinking like that. It used to be fun.....but not anymore!

                  Take care guys and hope all are having a good day! It is for me!



                    Day 8 here - who else?

                    Im on day 8 I think today, I started this day last week so today is 8 right!! Anyway, im here with you babe, we can do this, wrestle this monkey to the ground and kick the shit outta of the little b*****D!! My problem nights are sat so I hope to see you around hen...


                      Day 8 here - who else?

                      Limers - Yes Saturday nights R tough! But you know what? I've done 2 Saturday nights now and it gets easier. make a plan to do some light exercise mid-afternoon , have a nice shower or bath, get cozy and rent a good movie to watch and go to bed around 11ish and wake up feeling WONDERFUL the next day. Or come on here and chat on a Saturday night for an extra boost. This site alwasy gives me inspiration!


                        Day 8 here - who else?

                        I'm on day 9!!! So glad I have friends doing this with me; what a relief going through the weekend AF!!!
                        My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


                          Day 8 here - who else?

                          Nice thread here day 8 for me second time around went 6 months before then blew it by letting life get the best of me I have found that even though I fall down I have to gather the strenghth and start over again, afterall what choice do we have cant let the beast win. I take the L glut for cravings thats about it but the beast is strong and sometimes I find it is just good old willpower that pulls me threw!!! I hope everyone is good and that it is not as tough for them as it is for me!!!??? I know I need to get to the gym but between broken wrist and two boys under the age of 4 I find many reasons to not go!!?? I do feel that the first time around (6 mos af) exercise helped alot, that seems the toughest to work back in. sorry so long winded here just needed to unload I guess i wish you all the best against the beast, I will send out my best thoughts to all and rally off of yours thanks to all here



                            Day 8 here - who else?

                            Well, funny enough for me it hasn't been that difficult. I have not wanted to drink....thank God. Which is odd cause I was just about everyday in 2008. What I have found hard was feeling so yucky for the first 8 days. But now I over that. Yeah!
                            So, let's all hang in together and because we're all at the same stage with AF we can support each other and talk things through!

                            This place is amazing!


                              Day 8 here - who else?

                              Great Job!! I'm starting Day 3 (again). But, certainly feeling hopfeul. Keep posting ~ we're all here for you!
                              "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

                              ~Red :h

