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When does the Weight start coming off??

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    When does the Weight start coming off??

    This is my dream " Before and After Pic " Damn go girl ! Ha! IAD.
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      When does the Weight start coming off??

      My god Doggygirl you look like a totally different person. Well done you! its great you got proper advice about your hormone levels.It obviously made a real difference.

      I know what you mean limers. I drank so many calories last night i could have eaten like 10 pizzas! But odat and all that!
      no time like the present


        When does the Weight start coming off??

        He he. IAD when you are that after pic we're gonna talk.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          When does the Weight start coming off??

          Firstly...WOW, what an amazing transformation. You look incredible.

          Secondly, I am interested in the hormone stuff...any basic info you could share, please pm me...what you take/do...things to ask my Doc, etc....I am 40 and I think I may need some readjusting in this area :H
          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


            When does the Weight start coming off??

            Hi Keeta. I really recommend starting with one or more of the following books:

            Suzanne Somers - Ageless
            Suzanne Somers - The Sexy Years

            And/or if weight loss is an issue:

            Julia Ross - the Diet Cure (she also addresses thyroid hormone and the sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, etc.)

            There is also a good web site about Thyroid - Stop the Thyroid Madness - The truth about thyroid and thyroid treatment. Low thyroid is one of the most under diagnosed conditions going in the US, and a big part of that is the MOST doctors - NEARLY ALL doctors - test TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone only) and therefore many people like me who DO fall inside what is considered the normal range never get treated.

            So...questions to ask before even talking to a doctor about these things... If I could only pick a couple:

            1. Do you prescribe Armour Thyroid?
            2. Do you prescribe Bio-identical estrogen and progesterone?

            Your current doctor may or may not.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              When does the Weight start coming off??

              I've lost 5 lbs since Dec. 25th and that includes eating two small pieces of chocolate every night when the cravings hit me. Otherwise, I eat healthy and exercise. I'm hoping to loose 10 more.
              I can see a big difference in my mid-section, so don't give up!


                When does the Weight start coming off??

                DG, I have not read all your posts, but I am assuming that you are using the bioidentical hormones? Whatever you are doing it is working for you. I have Suzanne Somers book Ageless. I have been reading alot about hormonal imbalance. I am 47 and not really overweight. I could stand to lose maybe 10 to 15 lbs. But I think the hormones would help me with other concerns, irratibility, fatigue, generally feeling old and tired...etc. I'm curious to know if the bioidentical hormones are working for you if in fact you use them.

                Everything I need is within me!


                  When does the Weight start coming off??

                  Doggygirl, you post that pick ,but not your number? doesn't seem fair:H

                  Congrats on such an amazing job. You know we are all going to come to you for advice now.



                    When does the Weight start coming off??

                    brightlite;534144 wrote: DG, I have not read all your posts, but I am assuming that you are using the bioidentical hormones? Whatever you are doing it is working for you. I have Suzanne Somers book Ageless. I have been reading alot about hormonal imbalance. I am 47 and not really overweight. I could stand to lose maybe 10 to 15 lbs. But I think the hormones would help me with other concerns, irratibility, fatigue, generally feeling old and tired...etc. I'm curious to know if the bioidentical hormones are working for you if in fact you use them.
                    Hi brightlite! I can relate on the old and tired feeling. In addition to that general rotten state of being, I had horrible problems sleeping accompanied but bad night sweats. I was also starting to get hot flashes during the day - but for me those started at night. I had some other symptoms that Suzanne talks about in her book as well.

                    Finding a good doctor who is up to speed on BHRT and thyroid was the first step. After testing, it turned out that my progesterone was very low and my estrogen somewhat low. Once we got both of those in balance the symptoms went away. So even though weight isn't a big issue for you, if you've got other symptoms that are negatively affecting your quality of life, find a doctor and give it a whirl!!! If you don't know a doctor and aren't sure where to start, you can google for "anti-aging doctors" in your area. Another resource is the compounding pharmacies who mix up the BHRT hormones. The one I use is Women's International and if you contact them with your zip code, they will send you a list of doctors in your area who prescribe through them. Best wishes!

                    Mo - my phone number is 1-800-MAR-RIED. :h:durn:

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      When does the Weight start coming off??

                      Doggygirl, I'm among the legions of women you are inspiring! You're reminding me that I have had a hormone test in my cupboard for months. Not exactly the same deal as the hormones affected by menopause though.
                      My naturopath has said that every patient she has who exercises and diets but still cannot lose weight has a issue with excess cortisol, and when that is addressed the weight begins to drop. So I'm going to follow-thru with this test this weekend. I was hoping that finally quitting al would help my waistline but it hasn't much, and I eat fairly well and exercise quite a bit. I won't be one bit surprised if my adrenals are all out of whack (including cortisol).
                      FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                        When does the Weight start coming off??


                        DoggyGirl--are you sure those pictures are both you! You look like a whole different person! Great Job...I am going to find out about the hormones because I have gained weight recently.


                          When does the Weight start coming off??

                          MOW, Doc tested my Cortisol and adrenals too - mine were fine...thank goodness something was!! When you say you have the test in your cabinet - I assume a saliva test? 4 samples throughout the day? From what I have read/heard, that is the best way as cortisol can fluctuate wildly. Actually my own cortisol was fine during the "meat" of the day but whacky first thing in the morning and right before bed. But due to the other imbalances, doc thought it would straighten out with the thyroid and progesterone, and it did. That's a reason to make sure you get all the major hormones tested because to feel your best, everything needs to be in balance. Had I only taken a cortisol test, I would have probably been given something for that when cortisol was not actually the root of the problems for me.

                          Wally and upnorthgirl, I think reading one of Suzanne's books is an interesting start. The if you feel so inclined, the most important and often the hardest part is finding the right doc to work with.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            When does the Weight start coming off??

                            I now have the answer to my own question. I guess I was too impatient before, and the answer is to allow for time and for our bodies to rid itself of all the nasty toxins. I had only been AF for 1 week when I had asked the original question and I hadn't lost a pound at that point. Well now today I am just shy a day of being 30 days AF....woo hoo for me! And with drinking lots of water, sleeping AMAZINGLY well, eating right (always did that anyway) and execising which is another thing I never lacked, I've found that I am down 8 pounds. So I am in the 130's again instead of the 140's. I can see it in my face and feel it in my wrists, hands and feet. Just less puffy really. I feel great! My goal is to reach 129 and I think I can achieve this by the end of February.

                            Anyone have a Wii Fit? I just got mine last weekend and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!



                              When does the Weight start coming off??

                              Great news Lynnie!!

                              Yes, DG, it's a saliva test throughout the day, and urine I tink. I couldn't do it earlier because in the past there was NO WAY i could go all night without drinking water, which you have to do for the test. But hmmm, the past 30 days or so I'm not so dehydrated... how about that.
                              The test is for cortisol, DHEA, Epenephrine, norepinephrine, serotonine and creatinine.

                              so we'll see...
                              FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!

