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Army Thread 12th January 2009

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    Army Thread 12th January 2009

    Good Morning troopers,

    A wet miserable one here...think I preferred the cold and ice...
    Not to worry, spring is just round the corner right?

    On Friday, I received a cryptic text from one of my bosses, saying "I think you will have good news on Monday" I am assuming that today will be my last day??? But who really knows...maybe they like having me sitting there surfing MWO all day....:H
    Anyway we shall see soon enough.

    Limester, my thoughts are with you, your friend and her family, its a tough time for everyone, but my prayers are with you..I hope you managed to get some sleep?

    So, have a wonderful, sober, enlightening day everyone and I must remember not to let the b******s grind me down
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 12th January 2009

    Oney, have you weighed in yet?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Army Thread 12th January 2009

      Morning Starts and Oney
      Jeez I wish I was six stone! I am 10 stone.....or 70kg which is exactly what I weighed the day before I gave birth to my daughter 17 years ago and she weighed 9lbs. Maybe her calcified twin is still in there. If so I could be in the Guinness book of records - woman gives birth to calcified twin after 17 years..... wishful thinking I know....


        Army Thread 12th January 2009

        Hi. Anyone miss me? I'm just going to sleep and off for a week or so to the cabin. I'm happy too too be super busy but wondering if life is running me now. Too many things have happened and are in my head to report right now, but Hubs and I have been having some daily, serious talks. Especially since he he dropped it on me me he has a new outage that began Monday & goes thru Valentines Day. I want a WHOLE lot of paypyack during the rest of year, so I'm planning trips!
        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


          Army Thread 12th January 2009

          well done on the lb Oney...getting there , baby steps!

          Starts, sounds like todays the day!

          Bh, get training, your chances of loosing weight are much higher, twin might be better off staying in at this point!

          Slept last night and ready for another week, just about!


            Army Thread 12th January 2009

            Hi Rubes.


              Army Thread 12th January 2009

              p.s. thanks you lot for listening to me twittering away last night.


                Army Thread 12th January 2009

                Hi Limers and Rubes
                Sadly I AM in training but I dont seem to have lost even a pound despite pounding the pavements. I am hoping that as muscle is heavier than fat it is all muscle now but not so sure! Working against middle age spread methinks. Limers sorry to hear about your friend's husband that is so sad.


                  Army Thread 12th January 2009

                  Can't stay, it's really late here and I've got lot's to do tomorrow. Just wanted to check in in case anyone though I'd died and say I'll be gone at least another week, so please let them know. Luv you chicks!
                  Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                  awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                    Army Thread 12th January 2009

                    P.S.My brother in-law (ex, but but still v. close) who is a good guy but a bar rat, loves to sit, smoke, drink, tell tales, has been sick and found out Wednesday he has pancreatic cancer, no need to treat in any way, 3 months or less to live. He truly contributes nothing but his presence on earth, but we are sad, nonetheless.
                    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                      Army Thread 12th January 2009

                      Morning all. I'm so very excited this morning as my sisters boyfriend is out of prison. My sister has no idea it's today and thinks he is out tomorrow. My stepdad has gone to pick him up now and i'm sat here trying not to smile and give the secret away. I can't wait to see him and also to see my sisters face when she see him. Going to cook for Cy tonight and wait on him hand and foot, will run him a nice bath and make him tea with biscuits. He's been feeling down lately so hoping this will cheer him up a bit. Plus it's nice to have a romantic night together.

                      Starts ... I really hope today is the day for you. Keep us posted x

                      Oney ... well done on putting on a pound ... keep it up hun.

                      Rubes ... So sorry to hear about your bro in law. Thoughts are with you and your family x

                      Limey ... no need to appoligise, that what we are here for.

                      Morning to everyone else.


                        Army Thread 12th January 2009

                        Hi BH, sorry missed you there. How are you? Haven't spoken to you in ages.


                          Army Thread 12th January 2009

                          sorry peeps its summer school hols here so I have been away in our little holiday house (think garden shed) up north so I have been camp mother for a gansey load of kids. I will try and post a picture of some of the gang. Its been a fun holiday with only one major incident with police ambulance etc and the first time I have got through it sober! Only problem is when not drinking you have a lot of time on yer hands when everyone is on holidays and drinking starts early in the day. NE way will be back to the Army with a vengence once the hols are over at end of Jan. Wishy what a shame you guys are not coming now I was looking forward to seeing you but will have to wait till June now.


                            Army Thread 12th January 2009

                            Hey there fellow soldiers.

                            Hope you all had a great weekend?! Had a great one personally and feel fresh and rejuvenated. Very busy at work so hope to catch you guys later?!
                            AF since 15th March 2010

                            The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                              Army Thread 12th January 2009

                              AHOY there most dear and true soldiers! Great to get home from a pretty full-on day trip and have all my friends just a button-touch away!
                              Ones - in for a penny, in for a pound - GOOD ON YOU, DARL!! Do you have any "goal" weight etc in mind? I see someone has resurrected out diet/nutrition thread, must get back on there!
                              Starts! Hey girl - I REALLY hope today IS the day for you, or else tell your boss you will drive him to drink and therefore turn him into someone who NEEDS MWO too, and we can all give him shit!!
                              Wishy! Ah....WISH!!! I am EXTREMELY happy for your sis's boyfriend - THIS IS HUGE - my day WILL come! All very, very, very best for you and your sister x x x x x and huge cyberhug
                              BH - dam good to see you - school holidays are RATHER LOOOONG !!
                              Limers - you are so much inspirration and always awesome to yap to..
                              Everyone else A HUGE HI and hug from a tired kapo...

                              Well, I returned home from my Vea visit about an hour ago (is near 10.30pm now). Been a long day, I got to see vea for an hour and a half (was non-contact booth visit) and I am almost NOT sorry to say HE LOOKS LIKE TOTAL SHIT....Honestly, he looks tired, sad and old. I do love him, but as our dear Limers says, (and I told him limey, and he said "what sorta language is that?") COP ON!!! No more positive drug tests, boyo or you are out-o! He said "you don't MEAN that" and I said "I know"....SIGH..

                              I had a very interesting twist to the day - caught the shuttle to Christchurch (4 hour fucking bus trip) and the idiot driving tried to do a 3-pt turn to get a missed passenger (what a DORK!) in a really REALLY dangerous spot - I just said "I AM GETTIN OUT! pick me up on your way back" ..I was joined by 6 others who also did not want to be plowed into by an oncoming Goddam TRUCK! Anyway, got yacking with a really cool chicky who was heading over to pick up a new car, and we swapped mobile numbers, she picked me up from my sister's at 5pm and I got a ride back with her in a real "FUCK-OFF"prado! Great conversation, great trip!

                              So that was pretty much my day, got home to washing AND dishes done (kidlets) - and no broken windows or anything to justify it - they just DID some housework the darlings!

                              Well, enough rambling here - just want to reiterate how AWESOME it is to get home and find you all here x x x x x
                              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*

