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Waking up at 4 am after drinking

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    Waking up at 4 am after drinking

    When my drinking started getting out of control, I started to wake up at 4am and drag myself in to work everyday exhausted, dont know how I could still keep a job but I am strong and ran out of strength. I am now on day 8 and havent felt this good in years.
    "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance


      Waking up at 4 am after drinking

      Swans - Day 9 for me and ditto about feeling good! Amazing eh? I am so happy!


        Waking up at 4 am after drinking

        Yep, me too. 3:00 AM - terrible quality of sleep. Constant state of sleep deprivation, when I drank. Now - ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!
        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


          Waking up at 4 am after drinking

          I have been sleeping pretty well since going to bed sober. I wake up every now and then but I am able to go back to sleep. I still wake up extremely tired though and struggle to get out of bed. but it's only been 2 days and I still need to catch up I suppose.

          It is funny how consistent the brain is at waking up at the same time 3 am, like an alarm clock. the worst part is not being able to fall back to sleep. Ugh
          Yeah I just wondered if it was a guilt thing, like in my head, or a physical thing. Some people I know can really put the drinks back and still sleep well.


            Waking up at 4 am after drinking

            this is one of the reasons i am quitting AL, i can't stand waking up inthe early morning full of anxiety about my health and sadness that i drank, and even pain in my liver/kidney areas yet again. i drank nightly for years and it was only the last 2-3 years where i would have such terrible anxiety in the middle of the night.

            no more, i refuse to put myself through that anymore.


              Waking up at 4 am after drinking

              I can relate. I developed sleeping problems thanks to AL. I never was a late riser but waking up at 3am instead of 5am certainly did suck. Dragging my half drunk, tired ass to work was a lot more work than work itself.

              I am finally getting back to normal. I love my sleep. It is solid and I sleep right through to the alarm now, and I feel great all day long.


                Waking up at 4 am after drinking

                Wow...I have been having the ame problem too. The anxiety is horrible and the wondering what stupid thing I did or said....It is definately inspiration to go AF.
                Today is day 4!!!!!! Woooo-Hooooo!!!!!


                  Waking up at 4 am after drinking

                  Hey, me too - when drinking I had no problem going to sleep, but from 3 or 4 am I'd be awake, fretting, feeling guilty and resolving not to drink the next day.

                  This is my 6th Day AF and apart form not sleeping brilliantly to start with I am sleeping better than I have in years already. Plus even if I wake up early I still feel really good and positive.

                  Keep it up, your sleep will definitely improve.

                  AC x x


                    Waking up at 4 am after drinking

                    Also had sleepless nights, funny thing was when I woke up in the middle of the night fretting and feeling guilty I didn't feel like I had a hangover. When I eventually got back to sleep and woke up in the morning I had a hangover.

                    I am on day 16 AF and I am currently sleeping like a baby. It is the best sleep I have had in years.


                      Waking up at 4 am after drinking

                      I have always heard the reason we as ALics awaken in the middle of the night is because our blood sugar level drops, as we have spiked it high with the sugar of the AL. When that happens though I do not know why we awaken.

                      When I did 30 day rehab, I slept practically every night after the first three nights, all night long. That was worth not drinking right there. Now in my 18th day (almost over!) I had a good sleep last night, and was able to remember my dreams when I did awaken once or twice. I love to be able to remember my dreams as that is what helps me fall asleep again, kind of like following these threads of the forum (But this does not put me to sleep!).

                      I did have a part of one dream and I found a pint clear glass bottle, no label, of vodca. But I do not recall if I drank it or not. In a part of a second dream last night another AL, this time it was in a shop to buy it, but the shop was really unsavory and was not a very enticing carrot. I was turned of by the thought, and I believe I left. Better sleep to all, through less or no AL USE.....


                        Waking up at 4 am after drinking

                        I think the major reason I woke up at 3 AM is that I had "fallen asleep" (read passed out) by 7 or 8 and my body knew that I had gotten my 7-8 hours worth and it was time to get up! My brain thought it might be morning since I had been in bed so long already.


                          Waking up at 4 am after drinking

                          This was a big problem for me.......2am, I could set my clock. I would toss and turn for up to 2/3 hours, worrying, panicking about how much I'd drank, what I was doing to my body, to my family, to my life. Going AF completely transformed my sleeping pattern. I never even got up for the loo, slept right through every night. I'm not AF right now and some nights I am waking up but if I take a milk thistle before going to bed it makes a big difference.

                          AF since 9 May 2012
                          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                            Waking up at 4 am after drinking

                            I was a daily drinker and I too was a 2.30am waker - would lie tossing and turning and feeling dehydrated, with all sorts of anxieties flooding through my brain. Sometimes I never got back to sleep, sometimes I did around 5.30am , just for an hr and that made me feel even worse.

                            I've read up on this a bit (I sleep great now i've quit) and i understand its partly due to drop in blood sugar but more due to the fact that you go straight into a deep sleep sooner if you've lots of alcohol in your system (without a period of REM - rapid eye motion, sleep first, hence you end your deep sleep pattern much earlier in the night and so you wake, plus you're dehydrated, need the loo etc etc, !!


                              Waking up at 4 am after drinking

                              My psychiatrist told me that it is her experience that it can take 3 to 6 months of abstinence before the sleep cycle is completely back to normal pre-drinking days.

                              I wonder what that will be like, I haven't been that way since my last pregnancy 27 years ago.

                              AF April 9, 2016


                                Waking up at 4 am after drinking

                                When I was drinking, I would pretty much pass out every night. I would wake during the night and after finally getting back to sleep I would wake again a couple of hours later. I never felt rested during the daytime. I actually began to think that not feeling rested and refreshed was just how it is as we "get older".....It took me a couple of weeks AF, before I could fall asleep pretty easily and sleep all night. These days sleep is great! I sleep through the night and I do wake up refreshed and feeling rested most of the time!

                                There are so many benefits to living a life without alcohol! I highly recomend it!
                                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                                AF 12/6/2007

