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Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

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    Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

    Sorry CSO4,
    Musta had a blonde moment!
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

      There are a couple of different kinds of cravings for me. For one, when I am on day one or two AF, I have an actual physical craving. I feel anxious and I know that a glass of wine will make it go away. And it does! Unfortunately, one glass then leads to the next, etc. Even though the anxious feeling is long gone! Then, after several days of AF, I am feeling good. That's when I get mental cravings. I don't "need" it to quell my anxiety, I JUST WANT IT! That's when I trick myself into thinking I've been in control for several days, I surely will be able to have 1-2 glasses and be done. It seems such a harmless thought. Of course, it never seems to work out that way. Another craving comes in the form of irritation. I am short temperd and irritated that I can't drink. That negative feeling causes me to crave.

      I'm glad I am here with and learning from you all. I'm AF today and plan on staying that way.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

        It can be a vicious cycle, because it is hard to listen to our body when our mind (AND body) are drunk or hungover. In fact, many of us drink because we DON'T want to listen. How screwed up is that??


          Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

          I get into it 'feck it' headspace , usally after a few af days when im 'high' on energy I dont normally have due to my previous af days. This is very definatly my danger point, I have an overwhelming feeling of FUCK IT! tHIS IS WHAT i NEED TO LEARN TO CONTROL IF i TRULY WANT TO SUCEED IN MY MISSION TO BECOME AF FOR LIFE.
          cAPS, SORRY!


            Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

            No physical taste bud, mouth type cravings, here. Just thoughts. Thoughts about, I am so mad, that if I still drank, I would really tie one on. Or, I am so happy, if I still drank, I would really tie one on. Or, I am so bored and lonely, that if I still drank, I would really tie one on... The point is, I used to be reminded of drinking, nearly everywhere I looked. Actually, for quite some time, after I quit I would be reminded. But the longer I am AF, the more "new routines" and new experiences I have, that have become my new habits. Those new habits and routines are the first place, my mind goes now. Whew! Thank goodness! Although, if I wanted to, I could still ~ REALLY TIE ONE ON!
            "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


              Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

              Dill and Limers, again, right on the mark with me today. I'm on Day 4 but have an Italian dinner planned (read = must be accompanied by red wine); especially with cold weather. I didn't/don't really have physical cravings on day 1 or 2. For me, the mental stuff is the real problem.

              Another thing that is kind of weird for me, is if I am grading papers or doing other work in the late afternoon while baby naps, I can kinda put it off. But once he wakes up, I'll think "screw it, I can't get any work done now" so I'll drink.


                Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                My craving was always for the physical relaxation I gained from the alcohol. I drank exclusively in the evening, never during the day or in the morning. I would come home from work, visit with my husband, then mix and cocktail and relax. The first drink would always physically relax me; my mind would slow down, the tension from the day would go out of my shoulders, then I would mix another, then another, then another....

                I am learning to relax in other ways now.
                vegan zombies want your grains


                  Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                  For me the actual physical craving is hard to describe. But it was a strange taste in my mouth, that I knew meant I wanted a beer and a cigarette. It happened at the same time almost everyday, but with certain activities such as cleaning house, gardening, mowing the lawn, etc, it might occur earlier in the day. For me, I think it had to do with the blood sugar theory and as CS said the HALT theory. I learned to eat or drink something else and I was satisfied most times. I got that weird taste the other day and it surprised me, but I hadn't had anything to eat or drink for quite awhile. I tend to have at least something to drink near me almost all the time now.
                  Interesting thread, thanks for starting it WIP.
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                    Mine are STRONG urges. They come out of left field and sidewind me. Mine aren't physical. It is all mental. It is like an obsessive thought for me that can last from a few seconds to several hours; sometimes for a few days.

                    I know why I get them and, it's just a matter of changing my way of thinking to accomodate the changes I have made in my routine.


                      Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                      Fascinating responses! Keep 'em coming!

                      I saw that KeepWalking asked about this, too. KW, your question keys into something that I think is a big part of all this: the apparent distinction between "physical" and "mental" cravings. Is it a real, or meaningful difference? The truth is, everything that feels "physical" is experienced only through our minds (our brains); the distinction that seems so real to us is really, at its core, an illusion. Nevertheless, we all know what it means to have a sensation in our bodies, such as an upset stomach, etc.; yet when we examine what is going on in our minds at that same time, we can often see that the sensation is one aspect of an emotion, which we think of as a "mental" phenomenon.

                      Anxiety, which I think is at the root of much of what we call "craving," is clearly a complex combination of physical sensations (e.g., rapid heart rate, skin crawling, tense neck and shoulders, rapid shallow breathing) and mental phenomena (all kinds of thoughts, much fearful emotion... ). Anger, too.

                      To the extent that kudzu and other substances quell "cravings," they work somehow within the biochemistry of our brains, which in turn we experience sometimes as physical sensations, sometimes as thoughts, sometimes as emotions, and often as all three, at the same time. That's why having a snack works so well, too; it feeds some part of the body/brain that is wanting something, and allows us to calm down... Re-directing our attention, and our thinking, works that way, as well.


                        Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                        CS, Way to go on day 4! You really don't want that wine with dinner, because it'll just go downhill from there.
                        Limers, I agree with you on the attitude. I get to that place, too. Gotta beat that back somehow.
                        AFM, it's all in the mind after that first few days, I agree.
                        LVT, I don't know if I get a taste in my mouth, per say, but I know that sometimes my mind conjures up the memory of the taste of wine and then I want it.
                        Yes, ineresting thread. Thanks WIP

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                          cyclefan;518205 wrote: My craving was always for the physical relaxation I gained from the alcohol. I drank exclusively in the evening, never during the day or in the morning. I would come home from work, visit with my husband, then mix and cocktail and relax. The first drink would always physically relax me; my mind would slow down, the tension from the day would go out of my shoulders, then I would mix another, then another, then another....

                          I am learning to relax in other ways now.
                          Ditto - this is exactly me. I miss the "Ahhhh....." moment. Also having trouble lately with hubby's drink always laying around, twice I have accidentally picked it up, but caught myself in time. The booze in my face is making me crazy.
                          You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                            Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                            i'm having "cravings" today. suddenly around 2 pm i felt so badly that i wanted to slam a bottle of wine. my brain was saying "oooooh it'd be so nice to get drunk today" my body was agreeing wholeheartedly and my heart was sad that on day 11, i could possibly give in. instead i took 1000 mg of l-glutes, 2 tabs of kudzu and put on my exercise clothes and furiously walked off that go*damn feeling, urge, want, desire to get drunk. i relate to the feelings of "those first few drinks are so nice" and know in my heart that i can't stop then and it would end up being a 2 bottle night and i would wake up feeling like shit and hating myself for hurting myself again.

                            made it through day 11...barely!


                              Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                              I'm also missing the 'relaxation factor' that red wine gives me. Am still not sleeping well - (and my DH has chosen now to ramp up his snoring!) and know that a couple of glasses would do the trick. Routine also triggers cravings, e.g. sitting down to watch TV in the evenings, so it's good to look for distractions and new routines. B
                              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                                Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                                river0123;518254 wrote: Ditto - this is exactly me. I miss the "Ahhhh....." moment. Also having trouble lately with hubby's drink always laying around, twice I have accidentally picked it up, but caught myself in time. The booze in my face is making me crazy.
                                i used to resent my husband's teetotaling ways, now i am thankful for it. i could'nt resist and am amazed that folks can resist with AL right there in their reach. congrats on being so strong!

