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Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

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    Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

    Since my own alcohol-related goal is lifetime freedom from alcohol, I am very interested in relapse prevention... and in all the things that sometimes trigger a relapse. One ingredient to many relapses is something we often call "cravings." I think that we all understand the word, at least on some level... but I also believe that, at least to SOME extent, it means different things to different people.

    So I would really be interested in hearing from various people: when you experience something that you would call a "craving," what is it like, for you? What are the physical sensations (if any) that you feel? What are the thoughts that go through your head? How would you describe the emotions that might be involved?

    How is "craving" different, for you
    , from "wanting to drink," or "feeling an urge to drink"? Or, is it really not any different from an urge or a desire? Perhaps it is a particularly insistent or strong urge, or desire, to drink?

    Thanks to any who respond!

    Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

    Hey WIP,

    I don't think I HAVE physical cravings. Doctor, Doctor, it's all in my head! :H
    Seriously, it is in my head. It's a 'just one glass' - 'reason to celebrate' - or whatever. Just a voice, a dialogue, etc.

    And, I'm not terribly skilled yet at shutting that voice up. But, I will be. In time.
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

      I find it difficult to put my craving feelings into words. I certainly become moody, and dont want loved ones around me. The actual urge to drink is strange to explain. I just get a huge mental urge to drink. Its usually the urge to drink a glass of white wine, and i crave the feeling of that first bottle. After that i just drink to black out, but the initial craving is for the 1st glass to go down, to have 'that feeling'
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

        WIP, I just posted something about cravings on the AF Daily thread. A bit of a different slant, though....

        And I will certainly be able to add to those thoughts on cravings soon, cause this is my time of day for the next hour (till 5:00 and on).


          Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

          Hi WIP, tough to describe it, but a craving comes on during my drinking times in the evening and during stressful situations, that is when I drank wine. I get a sudden strong urge that I want just a sip and to feel that feeling of numbing and forgetting the day, of course one sip leads to a bottle or more.
          "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance


            Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

            I think my cravings come in all different packages depending on my mood.

            I have those moments where thoughts will go through my head, like "wow, it would be great to have a glass of wine, beer, vodka . . . Like, it would be nice. Then I need a slap upside my head.

            Then I get a craving when the weather is beautiful, and boy would it be great to have lots of beer and get shitfaced.

            Then the cravings when I'm around others drinking - the jealousy craving. Like, WTF! Why me! Anger with that jealousy.

            Timing is a big trigger for me. The cocktail hour 4-7. After 7:00, it's almost time for bed! I've made it!
            Woo hoo! The mental crap is difficult.

            But physical cravings such as going through a binge are the most difficult. After about 4-5 days, then I don't feel the need for drink so much. But during that time, it's extremely difficult.

            Mental cravings are pretty bad, because all it takes is a "I don't give a shit" attitude, and all the AF time is down the toilet. I have to keep my attitude in check.

            I'm all over the place, sorry.

            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


              Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

              Thankfully, the thoughts and urges to drink are quite infrequent these days. For me, these thoughts tend to pop up at no particular time, with no true "Triggers" that are clear and repetative. It is strange, but it seems that thoughts of having a glass (bottle) of wine occur when I least expect it! I find, distraction is my best weapon......pull in to Barnes and Noble and browse the book aisles......pull in to Starbucks, email a friend, call a friend, pop in a movie, read a book........before I know it.....I have a chuckle and think.....Damn that EX of mine!!
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                For me it starts off just with a simple thought of drinking, which triggers me thinking more and more about it, I get thirsty, the thirst is odd, different to real thirst - as water, tea, coffee, fizzy drink cannot cure it. Eventually I feel sick because I need a drink so bad. This sickness usually results in me giving in.

                Unfortunately for me, it only takes the smell of alcohol for my cravings to be triggered, wherever that may be, in AL itself, screenwash, a marker pen, hospital hand rub - anything. I think hard vodka drinking has done that to me. Sad really - starting to crave writing this post...
                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                  Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                  My cravings are horrible right now both mental & bad physical reactions. I know I will get over them in time and with the help of my meds. First of all I can barely concentrate on anything. i feel like a total "space case". There is so much noise in my head resulting in me being so restless that I can barely sit still long enough to post on MWO or even sleep for that matter. I'm having some bad stomach cramps and in general my body just aches. But what I have found that works is trying to stay busy doing something. i like to run on the treadmill until I exhaust myself. I'm also really really sad as a result of no booze. I feel like i've lost my best friend. But, i know that I am my own "trigger" around alcohol. I too also want lifelong freedom from drinking. Good Luck to all of us!!!
                  "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

                  ~Red :h


                    Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                    I also seem to be having more cravings for a drink in the morning. Even after not drinking for a lenghy period, i sometimes crave early morning. Think this has something to do with work. I used to start my day early, and while im not working, it seems to my alc brain a good time to drink, cause when i was working i could never drink first thing after a heavy night, even if i wanted too.
                    To Infinity And Beyond!!


                      Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                      J-vo and Oney, I totally agree with everything you said.

                      I also know that HALT (being Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired -- or worse, all four) is a trigger for me.


                        Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                        Originally posted in today's AF Daily thread

                        (I know this a slightly different take on the term...)
                        As for the word "cravings," I hated that word when I was pregnant. Not for AL but for all the other foods pregnant women are supposed to "crave." I preferred to use the word "taste." ("I don't have a craving for coconut; I just have a taste for it.....") AND I did not crave AL when I was pregnant. I did have a glass of wine or a beer now and then, esp. toward the end of the pregnancy, but I just did not have a taste for it very much. I think your body tells you what it needs -- we just have to listen.

                        (and our needs are different from our wants, as WIP also said!)


                          Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                          Yes, I agree with HALT. I forgot about that one. But I'm afraid to listen to my body, because my mind could win everytime.
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                            J-vo, our body, not our mind! (aka The Committee, the Beast, the Bad Wolf, AL -- call it whatever!)


                              Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                              Nothing in particular for me. No physical is purely to drink to excess and then pass out. I do not like to drink very early in the day, because after that initial "glow" that lasts about 30 minutes, I just keep drinking to keep it up....then I get sleepy and go to bed. Isn't that fun??? NOT!!!

                              I know mostly for me it is habit...and an image of "I don't give a shit" in my I go for it, rather than resist it as I should. I have wracked my brain (what's left of it) to figure out why I continue this cycle to nowhere?
                              Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius

