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Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

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    Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

    I've got every form of AL in the house, and hubby drinks every night (too). Not that I am using him for an excuse. Drinking alone is just as easy.

    The end of the day thing, when we want to let go of the day -- physically and mentally -- we all want that, whether thru AL or not. Just to relax, make dinner, be with family or friends, do something fun, whatever. Wip put this into a lot more detail, and we could all yammer on whether they are physical or mental/emotional cravings, but the real fact of the matter is that the mind and body are not two separate entities. Yes, many of us do not break down with DTs from AL withdrawal (a REAL physical thing) but all of these sensations are connected. So, I suppose, to counteract them, or to lick this thing, we have to employ both physical and mental strategies.


      Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

      CS....Awesome post.
      I am wondering what you all do to overcome the craving? I am day 4 and still need lots of help.


        Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

        Blanchie, check the Lemon Water thread. One way to curb the cravings. I find that drinking something tart helps me. (what do you normally drink?) I have also enjoyed some cranberry tea the last couple nights -- the same tartness appeal.


          Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

          Blanchie, I agree with CS, lemon water is nice; I used to keep a glass of iced green tea with mint nearby at ALL times, during the first couple of months or so. That helps. It also helps to remember that cravings are never fatal, and they cannot hurt you unless you give in to them. Distraction is a GREAT method for dealing with thoughts about drinking, and impulses to drink. Never allow yourself to engage in a mental discussion or argument about whether or not to go ahead and have a drink.... if you do that, you are truly flirting with disaster (Chief calls it "getting into the ring with The Beast").


            Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

            I would compare my cravings to a 2 year old feeling unsettled and screaming for her "blankie".
            Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
            - George Jackson


              Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

              How do I post a new thread?

              I am not adept at this way so please send me a message.

              So frustated to belong.

              Feel in the dark.

              " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                I need your intelligence to make sense of my own

                " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                  Cravings: What Are Yours Like?


                  I have learnt to identify some of my triggers and be pro-active. My cravings frighten me, because they are often accompanied by a:durn: attitude..

                  The craving often starts with a very clear emotional preview of the relaxed feeling that comes with the first glass. I then have clear visual images of the rest of the evening with my friend, just the two of us, sharing a cozy evening.:l

                  My rational mind tries hard to maintain some level of contol, but there is this little beast who gives a finger and gives in.

                  I am trying my best to identify and avoid the triggers. I am also having some success with the L-Glut. It does seem to keep the physical triggers, such as low blood suger, in check.


                    Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                    takes over my mind

                    when I crave, it seems like I can think of nothing else but having a drink. The thoughts just keep popping up in the middle of whatever it is I am doing or thinking. I visualize that icy glass...have to forcibly return myself to reality.

                    Ahhh, how well I remember the days when the thoughts that popped into my head like that and took over were about other sex.


                      Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                      Mine first is mental (the obbessive thinking about "needing a drink) then I get myself so worked up that my heart starts pounding and then I give myself permission to have a drink. Vicious cycle.

                      I have learned the triggers for that and take the Kudzu, L Glut and True Calm now.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        Cravings: What Are Yours Like?

                        good thread wip,interesting to see how people feel,actually your doing one for the ism,[alcoholism] rite now,your talking about it,i thought id tell you all ,I,not we decided to stop,not quit, for a while,it is day 3,i think age and willpower have a factor,i met many here 6 months ago,most don't have a problem stopping,wanting to ,is the question ive lerned again,staying stopped,is the hard thing,if you ate a lot could you just stop,if you don't eat enough,could just eat,if a runner runs a lot,if he or she stops,withdrawal occurs,it is an addiction,doesn't mean your the forbidden word,alcoholic,we become dependent on most things in life we do,i went back and read the form the other day from rehab,its called chronic dependency syndrome,sharing your wisdom with others i beleive is the answer gyco

