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Being Alone

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    Being Alone

    I have noticed that many of us seem to posses the same fear, awkwardness, uncomfortable feeling, when it comes to being alone with ourselves. What are your thoughts on this?
    "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

    Being Alone

    The seventeenth century French philosopher Pascal said "All man's miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone."

    And in the 21st century we are perhaps even less comfortable with sitting quietly, by ourselves... This is why so many people feel that they are unable to meditate; when they sit quietly, observing their thoughts and emotions and physical sensations... they become very restless, anxious, even frightened. They quickly abandon the practice, believing that they are "doing it wrong." They don't realize that it takes time, and the capacity to tolerate the discomfort, and remain still, even (especially) when they want to get up and do something else...

    But, without that capacity to sit still, and be in our own company, I believe we have no peace of mind. Cultivating peace of mind is an important part of my own "program" of sobriety; it's the restlessness and agitation that tend to trigger my impulses to drink.


      Being Alone

      Dear Sweet Friend BEST, As a medium, i know for a fact that we are never alone.
      Think for a moment, how many people do you know here on the Phyisical plane ????
      100?...1000?...10.000?... to say the least...right ???
      I can assure you that there are more than that, with you always (on the soul level).
      When I feel alone, I quite my mind and go inward. I find a comfortable place to have a reunion, so to speak...They are always there waiting for me..The feeling of unconditional LOVE is overwhelming and I am reluctant to leave. The Phyisical world is so demanding...sometimes.
      I hope this makes sense to you...if not, we are best friends and I will help you on a more personal level if you want me to...
      You are never truly alone, or for that matter, alone in any sense...i am only a phone call away.
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Being Alone

        I complain when I don't have enough alone time! I want more!
        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


          Being Alone

          I LOVE being alone-it gives me an opportunity to really listen to God.
          Toughen up!


            Being Alone

            Yep, WIP, I totally understand what you are saying, great information, as usual!

            I love, love, love, alone time! (especially sober!!). Yep, you guessed it, I used to be one who drank alone A LOT! Those were ugly, self pitying times......during those times, I would reserrect every person who had ever hurt me and every bad time or trauma that had every occured in my life! NO! FUN! at all!!
            Now, I can enjoy music, reading, watching a movie, taking a bubble bath or hanging out here!!

            I believe that meditation truly helps with being able to be alone!

            J-vo.....I remember wanting more time alone! While raising 3 was hard to go to the Ladies room alone!! LOL
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Being Alone

              In the words of Audrey Hepburn, "I don't want to be alone, I want to be left alone".

              I do enjoy my alone time tremendously, but don't think it would be much fun if it was an every day thing. Using the bathroom in peace is still a luxury - lol!
              You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                Being Alone

                i'm alone all the time, and i really don't mind...i'm one of those folks who loves being alone and also loves being with people when i feel up to it!


                  Being Alone

                  Evie - Lou ! What a beautiful and insightful post. I am fascinated.
                  River - Audrey Hep has hit it pretty bang on the money ay...

                  As for myself, I am quite OK with being by myself. What I have to watch for is ISOLATION. I do not watch much telly (perhaps an hour a month) and can easily be distant from current affairs. THAT in itself does not bother me in the least, as that is my choice, however, I must be aware of when I have had ENOUGH alone time. I can feel shitty if the phone rings or if I have to go to work, and that is NOT good!

                  Each and everyone is different, alkies and non.

                  Bless you BEST X
                  *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                    Being Alone

                    I certainly appreciate the times I am alone, which is rare.

                    Leaning how to relax however, is a different story in itself. I would like to really 'relax' without feeling guilty or that I should be doing something. I am an extremely restless person.


                      Being Alone

                      alone...or lonely??

                      I am around SO many people all day--in my face--that I crave my alone time. I just want to come home, turn on the music, read and relax. I sometimes get annoyed if my husband wants to chat during that time.

                      It is a lot different than LONELY, don't you think? I think when I am alone and occupied and content, things are okay. When I feel lonely--then I drink. It is that same sense of emotional abandonment that takes over and that I have to fight.


                        Being Alone

                        Wow, Upnorthgirl! I think you nailed it! And I think that the tie to being lonely and emotional abandonment is also right on.......I never though of that before, but, I think that perhaps that is why I started drinking alone. Now, that leaves me with another thought, that is the depression that drinking that I am a non-drinker, I rarely if ever feel lonely.......very interesting!
                        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                        AF 12/6/2007


                          Being Alone

                          My work involves being constantly with people, mostly people in some kind of trouble. Because of the emotional energy it takes, I sometimes crave time alone. I do sometimes think that I stay too isolated though. If I must be honest, I miss true, easy companionship.

                          I can get very bored in company, yet there are a few people where I feel as though I am on fire. I love their energy. I love being around people who are curious and generous. I also love it when I meet people who share my love for nature. I love to hear people who are open, and I enjoy people who have an interest in their own spiritual growth.

                          I have noticed that one of my triggers is negative, draining, critical, company. If I get a bit pickled, I can ignore their negativity.

                          Unfortunately, the biggest price that I have paid with my drinking is my neglect of friendship.

