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Army Thread 13th January 2009

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    Army Thread 13th January 2009

    Good morning !

    I am still rather sleepy but I thought I would get up early in the vein hope that i will be home by lunchtime
    I really dont want to keep hanging on at work anymore, its overtaking all my thoughts and that aint healthy. I need to put this behind me and move forward. Can my bosses not see that???? Perhaps I should have a funny turn in the office :H

    All I can say is grateful that I am sober, I know if I wasnt everything would be so much worse, I would be worrying, stressing, and generally living on my nerves instead of just being a bit of a grumpy devil. So every cloud does have its silver lining..

    Have a great day everyone...
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 13th January 2009

    Hey there, Starts! Jeez - when oh when does this end for you? It sounds a lot like torture darl - and you are dead right that it ain't healthy - what with it being all-consuming in your head! Can you not just "call the shots" and say ciao? Thinking of you ay - and whatever happens, you ARE sober and that is HUGE and MOST important x
    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


      Army Thread 13th January 2009

      Hey start and kap!
      Hope your day is wonderful. It is time for me to go to sleep. I cooked myself a nice dinner of lamb chops, yukon gold potatoes and a salad. No wine. Just water with lemon. Planning on having a restful sleep and will check in when I awake in the morning.

      Yes, being sober is really nice. I hope I can be as strong as you and stay that way.

      __________________________________________________ _

      Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.


        Army Thread 13th January 2009

        Hey Now&Z !!! Great to see you and TOP NOTCH, hats off to ya! A whole heap of the strength comes from this site, ay - all of us being here for each other for encouragement and support...your dinners sounds delish! I am just about to make burgers for ours. Sleep tight and look forward to seeing you again soon x
        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


          Army Thread 13th January 2009

          how did court go??


            Army Thread 13th January 2009

            Hey Limey and Ones! I washed my floor this afternoon, no mean feat - it is huge and all bloody wood.
            Thanks for asking Limers - we go back next Tuesday to court, was a bit slow moving this morning - we were still sitting with all the dodgy element at midday. One thing I DO know, is that place is quite social, and would be THE place to go to score drugs if one was hangin!! So, it looks like Jacob will probably get a wee drop of community service which is OK - shall keep you informed. How are you, Limey and hope you slept well, and you too, Oney - and the babe
            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


              Army Thread 13th January 2009

              Howzit everyone. Post seems quite slow this morning? (which is great gives me an opportunity to keep up with it )

              hope you all have a stunning day. Feel fresh this morning as ever.
              AF since 15th March 2010

              The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                Army Thread 13th January 2009

                Hey johnny mate - good to see you, you fresho you!! You are great asset to MWO - glad to see you doin so well
                *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                  Army Thread 13th January 2009

                  Evening all
                  Just had the most massive as craving of all time. Been off the fags almost ten months and was just sitting with my SIL gossiping and she was smoking and I swear to god I could not hear a word she said I was just thinking give me a fucking cigarette right NOW! When she was about to light up another one I said I will light it for you and she said No effin way over my dead body you are not smoking! If she had let me I would have smoked absolutely no doubt about it whatsoever. I would have licked it off a lepers scabs I tell ya. She gave me a patch that she said was mega strength and I did feel a bit calmer shortly after but not much. I kept praying she would get up to go to the loo and I would rob a fag.... how bad is that. Anyway I am home now but it was a very close shave!


                    Army Thread 13th January 2009

                    YOU ARE BRILLIANT, BH!!!!
                    Shit hot you,
                    marching band,

                    FRONT PAGE NEWS,

                    Standing Ovation

                    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                      Army Thread 13th January 2009

                      Hey I dont deserve any acolades whatsoever I was SOOO there.
                      I checked her ciggy box when she wasnt looking but it was empty. The new box wasnt opened yet so I couldnt take one of those otherwise I would have. It was just sheer luck that I didnt sucuumb. What a tosser eh!


                        Army Thread 13th January 2009

                        NO! NO! NO! You could have gone and bloody BOUGHT some - credit where it is due, hon, and it IS due to you.......SO THERE!!!!!
                        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                          Army Thread 13th January 2009

                          Ha ha we are in the middle of nowhere I couldnt have bought any! I am over it now but its interesting in the context of the discussion about cravings. I can tell you I would have sold my soul for one drag of a fag at that moment in time. For me the major worry is if I smoke then I will most definitely drink.


                            Army Thread 13th January 2009

                            Shit - let's fight!!!!! Darling BH - you are doing BRILLIANTLY, dammit - we ALL are! I couldn't possibly even CONTEMPLATE giving up smoking, but I am doing awesome with the piss and drugs - so THERE!
                            We are all dam MIRACLES here x x
                            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                              Army Thread 13th January 2009

                              Yes! We are ALL damn MIRACLES here!........................MY NAME IS 'G', AND I AM A MIRACLE!...................Morning/evening all.

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

