Being in the presence of alcohol.
Seeing people or things associated with drinking.
Places where I drank.
Negative moods: Rejection,loneliness,boredom,anger,guilt,fear,anxi ety,depression.
Positive moods: when feeling good, I was prone to experience a false sense of security about my recovery and I was less likely to reach out to my support system.
Vulnerable physical states: feeling run down, physically ill,tired,hungry,or in pain can reduce my coping abilities and increase my vulnerability to giving in to cravings
Memories: a particular song for example.
Certain times: after work,T.G.I.F.
Sounds and smells: the sound of a beer can or soda can being opened.
Seeing other people drinking, whether in person or in an advertisement.
Money: payday.
There's a good saying that go's with this "Don't be strong, be smart."
Thinking that I can withstand high risk situations without giving in to temptation is symptomatic of denial about my vulnerability to relapse.
If I have planned ahead how to deal with cravings and if I have an "action plan" in place, I will be less likely to give in to them.
I just thought I would pass these along... Take what you like and leave any behind if you think you wont need them..