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    These are some of my triggers when I was in early abstinence

    Being in the presence of alcohol.

    Seeing people or things associated with drinking.

    Places where I drank.

    Negative moods: Rejection,loneliness,boredom,anger,guilt,fear,anxi ety,depression.

    Positive moods: when feeling good, I was prone to experience a false sense of security about my recovery and I was less likely to reach out to my support system.

    Vulnerable physical states: feeling run down, physically ill,tired,hungry,or in pain can reduce my coping abilities and increase my vulnerability to giving in to cravings

    Memories: a particular song for example.

    Certain times: after work,T.G.I.F.

    Sounds and smells: the sound of a beer can or soda can being opened.

    Seeing other people drinking, whether in person or in an advertisement.

    Money: payday.

    There's a good saying that go's with this "Don't be strong, be smart."
    Thinking that I can withstand high risk situations without giving in to temptation is symptomatic of denial about my vulnerability to relapse.
    If I have planned ahead how to deal with cravings and if I have an "action plan" in place, I will be less likely to give in to them.
    I just thought I would pass these along... Take what you like and leave any behind if you think you wont need them..
    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


    One2Many...once again, classic. I have printed this out and put it on my fridge. You are the best
    My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"



      Hi All,

      Sean and Oney, shit that was good timing! Bloody good, not sure Im ready for it on the fridge yet, we have a cleaner who just re-arranged all my self help books by my bedside, wonder what she'd think if I put that on the beer fridge next to the few crates of wine lying around in the pantry. that one will have to stay in my head, and I'll print in and put it in my journal!
      Thanks guys, Neuro x
      Live your life in such a way that
      when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
      Satan shudders & says...

      'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'



        Sean and Oney,
        Thanks so much for this. Yes, we could find reasons to drink 24/7. And every single excuse on both your lists - my triggers! How'd ya guess????????????? Yes, I've got to stop the thinking that alcohol is a reward for everything. Alcohol has never been a reward - just trouble for me. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.



          Awesome list and pretty my my feelings--happy/sad...alone/iin a crowd...whatever!




            Wow that list is so true - esp when it comes to me. How we justify every single feeling, mood, occasion or day to have a drink.



              Triggers are pushed anytime i get my priorities out of order and start thinking that small things are more important than they really are...
              little mole hills that I turn into mountians...temparory inconveniences that i put to much energy in to.
              i write down a list of what is really important and then start numbering these things in order of long as SOBRIETY is on top...I DON'T DRINK.
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

