Hi AP and happy birthday to Adian. What a beautiful name.
I am a binge drinker and not really on weekends. My profession requires lots of work on most weekends. I've gotten older and my body has tired and rebelled from the alcohol, so I don't drink when I have to work so hard. I can't. My problem is during the week and sounds like most of the other stories from the great people here. To reward myself for a hard day's work, boredom, lonliness, personal issues. I know that I go to therapy on Wednesdays and that is a big trigger for my drinking.
I too am like the others- Give me one and IT'S ON! I can't stop. It's like I'm on a mission. I hate it now. I am 3 days af and want to continue to 30 but this time I am not thinking about it as much. I am just trying to live in the moment and replace thoughts of alcohol with proacting to things that are positive. I feel that once I get back into working out, it will be easier for me.
You should be very proud of yourself for 10 days af. That is a big accomplishment. Stick around here. Magpie, you too. I found that this forum is wonderful and the people are the best. You will always find help, love and support here.
Good luck and looking forward to seeing you a lot.