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Something different happened tonite

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    Something different happened tonite

    I cooked dinner for a friend who wanted to celebrate her deceased mother's birthday.

    She brought a cake and I cooked dinner. I went to the store to grab a few things and got a bottle of Perrier. Sparkling water with lime is my favorite thing to drink. I swore I would not drink al tonite.

    About 4 pm, it felt like a surge of energy went thru my body. It is a very familiar feeling and happens quite a bit starting about 3pm. I wanted to smoke a cigarette and have a drink. Then my mind started- " Oh, go downstairs with the laptop, it's a beautiful evening. Open that one beer in the fridge and relax. " The food was all prepped and ready to go.

    I fought with myself in my brain. The dialogue began. Do it, don't do it etc. I opened the freaking beer. I went outside and lit a cigarette. I didn't like either one. (they go hand in hand for me and I dislike smoking unless I am drinking). My friend had called and asked if she could pick up anything. This was before I opened the beer in my fridge. I said "yeah, get a 6 pack of heineken" I had already justified in my mind that beer had the lowest alcohol content so a few wouldn't hurt. By the time she got here with the beer, mine was just sitting there. I took another sip when she opened a heineken (btw- she can have 2 sips of beer or anything and throw it away. Not a drinker at all). I got up, put some ice in a glass and poured the perrier in it. I poured the beer down the drain. She asked me if I wanted the rest of hers and I said no. She threw hers away and I fixed her an iced tea.

    I guess I could be upset b/c I wasn't strong and opened that beer. I thought about what work in progress said about making up my mind not to drink and not giving myself the option saying "I hope I don't drink" I thought of all of you.

    Instead of being upset, I feel proud. I could have easily drank that beer and started on the heineken (which I would have probably finished tonite). We had a wonderful evening sober and now I am relaxed, still drinking water and laying on the sofa watching tv instead of drinking myself silly.

    Just wanted to share that with my MWO friends. Thank for you being there for me. I feel sure that it helped a lot with what happened (or didn't) tonite.
    __________________________________________________ _

    Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.

    Something different happened tonite

    That is so wonderful. Thank u for sharing that.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      Something different happened tonite


      I am impressed. Well done.
      I do believe that each time we change our behaviour, we get stronger. That was like doing some hectic emotional strengthening excercises.


        Something different happened tonite

        Well done. It does feel good to be able to walk away from AL, very empowering.


          Something different happened tonite


          well done - i think if I had gotten the beer open, and had taken two sips....the rest would be a miserable history, i think you even stronger for making the decision to throw it out when open that not opening it.

          Veritas, I do hope you right, Im sure ready for some emotional strengthening excecises
          Live your life in such a way that
          when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
          Satan shudders & says...

          'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'


            Something different happened tonite

            I know this is going to sound weird, but when that exact same situation happens to me, I chug a large glass of water. This fills me up and takes away any craving for AL.


              Something different happened tonite

              Nowandzen- Amazing power! Congratulations! I believe that at some level, deeper than we all realize, we eventually come to the place of "wanting better for ourselves, and knowing we deserve for the self abuse to stop." Wow ~ thanks for sharing this!
              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                Something different happened tonite

                NZ, great news and thanks for sharing!
                LTG AF January 13, 2011


                  Something different happened tonite

                  That's amazing ,thankyou so much for sharing your story. I am only day 3 now. My husband came home last night and told me he may be made redundant today. What is the first thing I thought of? You guessed it, but I didn't drink and am feeling great today. What stopped me? The feeling I would be letting down all the wonderful people who have sent words of encouragement on this site. Whatever stops you for one more day is precious. Hanging in there.


                    Something different happened tonite

                    :goodjob: Zen! It does empower you, doesn't it?

                    Now, not to be the bearer of bad news.....BUT...
                    Careful... don't get too confident. I managed to do the same thing a couple of times... and then totally blew it.

                    So, keep up your guard as much as you can... and keep doing as you have. You're doing wonderfully!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      Something different happened tonite


                      i love heineken and don't know if i would have been that strong with it staring me down!

                      way to go zen!


                        Something different happened tonite

                        Job well done! It's true about keeping your guard up....these situations have a way of coming up time and time again. I applaud you for your decision making process!!! It served you well. Keep up the good work! Kriger
                        "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                          Something different happened tonite

                          Now&Z - that is dam good. Like sunshine said - DO be careful ay....the bloody alcohol for us is so cunning, baffling and powerful...I have had many an occasion when I "got away with" having one, and tried again - and defo did NOT get away with it!!!

                          I reckon it was a lovely gesture for your friend's mum. It is coming up two years since my mum died - have been thinking of her lots, as usual, even more of late.

                          So thanks for posting about that, it has given me a real nice idea!

                          All fighting best to you!
                          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                            Something different happened tonite

                            I'm happy for you that you were able to control that nasty beast. Remember this success - Write it down because we forget easily how many times we do well!
                            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                              Something different happened tonite

                              NZ, I think that's what we'd label a "close call"! I'm glad you were able to keep it from turning into a bad episode. Be careful, playing with fire... !

