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Army Thread Wednesday 14th Jan

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    Army Thread Wednesday 14th Jan

    Ha! I got here first, where are you all you lazy blighters.

    Great to see that Seas good.

    Im going to try and get stuck in to my assignment, was due in last friday , want to at least post it this friday!!

    Got notice yesterday of my work experience and I am able to do it in Alexs school which is great, just need to work out babysitting for Grace while im doing it.

    Everythings coming together.....

    Army Thread Wednesday 14th Jan

    You little star you! Its great to hear your plans are happening hun! Get that essay done you know, I have finished mine. Har de har har!

    I am so relieved that Sea is doing better too. Sea, well done for getting through yesterday, you are a strong lady x

    Well, as from today I am a lady of boss finally did the decent thing and allowed me to finish yesterday...and would you believe it, one of them cried???? And the other kept going on about a going out and getting hammered as a way of saying goodbye....
    The scary thing was is that my first thought was to go....drink for the night....and then not say anything but get right back the next day.....I am ashamed to admit that....but it does make me realise that I need to be more vigilant of these very strong thoughts and urges that inevitably will surface from time to time....
    Anyway, today that has far...even though I have only been up for a short least I am aware of it.

    So, I am a free woman now. How scary and exciting is that?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Army Thread Wednesday 14th Jan

      OK Ladys

      You girls are making me feel guilty. You are all running around getting things acomplished (Well except startingover, but your excused love, enjoy while you can) and I'm here sitting on my skinny bum. Which reminds me God gave me beauty, God gave me grace but when it came to a bum , he missed me I was once told by a girl that I had a bum like a parakeet (B***h)
      I'm off to bed, ladys have a wonderful day.
      And starters try to stay busy. Idol hands are the Devils workshop Go wash the Dogs
      Kiss for all you ladys hands X
      It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


        Army Thread Wednesday 14th Jan

        ok so my day 7 today and feel great!!
        last nite i finished knitting my daughters beret ( which is a bit big but she dont mind) and started on my younger girls one! today i am making cushions and 2 roman blinds for my client! ( im a seamstress, soft furnisher)
        plus ex nurse so get calls from friends all the time for advice!! keeps me busy.
        gotta start me situps too but keep putting that one of cos got too much knitting and sewing to do lol!!
        heres to a great wed all and take care xxx
        gee i really do love coming on here every day tis really helping me
        thank you all
        lv sweetlips xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


          Army Thread Wednesday 14th Jan

          A bum like a parakeet???? Too funny :-)
          Anyway, I am busy, I am busy surfin the there!!! ;-)

          Sweetlips, many congrats on day 7. Awesome girlie!
          Yep, those situps are calling me too, not very loudly yet...

          Oney, i would take that as a compliment if I was you!
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Army Thread Wednesday 14th Jan

            Its a weird feeling Oney, its sort of scary, exciting..and well, I could do ANYTHING couldnt I? Its my chance to make something of myself, be proud....
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Army Thread Wednesday 14th Jan

              Hey there all!

              Starts!!!! AWESOME NEWS - bout bloody time - great stuff!
              Sweetlips! Fab news for your week haul into sobriety - bloody good on you!
              Limers, UK and Ones - Dam good to see you, thanks for the hand kiss, Sean - it has been a while!
              Hope all good - I am not long in from work - am really enjoying my new job!
              Was freaked out a tad earlier with regard to our Sea, but PMd a couple of members and she seems to have gotten/be getting through? How bloody awful - good on you lot for your support - INCREDIBLE!
              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                Army Thread Wednesday 14th Jan

                Kapo! Thats the magic of this place...I know if I was in trouble, this is where I would come first.

                Great to hear you enjoying your work hun. One day that'll be me!
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Army Thread Wednesday 14th Jan

                  I got pms from Sea as well and she sounds a whole lot better but im going to be very bold now and admit I found one thing about the whole incident very, very funny...

                  No No No Do not call the police My dog will be very upset.

                  Im sorry but is it ok to laugh about that now seen as everythings ok???


                    Army Thread Wednesday 14th Jan

                    ok, I will go and stand in the corner...:H


                      Army Thread Wednesday 14th Jan

                      I will try and behave and be politically correct for the rest of the.....hour???!


                        Army Thread Wednesday 14th Jan

                        I do hope so, dear Starts - I too have had jobs where getting up for work in the morning is - well - enough to drive me to drink (LOL - I NEVER needed a reason) - so it is nice to look forward to the job and the people I'm working with.
                        Dam glad about Sea - I read the post - scary shit
                        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                          Army Thread Wednesday 14th Jan

                          where ya'll gone,?


                            Army Thread Wednesday 14th Jan

                            God, Limers! I didn't read all the posts and missed that one - I am wetting my pants slightly - unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately - who cares) I have a penchant for very irreverent senses of humour - and Limey - that just hit it quite nicely.

                            Well, I am not going to stay on long tonight - my ISP is due to reset its 30gig pack tonight, but hasn't done so yet, so am back at dial-up speed , which is very very very very very fucking fucking slow and it is driving me damn near to Sea's path (another bad joke) - however, shall hang in for another half hour - cause I am addicted a wee bit to MWO ~!
                            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                              Army Thread Wednesday 14th Jan

                              and were a bit addicted to you Kapo, thogh I havent a clue what this means..

                              my ISP is due to reset its 30gig pack tonight,

