Defo, BH! Consider it done - the diet is on. I am sure I can get down to two stone, hell, ANYTHING to meet you lot AND go to NY!! My aunties gone to get some cakes so I have put the jug on.
I am lucky (?) in the respect that ALL my family and loved ones know about my alcoholism, it was never a very big secret, as ole Kapo quite simply was a very blatant drunk it the last few years! The shock value used to thrill me to bits (unfortunately) - part of the still surviving anarchist in me. recovery talk in my home is as familiar as drunken mates and parties were! The main thing I DO do is email or txt my dad AT LEAST once a week, or he automatically thinks I am drinking again! I hate worrying my loved ones anymore, I didn't used to give a shit.
When is the Dublin marathon exactly? Unfortunately I will be there in spirit only x