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Brain Zaps anyone? Getting off of an SSRI

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    Brain Zaps anyone? Getting off of an SSRI

    P.S. Exercise. yes, I have heard of this mysterious and newfangled approach...Perhaps I will try it, some day...:H
    "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


      Brain Zaps anyone? Getting off of an SSRI

      Sarasmiles;520067 wrote: Well thank God for my friends at MWO!! Now I'm feeling comfortably understood, not isolated and crazy.

      But if you're reading this and SSRIs have changed your life in a really positive way - don't worry about the withdrawal just yet! Everything in its time...And I think a very
      careful, gradual taper is probably what it takes. Sara

      Thank you for reminding us of that. There are many, many people who have benefitted from them and successfully. I know quite a few, myself.

      So, remember, as we chat and talk, etc. None of us are doctors. No one should quit taking their meds prescribed by someone with a license based on what a bunch of us here have to say.

      I would say, advice given by a bunch of alcoholics, but that might offend some here. :H:H

      I am being serious, though. Just because a few people have had unpleasant experiences from these meds, does not mean that it is night right for others. Plain and simple.

      So, anyone taking them and doing well. Stick with it. And I am impressed that you were able to take them the 2 - 3 weeks before they started working, shows determination and patience. Something this alkie is lacking for darned sure.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Brain Zaps anyone? Getting off of an SSRI

        Sara and her "brain zaps"...

        Sara I'm not a doctor either but this sounds like a phenomenon I've heard of where the brain stores extra energy, sort of like a battery. Think of a pacemaker kicking in when a heart hasn't had a beat for a couple of seconds.
        If part of your brain senses that you have been sitting, staring too long with your mouth hanging open and drool running down your chin, it sort of "zaps" you, because it knows you would not want to be seen like this.
        Does this help? :H
        Your friend,
        It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
        ~ Charles Spurgeon


          Brain Zaps anyone? Getting off of an SSRI

          Thanks Kid. So that explains it. Who needs doctors? :H
          "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


            Brain Zaps anyone? Getting off of an SSRI

            Hart - I remember when you went through this - I've been too scared to go off Effexor ever since. If I even miss one dose I feel really really awful. However, now that I don't drink and I'm about to start healthy eating and excercise for life, I am hoping to be able to go off them.

            my dose is in gel/powder capsule form, 150mg, so I don't know how to cut it down. any suggestions?
            It always seems impossible until it's done....


              Brain Zaps anyone? Getting off of an SSRI

              Hey Everyone,
              I read that fish oil helps with the brain zaps. I took three capsules yesterday ( I think they're 800 mg. combined omega 3; I'll check) and 2 so far today ( supposed to take one with each meal.) I am much better today. Keep this in mind for future reference, folks....Sara
              "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                Brain Zaps anyone? Getting off of an SSRI

                Hi hi. Whenever I've come off Prozac I've done it really slowly (as advised by doc). 2 weeks 20mg every other day, then 2 weeks with 20mg every two days, down to once a week and then none. Have never had any side effects. I tend to have cycles of depression approx every 3 years, and know when I get to the point that I don't know which side of the road to drive on, can't remember pin numbers etc. its time to get chemical help. I'm really interested to see what effect not having red wine every night has on my moods, so far I'm a bit fuzzy, but today is a 'Good' day. Sara - hope you continue to feel better. B
                Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                  Brain Zaps anyone? Getting off of an SSRI

                  Thanks B! I feel good today, except for being intensely annoyed with my husband...But Prozac doesn't cure that.

                  A few zaps today, (maybe 20) but not nearly so many as a couple of days ago. I don't know if it's the fish oil, the 5htp, the "amino complete" I received from MWO, or just time. I continue to experiment on my brain...Hopefully safely and intelligently. Good to know that a slow withdrawal from Prozac is painless. Thanks.
                  "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                    Brain Zaps anyone? Getting off of an SSRI

                    I was googling Paxil withdrawal today (I have barely started, but just want to be prepared) and came across two things that might benefit anyone going through "brain zaps" ...

                    Other than gradual tapering, a couple of things I found that people have said took care of the "zaps" were:

                    - Benadryl. I'm assuming the kind you can just pick up at the drug store? (Is there another kind?)


                    - The other is a single dose of Prozac. Just one.

                    Just thought I'd pass that along.
                    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                      Brain Zaps anyone? Getting off of an SSRI

                      Hi Sara

                      I do have medical training and fully support everything Cinders said about anti depressants. They can be useful in helping people through difficult periods and advice has to be taken on a case by case basis. No blanket advice! All SSRIs should be tapered off slowly and it is common to feel withdrawal effects after a few weeks of tapering.

                      Some of the older tricyclic anti depressents such as trazadone etc cause less upsetting side effects and can be helpful in lower doses to alleviate periods of anxiety and depression. Don't know if they are prescribed still in the US or elsewhere but certainly still available in the UK.

                      Everything is a cost benefit analysis. You have to decide how things pan out for you on an individual basis. If you gained benefit from them, you may have cost when you give them up but it won't last.

                      And yes research has shown exercise to help but probably difficult to establish to what extent and how much this compares to medication/psychotherapy/placebo effect and any other intervention. Many depressed people cannot exercise; it would be impossible for them!
                      AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                        Brain Zaps anyone? Getting off of an SSRI


                        There is anecdotal evidence that Benadryl can be helpful in dampening down the brain zaps
                        AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                          Brain Zaps anyone? Getting off of an SSRI

                          lushy;519756 wrote: Hi,

                          Yes I have had those. I had a horrible withdrawal period trying to get off of Paxil which included the brain zaps. I slept as much as I could and it went away after about four days. However, you said you went off the Prozac a while ago so I am curious as to why the delay in the withdrawal symptoms. L-tryptophan is another supplement that is supposed to be good for increasing serotonin which might help. Hope they go away soon!
                          I'm on Paxil too. I tried to get off of them and the zaps as you call them were horrible. I say it feels like wha wha wha going on in my head. I am still on them. Maybe one day I'll get off of them.
                          RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                          "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                            Brain Zaps anyone? Getting off of an SSRI

                            Does anyone here go on ADs just thru the winter, and then stop in say -March? Because I am thinking of doing that, despite having suffered brain zaps.
                            I get SAD, and I hide in my house ALL WINTER and totally isolate to the best of my ability.


                              Brain Zaps anyone? Getting off of an SSRI


                              Have you though of getting a light box? Not an expert but think you can get them on Amazon. They are bright lamps which you shine on your face and mimic the effect of sunlight. Quite a lot of anecdotal evidence they can help to alleviate depressive symptoms

                              AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                                Brain Zaps anyone? Getting off of an SSRI

                                I have a lightbox. It is helpful, but not enough.

