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Secrets: Form of AL consumption or hidden secrets

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    Secrets: Form of AL consumption or hidden secrets

    Hi everyone,
    Since this is somewhere to let it all hang out, I was just wondering how far you went to get alcohol in your system. Yes, this is an embarrassing subject, but I'm coming clean here, pardon the pun. This is helping me to see how dangerously far I went, how stupid I was, how modding cannot be my plan.

    When I'd run out of beer, wine, or hard al, I'd go to the cooking wine. This freaked my husband out (and yeah, me too). Sometimes it would be in the morning when I blew off yet another day of work (after I got my son on the bus - yes, I AM a good mom!) or just ran out of the Al normal people drink. Yuck! Not to say anyone is normal, or we're not.

    Or where were your secret hiding places for AL - don't worry, I don't plan to use any of these ideas. I always hid it in my work bag, in the top of a closet, in a zippered bag, wrapped in paper towels! Ok, not the most creative, but secure, nonetheless.
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

    Secrets: Form of AL consumption or hidden secrets


    :welcome: and there is nothing you have done that others here haven't done as well and some you haven't even considered.

    I just wanted to say hi. Because my hubby is an alcoholic too (we are both on day 3 AF) I have never had to hide my alcohol. But I know my mother hid hers in her sock drawer.....


      Secrets: Form of AL consumption or hidden secrets

      I hid vodka in the closet with the cleaning supplies. I KNEW my husband would never look for anything there... But he's a great guy and a great cook, does the laundry too, just no cleaning.
      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


        Secrets: Form of AL consumption or hidden secrets

        Good Heavens,

        Have drunk vanilla, actually find it to taste good. Bottles are small and horribly expensive, so it is a completely idiotic thing to do. But, when desperate...

        I tried Listerine once and figured even I can't do that. Whew!!

        I tried cooking wine once but it is just way too salty. I imagine it could hurt the kidneys if you drink too much.

        As for hiding places. Hubby has always found mine. He is just as devious as I am. :H:H

        Once I thought I had the perfect place, I had a bottle of mouthwash in a white bottle under the sink. Cleaned it out and put my vodka in there. He found it the same day!!

        I have to give up on the hiding thing.

        I may lose my marriage of 33 years if I can't stop and stop now. I would hate to but I have decided no more lying and hiding. It just makes my self-esteem lower than it already is from being an alcoholic.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Secrets: Form of AL consumption or hidden secrets

          I am not even married...would hide it from the kids. They never once poured it out, but I was so ashamed I hide it. OR so I thought. I have hide it so well, even I couldnt find it. I have drink listerine too. God that was a stomach ache. UH the thought....I am happily sober, thank you God! I pray daily to remain this way.
          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


            Secrets: Form of AL consumption or hidden secrets


            I would hide it in my work bag, in my file cabinet way in the back, way behind the pots and pans. I would use water bottles, inside planters, and in my undies drawer. :upset:


              Secrets: Form of AL consumption or hidden secrets

              plain sight worked for me, right on the front porch with all the old "empties"

              i also drank vanilla on a few sundays when the liquor stores were closed and could only go to the grocery...hard to explain why i needed 3 big bottles of vanilla!


                Secrets: Form of AL consumption or hidden secrets

                alcohol free beer

                I would buy bottles of alcohol free beer and empty it out and replace it with the real thing.
                My ex wife never could understand how I could get plastered on alcohol free beer.
                It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


                  Secrets: Form of AL consumption or hidden secrets

                  Used them all . . . favorite was a clear plastic water bottle so I could drink at soccer practice for my daughter. I hid things all over the house and car, never sure which my husband would find. Also had to hide the empties until trash or recycling days . . . and now, almost 5 months AF, I have still stumbled on a few empties pushed way back under the clothes in the closet and way back in the cabinet in the bathroom. The same shame comes rushing back. Hopefully I've found the last and put that demon in the trash for the last time.
                  Member since January 2008
                  AF since August 25, 2008


                    Secrets: Form of AL consumption or hidden secrets

                    I'm back after a long absence---nothing dramatic or traumatic, just a lot of writing assignments and busy, busy holidays with the Junior Janes around a lot. Love that!

                    I think I may have posted long ago that my best-ever hiding place was in my personal bathroom cabinet among my "feminine hygiene" supplies. The absolutely only place Mr. Jane would never in a million years go to. Also, I'm lucky enough to have a large walk-in-pantry; another ideal place for a nice bottle was on the bottom shelf behind the big KitchenAid stand mixer. Something he would never in a million years go near---what do you wives with cooking husbands do?

                    Another safe harbor for the stuff was always my personal locker at the health club.
                    Jane Jane


                      Secrets: Form of AL consumption or hidden secrets

                      I would keep mine under the passenger seat in my vehicle until the day my daughter took my vehicle and I realized it was still there. I was so ashamed as I wondered "what if she gets stopped by the police for some reason (no tail light, etc.)and that wonderful bottle of vodka comes rolling out from under the seat and she is driving to a basketball game on a school permit. How to explain that to my hubby patrolman! Don't do that anymore.


                        Secrets: Form of AL consumption or hidden secrets

                        Sucks for him because I drank his cooking wine!!!!!!!
                        Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                          Secrets: Form of AL consumption or hidden secrets

                          I guess I'm not alone in the hiding or the form. We've got some imaginative people here as far as hiding places go. I hope we can all say goodbye to the deep dark secrets. I know I'm ready to. Thanks all, for your replies.
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

