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YO YO Emotions

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    YO YO Emotions

    I am having such a hard time lately with my up and down emotions.
    Most of you know of the problems I am having with my health and my problems associated with $$$$$$ due to my health.
    I tried to quit the smokes but lasted only a couple of days. (I will try again soon)
    It just feels like a get one step forward and then I get pushed back two steps.
    If it was not for you people on here I would have....well I don't know what I would do.
    I have been able to come to an agreement with the people that run the studio apartment I rent.
    I am still waiting to hear from my short term disability claim (7 weeks now) They called yesterday and told me they should be making a decision any day now.
    If it comes back as a denial I don't know what I will do?(Anybody have a shed or doghouse I can doss in? )
    All of you have been very supportive and caring and I do appreciate everything you have done to help bring my spirits up and make me smile through all this. I am forever in your debt.
    I am so tired of sitting around my apartment, I swear it's getting smaller.
    Thanks for letting me vent and moan and groan.
    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice

    YO YO Emotions

    Sean you are doing great keeping so positive during all of this...just keep it going till you learn about your disability and keep positive, you will get it. I know this living in limbo thing is crap but your nearly there and irts AMAZING WHAT YOU HAVE ACHIEVED RECENTLY! Keeping of the booze during all this is a massive achievment, the smokes can wait a bit, jeeze louise, your human Sean and a great fella at that!


      YO YO Emotions

      Sean, I want to echo what limey has just said. You are doing great! Many people would have cracked under the strain, but you are keeping on...and what an inspiration you are too!
      Dont give up had some good news yesterday and today I am hoping you will hear from your claiim company.
      Never be sorry about venting, its better out than festering inside and never feel you are're not.
      Prayers are being said for you that your claim is settled today.
      Stay strong buddy..
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        YO YO Emotions

        Hi ya Sean,

        with your attitude alone you are fighting and winning this battle, shame it has to be so drawn out. I hope you have some good fairies around you that will work a bit of magic and get those disability peeps off their butts and on the phone with good news. God knows you really deserve it. Do your best to keep that handsome chin up....i certainly enjoy seeing it everyday and the humour you bring...i can see if I can round up any of those fairies.

        no flies on oney I see, crafty devil
        Live your life in such a way that
        when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
        Satan shudders & says...

        'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'


          YO YO Emotions

          Hi Sean,
          I don't really know you, but I know the ups and downs! It sounds as though you're plowing through this very difficult time. Don't worry about the smokes just yet. I, too, smoke and I can't even imagine being off booze and smokes at the same time right now. Just take it ODAT, man! You can do it. p.s. I like your pics you put on as your avatar! That's some hi-tech to me!
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            YO YO Emotions

            I know how you feel Sean. I am feeling very up and down at the mo, and also have big money worries as i wait for some money to come through. Ive been waiting since sept......
            For every low there is a high my friend, and im sure the tide will change and things will look up for you soon.
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              YO YO Emotions

              Hey UK - like Cy and your dear self and MANY of us indeed, I have had some quite dark patches of late - including only about an hour ago. My computer was going very slow, and that seemed to open a floodgate for EVERYTHING that was crap at the mo - especially my man being in jail, and not having had a decent hug for months. It has passed though, and instead of skulking off to bed, I have stayed up extra late and chatted to you lot and it has totally redeemed me!
              So, thanks for the thread prompt - heaps....and I hope your health and financial situation and general demeanour take and upwards tilt IMMEDIATLEY! Bless
              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                YO YO Emotions

                The old saying "it's always darkest before the dawn, comes to mind"'s a hard time for many right now.
                Stay close, you have lots of friends here to help you thru the tough times...Things will get better...until then, try to keep your spirits high and think about the healing that comes along with sobriety.
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

