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black thumb

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    black thumb

    I have a black thumb. Anything I get and take to work I kill :upset: I kept alive a plant for a long time, it was a gift from a dear friend that died of cancer. I couldn't do anything about that, but I did use the pot again (it is an oriental one, very pretty) and planted another thing. It just died. I want a living plant, in tribute to Mary and because it's nice, other than a cactus, which I'm afraid I really don't there a small plant I can pick and replant in this pot that will withstand my curse? It's on my windowsill at work, gets a little lite, and I will faithfully water it (and not forget to tell another to in my absence, that's what happened) if you can direct me.

    I'm throwing me on your mercy. :bow

    black thumb

    The only thing I can keep alive is an African Violet. I have had it forever and requires very little care.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      black thumb

      Hart, how about a philodendron. There are quite a few species and they are very hardy. They don't require much light and do grow quite fast. Let the soil get dry on the top, stick your finger down into the soil to the first knuckle, when you feel damp that far down then water. (Over watering kills plants as much as under watering.) Miracle Gro makes a liquid houseplant food that is inexpensive and you can use it every time you water as it is very dilute, it will make your plant flourish. This takes the guesswork out of how often to feed as you do it every time. My local grocery carries it, also the hardware store. Keep the leaves dusted as they gather nutrition from the air, mist them occasionally if you can.

      TMI? sorry. I like caring for plants.
      vegan zombies want your grains


        black thumb

        Thanx all.

        It would break my heart to kill and orchid, so I'm gonna spare myself that. I like flowering plants, but I do appreciate all the info. I cannot be told too much with my handicap. So I will get an African Violet, heck maybe even a watering can, cause I looked it up on the puter and they like warm water not sprinkled on leaves.

        Wish me luck, I'm going to Walmart tonite so I'll see if they have it, and I'll pick up some miracle grow!:thanks:


          black thumb

          Many of the 'green' house plants... spider plants or pothos you virtually cannot kill! Give those a try!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            black thumb

            I totally agree with either a philodendron or a spider plant. I'm a great house plant person. Those two, you put in a pot and water about once a month. Not too much light. Seriously, they almost like to be ignored and will give and give...

            Good luck!
            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


              black thumb

              Good luck Hart!! I am in your cheering section. I would love to have an Orchid too however I don't want to be selfish and end it's life. I so love flowers though. Calla Lily's are my fave.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                black thumb

                I can help you SWEET HART...PM me your address and i will mail you some cuttings of different succulents and tropicals that grow all over my garden like weeds...many don't even need soil. Some have great flowers and they are all unusual. We have to use a weed wanker to keep them under control...just don't over water them and make sure they have a sunny window...they will defiantly GROW..
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  black thumb

                  Hi Hart,
                  You have many good plant suggestions, but no one has mentioned that you need to clean the pot very thoroughly. Scrub it with kitchen soap, or run it through the dishwasher. You could pass on a soil-borne illness, maybe that's what happened to the second plant. Also, if you are potting up a plant, make sure you use good quality potting soil, and definitely nothing from your yard.

                  Good luck!
                  My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                    black thumb

                    How about an air fern? :H


                      black thumb

                      Good God, you know what's happening out in my yard, can you imagine what kind of plant would grow from the stuff that was poured out there! :eeks: Can't you see the Headline...."Office plant transplanted into sewer laden soil grows out of pot and kills Hart's co-workers! :shocked:


                        black thumb

                        Here in Florida African plants grow like weeds..Agave are Giants that threaten to stab you if you come to close..Aloes are always handy for cuts or bug bites.The different kalanchoes are in bloom most of the year...Sedums cover the ground and they are INDESRUTABLE..we leave for weeks at a time and they could care less. They are the perfect house plant for up north. In fact, many of them are the ancestors of my house plants from over 25 yrs. ago when I lived in NY...and I don't have a Green Thunb..I Promise. If there where anything hard about growing them, they would bedead...long ago.
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          black thumb

                          if all fails just grab a dandelion from your yard in the spring and all will be well,gyco good luck


                            black thumb

                            chia pet :H:H:H
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              black thumb

                              greeneyes;521146 wrote: chia pet :H:H:H
                              Leave it to greenie to have the PERFECT answer...and no pooper scooper needed....LOL
                              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

