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Army Thread 16th January

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    Army Thread 16th January

    Hi Everyone. I just wanted to say sorry for being such a moany misery these past few days. Going to try and pull myself together and think positive thoughts from now on. Money worries and not being able to pay my bills have always been a big worry of mine but i'm alive and healthy and thats all that matters (so thats what i have to keep thinking). Thank you all for your support through this, you guys are always there when i need you and i'm so gratful for that.

    I'm going to clean the house now ready for when mum gets home. Got the music playing which always helps lift my mood.

    Thank you all

    Wishy x x


      Army Thread 16th January

      Wish, music always helps me during a cleaning streak. I hope it does the same for you :h
      LTG AF January 13, 2011


        Army Thread 16th January

        Hey there again everyone!

        Hi LTG!

        Hi Sea - crap news about the house but we will all say a prayer for you that something turns up

        Wish - it will sort itself out, maybe just dealing with cash is better for awhile anyway and just see if you can build up enough to clear the loan, do you have much time left to pay on it?? I gave up my credit cards and cheque books for the same reason, pain in the tits at times but I have now cleared off nearly everything other than a bit on the mortgage, I do owe my sis and mum some money but they are happy for me to take my time at that.

        Gyco - nice work!

        Cy - crap about the tooth but at least they can see you Monday, last time you had to wait ages didn't you. Kick up murder about the money though if you have already paid for wrong treatment.

        Evie - watched Dr. Wayne's movie yesterday and enjoyed it, very thought provoking. Def. gonna spend some time in the evenings researching and reading more

        Hi to anyone else still out there - I've got itchy trigger fingers this afternoon but a few lollipops are keeping me at bay. Will have a big bunch of kids here soon so will be putting on my HAPPY face for a few hours!
        There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


          Army Thread 16th January

          Hi Bandit! Hope you got your happy face on...LOL!!
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            Army Thread 16th January

            LOL is right LTG - I put on my HAPPY face bigtime when the kids are being dropped off and meeting the other parents etc..butter wouldn't melt in my mouth..if only they knew what was going through my mind half the time and what a loony tune I really am!..but a nice looney tune most of the time I hope
            There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


              Army Thread 16th January

              Bandy ... Have quite a while to pay back the loan as i only took it out in july to buy my car. The bank are givin me two months and then they will re access the situation and maybe be able to reduce the payments on a permanant basis. Will still owe them the 3 months missed though. Hope you have a fun afternoon and keep those trigger at bay ... will be here all afternoon on and off if needed x x

              LTG ... I find music really helps to take my mind off things and as far as cleaning goes that is one of my main stress reliefs ... sounds strange but always feel really good after cleaning the house.


                Army Thread 16th January

                Hi All,
                Just popping in before I shower and get ready for work. Wishy, you and Cy are two peas in a pod with the cleaning, huh?
                Bandy, It's hard to keep a smile on when you're not feeling so inside; I hate when I have to put on a false face. With me it shows, unfortunately; my feelings show no matter wht I try to do. Best to you tdy!
                Oney, What program did you use to clean your registry; they all seem to have cost associated?
                Hi LTG, What's your day going to be tdy?
                Sea, Sorry for your job loss....maybe this is a good time to consider a move to the South? Maybe a whole new lease on life would be good for you? What do you think? There are still a shortage of nurses in many states.
                Cy, I feel for your pain....I hope it subsides soon for you...gycos idea of putting aspirin directly on the site is a good one. Crush the aspirin up and smear it on the affected area. It's worth a try, huh.
                I have a job tomorrow that starts at 6am; I play meeting planner tomorrow for a few hours with hubby and we both get paid, so that will be fun. We'll nap in the afternoon; I am NOT used to getting up at 4:30a!!!!
                I spent all evening trying to speed up my computer but I really still need that registry cleaning so i'll look into that today. Love to all, Krigs
                "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                  Army Thread 16th January

                  Gyco, I love your avatar. Where are those falls located? They are beautiful!!!
                  "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                    Army Thread 16th January

                    Hi Evie,
                    You guys are having a cold snap aren't you? Cold in Florida is really cold because of all the moisture in the air; it chills to the bone! You know it doesn't last- that's the silver lining!!!
                    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                      Army Thread 16th January

                      Hi Kriger!
                      Tomorrow sounds fun for you!
                      Things are good here. Cold, but good. Working with realtors and the credit union to get this move moving!
                      LTG AF January 13, 2011


                        Army Thread 16th January

                        I am back; had a long talk with my Sis; big help she She cried about Christopher's moving out too. The Princess is still not feeling well, and is in a very foul mood. She went back to sleep, Thank God. I am trying to be quiet so she will stay that way. I called my friend from AA and she is willing to do a meeting with me this evening, IF, I can get my car to start in this Arctic cold.
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          Army Thread 16th January

                          If I can sell this Condo, I am gone Krigs. When Emylee feels better, maybe we can discuss it.
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            Army Thread 16th January

                            Sea, glad you had a walk with sis. Atleast you had someone to cry with...LOL!! Can you lease option the condo, then sell when the market gets better?
                            LTG AF January 13, 2011


                              Army Thread 16th January

                              Hi everybody

                              Cy so sorry, to hear your tooth is playing up again- have you tried any remedies- lots of them really do help- at least temporaroly until you make it to a dentist, there are a few here:

                              Old Home Remedies - Home Remedy for Toothache

                              I have also heard gargling and swishing salt water onto the tooth can provide relief foe around 40 minutes, then you have to repeat it.

                              Sea, so sorry about the job and your health issues- I am only hoping it is because something bettter for you is around the corner.

                              And to all those with money troubles, I know how you feel, but try to be positive, good things are on their way- I am one of those people who every few years goes through a bad spell, but things always come right again, just have faith that it will be OK and things will work out. Easy to say, I know but I am there at the moment too!

                              Hope everybody is having a sober Friday- I don't really find weekends affect me too much- with me it is more stressful situations that make me likely to pick up.


                                Army Thread 16th January

                                Hi guys,
                                Sea, I am SO sorry to hear you are having such a rubbish time just seems its not raining for you at the moment but pouring! Your luck will change hun, you are a strong lady with loads of ability, you will sort this, of that I am sure...but in the meantime, you have all of us here to fall back on x

                                Wishy, the same for you hun, I know money troubles are the pitts, but again, they will be sorted, you are another positve strong lady. Here for you guys always x
                                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

