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Don't want to repeat last weekend

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    Don't want to repeat last weekend

    Last weekend I made an ass of myself. I was fine all week, but here it is Friday again. I thought I should post before I start drinking so I wont drink this weekend. Some of you told me to figure out what my triggers are. I have nothing to do on Saturday so I feel like it's okay to drink on Friday night. Well, last weekend was spent kissing ass- AND I DO NOT want to do that again. So this weekend I can either do what I want- or kiss ass again. Anyone else worried about this weekend?

    Don't want to repeat last weekend

    what exactly did the ass kissing involve, come on...were all pals, its friday night, spill!


      Don't want to repeat last weekend

      LMAO, I know where you're going with this. If only it was literal ass kissing.


        Don't want to repeat last weekend

        ok MM, we believe you! LOL!


          Don't want to repeat last weekend

          I have to say that weekends are tough for me to abstain!!?? I however have stuff to do sat. and still drink dumb!!! If you dont have anything going sat get something going, workout anything. You asked about triggers I am sure you know that boredom is one of them for alot of us!!! You went all week without AL get through the next 2 days and see how you feel Monday!!!! Find something to do other than drink if that means posting all night then do it ODAT good luck I will be thinking of you and tryin to stay AF myself


            Don't want to repeat last weekend

            Yep... find something to do - preferrably away from home if that's where you'd normally drink....Good luck Montana - you can do this!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Don't want to repeat last weekend

              I told the kids I'd take them rollerblading tommorro. If I drink tonight I won't want to. Thats my plan for tommorro. I haven't rollerbladed since I was 18, so this should be interesting. The kids are just now old enough to give it a whirl.
              I know some of my triggers. Going fishing is a big one for me.(can't fish with out a beer.) So I'll stay away from fishing this weekend. I never catch anything but a buzz anyways. Anyone else have an off the wall trigger..(Im serious about the fishing. Thats what happened last weekend.)


                Don't want to repeat last weekend

                My worst trigger is cleaning, I think.... I love to clean the house when I'm alone.. stereo blasting... and a bottle of wine on the go....

                Or gardening/yard/barn work... same sorta thing, except without the music (Except in the barn)

                So, I just won't clean anymore! Problem solved! :H
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  Don't want to repeat last weekend

                  Dear fellow Montanan

                  I haven't been fishing since I stopped drinking, to tell you the truth I am afraid to.
                  I always had a six pack in the net in the water whenever I went fishing.(Fish creek M.M just outside Lumberton, great spot)
                  Good luck with the roller blading.
                  I started a thread called Light a candle Friday as Fridays are always a hard time for me (radio and T.V. don't help with all the hoopla they put out )
                  By the way what type of fishing are you doing? Ice fishing?
                  It is so cold in this part of Montana every thing is frozen.
                  Feel free to PM me if you are having a hard time I would be more than happy to help if I can.

                  Kiss for your hand X

                  It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


                    Don't want to repeat last weekend

                    There is always chatting here too!
                    Yes, Fridays are tricky.. have you checked out the toolbox thread under monthly abs?

