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just need to scream

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    just need to scream

    and thought i'd do it here rather than at my kids cause they are just over it as well!!! Tonight I want to drink sooooooo bad. I have been aggravated to the Tee today. everyone and everything is getting on my nerves and i know a drink would make it all go away, but don't worry my way outers i know the reprocusions would be worse than the emotions I am having today so i will refrain. I just want some peace and quiet i have heard the word mommy 4 million times today and i have a girlfriend coming in town tonight with her little girls too... for the whole weekend. I know i am nervous because i have not told her i quit drinking. she just recently split with her husband and is going to want to party. i should have told but i know one of the reasons her and her husband are splitting is because he got sober and found "God" and that just did not mesh with her. i might just get some st. paulies NA and hope she doesn't notice. plus i just don't do well with people in my space. i don't even do well when people just come and hang for the afternoon mush less a weekend. we have been friends for 20 years and i really want to be there for her so these feeling make me feel so selfish. i just want to chill out and smile. why is that so hard to do?:upset::upset:
    I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
    sober since 2/4/12

    just need to scream

    I starfairy. I feel the same at the moment. I really want a drink, I really want to relax and forget about all my mounting problems. I have been so positive about everything while everyone else around me has been going to pieces lately. But is has gotten so hard.

    Just tell your friend why you are not drinking, that you don't want to waste all your hard work by having a drink this weekend. Tell her that you are afraid what will happen to you if you keep drinking. Make her feel a little guilty for trying to force you to. She still has your friendship, she still has a weekend to catch up and you can all still enjoy yourself.


      just need to scream

      Ah Star, heres your sista, God , I had to laugh at..
      I have heard the word mommy 4 million times..
      I am also on day 13 af and climbing up the walls, soo lets just think of ourselves tonight..
      Stay here and piss and moan and bitch, you feel feel great for remaining af and surviving another day!


        just need to scream

        I really GET IT...PEOPLE IN MY FACE...I sometimes have just not been able to cope with anyone ....
        When my kids were little, it was next to impossible to remember that I was a person other than MOMMY...Now my kids are in their 30s and I long to hear that that they need there Mommy...sometimes the season's of life just don't make sense.
        Reminds me of a line from an old Stevie Nick's song LANDSLIDE..."can i handle the seasons of my life...I DON'T know"....but I do think I know how you feel.
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          just need to scream

          Dear Star, Go to WHAT WE ARE LISTENING TO THREAD...I posted a special gift for you...enjoy...
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            just need to scream

            Children REALLY DO GET OLDER...and I am getting older TOO !!!
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              just need to scream

              I love that song, Landslide. Then again, I am in love with Stevie Nicks and Fleetwoodmac! Many people say that I look like Stevie Nicks in her younger years now a days... and that makes me feel great!

              I know all about being a mommy and losing yourself in the process.


                just need to scream

                Accountable for Me;522090 wrote: I love that song, Landslide. Then again, I am in love with Stevie Nicks and Fleetwoodmac! Many people say that I look like Stevie Nicks in her younger years now a days... and that makes me feel great!

                I know all about being a mommy and losing yourself in the process.
                I have been told many a time that i look like all I can hope for is to dress like her LOL...
                I admire her overcoming her addictions...for sure.
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  just need to scream

                  A friend in need...

                  You know how the rest go's
                  I think if you explain to your friend what you are trying to accomplish, if she is as good a friend as you say, she will only want the best for you.
                  I don't know what it is like to be trying to quit the drink and have kids screaming all around EEK!! but if you stay strong and keep plodding along those kids screams will sound like music.
                  When I was in rehab I met a lot of women who had lost there children due to there drinking, some temporaliry and some permanently.
                  Everyone of them told (in tears) during sessions how they would give anything to hear them screaming and shouting around the house again.
                  Hang in there sweetheart I know right now it doesnt feel like it, but it does get better the more days sober you get.
                  I drank for years I cant expect to get over this in a few days it takes time.
                  Stay here with us and we will try not to scream
                  Kiss for your hand X

                  It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


                    just need to scream

                    What UK Sean said, read it again and I'll be thinking of you :l
                    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                    - George Jackson


                      just need to scream

                      Who are all these kids and why are they calling me mom?

                      Hi Star,

                      If you don't feel like telling your friend that you've quit. Just tell her that you're on antibiotics or something (it is flu season...cough every once in a while). Plus this may keep the kids away :H.

                      Or just be honest, new year, new start. Actually, the NA beer went unnoticed when I drank it at last years NY's eve party when everyone else got trashed. I just wish I never picked it up (the real AL) again. Working on another fresh start.

                      I just realized that this weekend is about over, so let us know how it went!

                      Wishing you lots of luck!!:h



                        just need to scream

                        hey everyone
                        thanks for the nice words....well it went pretty good. kind of boring really. her kids get up at like 5:30 and she sleeps in so it was a good thing no one was drinking. i got up with them in the mornings. it was overall a very wholesome weekend with all day kid filled activities and then i was so excited when they left cause mine would go to school today (tuesday)and i could have a break but NOOOOO, get this...we had a crazy freak snow storm and the schools were closed and tomorrow too, but my husband got to stay home too so it actually was a fun freaky weather kind of day..........
                        I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
                        sober since 2/4/12


                          just need to scream

                          That is great news Star! I have not posted, but have been following this thread. Did she ask any questions? I bet it went smooth and your worries took care of themself.

                          Good on you... glad hubby is home to help you! Enjoy some family time.
                          If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

