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I think I need some encouragement

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    I think I need some encouragement

    Hello all: I joined more than a year ago. I remember how, after months/years of seeing myself as the ultimate freak for my sneaky, dysfunctional drinking behavior, I was stunned to realize how many people just like me there are
    I thought it was an absolute miracle to find this site ... but yet ... weeks went by centered on my astounding procrastination skills (my greatest talent) .. "I'll quit after this ... or this..."
    I kept posting for months, hoping at some point my sad little brain would snap into gear. Now, I've mainly been lurking for a couple months ....
    But, it is 2009, and I NEED TO DO THIS. !!!!!!!! DAMN IT!!!!! I have met some amazing people on this site, and through my recent lurking I find even more (why are people with drinking problems so smart, creative and hilarious )
    Thank you .. I just need a bit of help to get myself started. I am tired, tired, of the pathetic life I have been leading.
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

    I think I need some encouragement

    you can do this dexter.. and good to see you posting again i was just thinking the other day.. where the hell is that cat of mind and here you are .. yes you have been here along time and you keep coming back that should tell you something .. you have what you need to get what you want .. you are just not ready for the long hual ,the commitment part ,and you will get there when you are truely ready so just keep on doing your best .. you might not think that nothing is snapping in that brain ..but just think why do you come back here everytime to read .. theres something going on there and you know what iit is ..
    do your best and dont give up girl that cat is watching your back.. lol stay strong and think positive you my friend
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      I think I need some encouragement

      :h:hT: love you my friend. This place would not be the same without you !
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        I think I need some encouragement

        you're special


        You've added so much to the fabric of this site...You were the very first one to welcome me to MWO when I was at my worst. While I've had strong bouts of success, I've also stumbled and fallen and procrastinated like hell. I disappeared from here for awhile, and only recently returned as a lurker. But now I'm back. I have new resolve. I can do this -- you can do this -- we can do this! :h


          I think I need some encouragement

          To Dexter..

          Welcome back,
          I too came here for awhile and left. I think a lot of us do.
          The very act of coming back shows how deep you resolve is.
          They say one of the best thing to do for recovery is to simply accept that you have a problem.
          You have done that and I can see you are ready to start down the road to a better life.
          Yes it is the toughest thing you will ever do, but it is also the most rewarding thing you will ever do also.
          We are all here, I reach out my hand of friendship to you and extend to you as I have to everybody else the invitation to feel free to pm, chat with me .
          If I can help in anyway possible please contact me and I will share my experience's, hopes and dreams.
          My sobriety is made so much stronger when I can help others.
          Once again welcome back, and remember we are all here for you.

          Sean :l
          (WOW I just hit spellcheck and no errors (maybe it's not working )

          It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


            I think I need some encouragement

            Lordy Dex!
            I've been & gone a hundred times & procrastinated like hell.. but here I am on day 18!
            There are a whole bunch of us old-timers & newbies alike starting 2009 afresh.. just jump on in and join us matey!! Water's fine & plenty of us to keep you afloat, don't be afraid.. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
            Welcome back!! :l


              I think I need some encouragement

              Hi Dexter...
              As you know, it's all about not giving up. Procrastination is one of the tricks our befuddled heads play on us and we all know this, so how come it's so hard to bite the bullet? I think a lot of it is because some of us feel that we're missing out on all the fun by donning the garb of martyr and placing ourselves in a place we'd rather not be. The opposite is true. We're actually freeing ourselves from the bondage and torture and opening up to a whole world of freedom and happiness; self control and self respect. A new beginning. A chance to reinvent myself. To change from a sad, ambitionless drunkard to someone that my kids and grandkids can be proud of....and maybe I can be proud of myself too.


                I think I need some encouragement

                To Popeye

                Great post.. As you always say "I AM, WHAT I AM."
                It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


                  I think I need some encouragement

                  My sweet Dex funny isin it!!!!!! we allowed our selves to become addicted . Youre the best dexter cat i wish i could ring you and arrange to meet for a coffee and chat something about you makes me think it would be a wonderful conversation and Id have 20 cups and not want to leave.. Dex your the best love ya heaps take care


                    I think I need some encouragement

                    n I know Dexter........It's hard, as long as your here you have the will to quit !! Keep trying.....Beowulf sucked...I had to read it in High School....Ha! IAD.
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      I think I need some encouragement

                      Yea Beowulf sucks why do they make us read that crap IAD Im just watching Heath Ledgers performance as the Joker WOW in Batman the Dark Night if he doesnt win a academy award for that performance I be surprised!!!!!! he out jokers Jack Nicholson


                        I think I need some encouragement

                        I must say before Im thought of as a bone head I majored in film studies and philosophy that kept my parents happy while I played in the punk band " Starving Millions" and was allowed to have a front door key to sleep


                          I think I need some encouragement

                          Hi Dexter
                          Just to say that I think u are very hard on urself. Change takes time, may I humbly suggest to drop the big stick u are beating urself up with and use it instead for on beating the sh... of the addiction. Decide on a date that u are going to go AF for one day and see what happens. Good Luck u can do it u know.


                            I think I need some encouragement

                            Capt'n.....I've always thought you had a brilliant mind. You remind me of Einstien! Ha! IAD.
                            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                            Dr. Seuss


                              I think I need some encouragement

                              Hey Dex! Glad you're back! I said it here, a hundred times. I was the queen of try and try again. Here since summer 2006, with very limited success until finally last spring. It is amazing when I see new members come in and "BAM" right off the bat, they do their first 30 days. Amazes me! Then others of us, well, struggle. We are certainly unique individuals. It also appears that we have that moment, which is different for each of us, when we know enough is finally enough. It doesn't make it an easy struggle in those early days, but we finally get there. Keep on, my friend, keep on...
                              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

