As all of you that know me, I take my sobriety very seriously.
It is indeed THE most important thing to me, in fact it's my very life.
I also come here to MWO to help others, as in helping others I can help myself.
Recently the thread titled quote of the day has caused some unwanted negativity.
We must all put helping others a top priority in our time here.
For me humour is also an important part of my sobriety.
I thought that a lighthearted thread would give us all the opportunity to put aside the hurt that we have been through.
While having fun is a great thing it must NEVER take away from the reason this site was set up.
In a post on a thread I invited anyone to feel free to pm me for chat,help, opinion and that invitation still stands.
I encourage anyone who is having a hard time to start a thread, go to chat, enter an existing thread and ask for help .
I have no doubt you will receive help from the many wonderful people on here.
If you are not in the mood for a little high jinks(and sometimes I'm not ) maybe staying away from the thread titled "quote of the day" would be a good move.
I would like to thank all of you that pm,d me and wrote encouragement notes.(I will try to find the time to address each one individually)
So if it is OK with all of you I would like to continue having fun with "quote of the day".
If you do however have objections please pm me and I would be more than happy to listen and reply to your point of view.
If there are no objections I will post the next"Quote of the day" on Saturday
I would also like some suggestions on how to post a quote for our wonderful community that will incorporate all time zones .
I am aware of the problems we have with MWO people being stretched all over the world, so your input will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you everybody.Lets all remember are purpose here; Help for me-Help for you.(and you can quote me on that

Sean x:l
PS I want to thank all of you who are participating in "Light a candle Friday":goodjob: