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From UK Sean..

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    From UK Sean..

    To all MWO subscribers,

    As all of you that know me, I take my sobriety very seriously.
    It is indeed THE most important thing to me, in fact it's my very life.
    I also come here to MWO to help others, as in helping others I can help myself.
    Recently the thread titled quote of the day has caused some unwanted negativity.
    We must all put helping others a top priority in our time here.
    For me humour is also an important part of my sobriety.
    I thought that a lighthearted thread would give us all the opportunity to put aside the hurt that we have been through.
    While having fun is a great thing it must NEVER take away from the reason this site was set up.
    In a post on a thread I invited anyone to feel free to pm me for chat,help, opinion and that invitation still stands.
    I encourage anyone who is having a hard time to start a thread, go to chat, enter an existing thread and ask for help .
    I have no doubt you will receive help from the many wonderful people on here.
    If you are not in the mood for a little high jinks(and sometimes I'm not ) maybe staying away from the thread titled "quote of the day" would be a good move.
    I would like to thank all of you that pm,d me and wrote encouragement notes.(I will try to find the time to address each one individually)
    So if it is OK with all of you I would like to continue having fun with "quote of the day".
    If you do however have objections please pm me and I would be more than happy to listen and reply to your point of view.
    If there are no objections I will post the next"Quote of the day" on Saturday
    I would also like some suggestions on how to post a quote for our wonderful community that will incorporate all time zones .
    I am aware of the problems we have with MWO people being stretched all over the world, so your input will be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you everybody.Lets all remember are purpose here; Help for me-Help for you.(and you can quote me on that
    Sean x:l

    PS I want to thank all of you who are participating in "Light a candle Friday":goodjob:

    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice

    From UK Sean..

    Thank you for your PM, and please continue. I am in an emotional war at the moment, but do not let this deter you, or any of you from fun threads. Lets definitely keep balance, but humor is very healing.

    My vote is keep the quote of the day....
    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


      From UK Sean..

      To Prestfortime

      thank you for your kind words, and your encouragement.
      My heart and prayers go out to you sweetheart at this very trying time in your life.
      If ever there is anything I can do to help you p[lease just let me know.
      I cant imagine how hard it is for you right now.
      I am sure there are many friends on here that will extend a hand to help you at this time
      (I for one)
      As far as the "Quote of the day" I plan to post one a little later.
      Thank you for your graciousness.

      I always close my letters to the wonderful ladies on here with a kiss to there hands
      but this time I give a very special and heartfelt
      Kiss to your hand X

      It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


        From UK Sean..

        Hello Sean,
        As usual I have missed any kind of kerfuffle on the boards, but I will say that if a thread is giving you and others hope, enjoyment and support you should persist with it. Honestly, that is what this site is for!
        There may be one or two who do not enjoy the thread, but these boards are HUGE and they can go elsewhere for their entertainment.
        I have often read threads I did not relate to and simply did not respond. It's that simple really. I'll never understand why people need to be negative and try to undo other people's good work.
        The few times I've met you, you were always charming Sean, not to mention kind and helpful. Keep up the good work & God bless. :l


          From UK Sean..

          I just did what I should have done first and went back and read the thread. It's nothing serious at all Sean!! Dont' take it to heart. It all got sorted in the end.
          And Prest, I'm so sorry for your loss.


            From UK Sean..


            I really would like people to put behind the misunderstandings that happened about the thread. The person that objected to it is going through a very trying and heart wrenching she had every right to put her views forth that's what this forum is for.
            The person who objected sent me a wonderful letter and was most gracious,
            She and I are becoming friends and that's what is most important.
            So lets put all this behind us and move on.
            Sean x

            It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


              From UK Sean..

              Hi Sean,
              please continue with your threads. I like reading them.
              You have mentioned the time zones. There is a thread already trying to solve this issue-Please lookup the Time Zones confusion thread
              We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


                From UK Sean..

                One more thing....

                I do encourage all MWO people to check the "Need help asap" thread constantly during your time logged on here. It is a very important thread.
                I remember when I was there on that thread and don't think I could have made it this far without the help I received from people who responded to my plea.
                Keep up all the good work MWO people, you are all awesome.
                Sean x

                It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


                  From UK Sean..


                  Your avatar.....


                  F, x


                    From UK Sean..

                    With out humor, I would be in a bad fix..........UK, as you might very well know. Ha! Take care ! Ha! IAD.
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      From UK Sean..

                      Iad. Me too. Ya gotta laugh! Be well everyone....................G.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        From UK Sean..

                        To IAD....

                        Do you go to that ranch to get one, or if you have one??

                        Just curious.

                        Sean x

                        It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


                          From UK Sean..

                          Sean I know you mean well but the avatar is creepy to me!!!!!! can you just post without the messages being held up in front of your face sorry i dont mean to offend but to me its a bit creepy


                            From UK Sean..

                            Uk...Since my retirement I bought this little Chicken Ranch outside of Las Vegas to spend my golden years ! Ha! Ha! IAD.
                            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                            Dr. Seuss


                              From UK Sean..


