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Aidans 4th Birthday!

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    Aidans 4th Birthday!

    Aidanspappa! Hope the birthday party was great fun! (regardless of the Clampets) Sounds like you put your heart and soul into it- great Daddy! That's what its all about. Let us know how it went! :l:h:l
    "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

    Aidans 4th Birthday!

    yep, happy birthday to Aiden.


      Aidans 4th Birthday!

      Happy Birthday Aiden!
      And Pappa, have a wonderful day too!
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Aidans 4th Birthday!

        :bday7::band2::rockband:inkele:inkele:Let's have a PARTY !!! Everyone is invited and I will bring the CAKE...
        Happy Birthday and MANY, MANY...MORE !!!!!
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          Aidans 4th Birthday!

          Ya ! Happy Birthday !! IAD
          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
          Dr. Seuss


            Aidans 4th Birthday!

            It went great...

            Thanks for the thread! You guys deserve a good laugh, and hopefully this will enhance whatever mood it finds you in.

            Today was the day...Aidan's birthday party. The wife invited everyone from school and his playgroup, as well as the Clampets (her relatives) to join. One problem...what if they all said "Yes"? Well, they did and the story begins.

            The bounce house got here and its freakin huge!!! Had to put in in the driveway/front yard. In florida this shouldn't be a problem...however, we are also in the grips of what is considered a cold spell here, so with jackets and gloves we set the thing up. So far, so good. The whole time I'm thinking to myself, "There is going to be over 60 freakin people the yard, house, back yard...hell, they were probably in the den, bedroom, and closets too. I digress.

            All those not related were great, bringing chairs and tables and a plate of food here and there for snacking. The party was at 2pm, and by 1:45 my father in law was feeling no pain...great. You know the type who is always, "You know what I would do? If this were my party...." Blah Blah Blah...His wife had enough of him and started getting drunk on the patio out back with her cousins, blaring music, dancing...just ridiculous. I mean come on!! 20 four year olds were showing up with their parents soon and they were already taking care of their nerves. Since Aidan woke from his nap just in time (2pm) people started coming, and coming and coming. My yard looked like a college party; pizza boxes everywhere, empty beer bottles, adults playing horseshoes, music blaring....and oh yeah, 23 four year olds bouncing and screaming our ears off. The mother in law was passed out drunk on the patio by 3:15, father in law was in the tree trying to get the pinyatta further out the tree limb for reasons that still aren't clear. After being offered a beer for the 3rd time I have to say it tasted good...tasted is important here, as at that moment I looked up (beer in the mouth) and saw my son crying. Didn't matter what happened, he needed someone and I had taken a swig. SHIT! Put the beer down (damn it tasted good...better than I remember) and raced over to see what was wrong. He held me tight and said he was scared; couldn't find Momma, couldn't find Pappa, Grumpa (his name, not mine) was hurt (did I mention he fell from the tree) Gamma was sleeping and wouldn't wake up...and kids were screaming in the bounce house. I'm thinking "what kind of father am I? Happy Birthday Son, let's spend it in HELL".

            Holding him...time stopped, and I sat down. I'm serious...time slowed down, the music was drowned out by my son's breathing in my ear (he was catching his breath) and I just sat in the middle of the yard and watched the chaos. Normally at this point I'm tuned (functional, but buzzed), but not today. Today I watched my wife (holding a beer, who knows how many) chasing kids away from the table, I watched other parents chasing their kids who had taken my golf clubs pretending they were swords. One child got hit in the face, but will be fine. I could see him planning his revenge. Just then, the table with the cake fell over. Mind you, I am still sitting in the yard with Aidan and I started to laugh. Aidan started to laugh with me. My wife was in the house, the guests all tried to salvage the cake-while the kids thought it was a game. This is the best part, one child grabs some cake and plops in the hair of his own Mother! Freakin hilarious. No sooner another child throws cake across the see where this is going, well no food fight broke out but it was funny. In an attempt to salvage the festivities my father in law grabs the pinyatta, holds it up (again, he broke the damn thing when he fell from the tree) and yells "Who wants candy?" All the kids run up to him clawing at the pinyatta. He thinks its funny and teases them with the mangled thing, pulling it close...then pulling it away. What an ass. Out of nowhere the same kid who had kiped my golf clubs comes running up, takes his best shot and clubs him in the chest with my 3 wood. He falls to the ground, candy flies everywhere, guests come running to help Mr Clampet and a swarm of kids take to the spill like bees on honey. Aidan (still on my lap) falls over laughing (I have never seen a four year old laugh until snot came out his nose before) What does Mr. Clampet do? Goes into the kitchen and starts hitting the hard stuff. Says "he deserves it". Whatever dude, you are going to be hurting tomorrow in more ways than I can count. Karma is a bitch.

            Who knows what would have happened had I started with that beer (which did taste good) and gone into my normal mode of self medicating. I do know this, my son didn't cry the rest of the time and stayed by my side the rest of the party. This sounds stupid, but it was like we were best friends. I love that little guy so much, it was just the best time.

            It is late here for me (10:45pm) and I am sober. Normally I am passed out by now on a saturday night, especially after a day like today. I am tired, sore, and worn out...but not drunk.

            The best part of the night just happened before I logged on here tonight; after tucking Aidan in (for the umteenth time) he looked at me and said, "Pappa?" "Yes?" I replied. "Pappa...I wuv you...tank you for my erse Day Party. Grumpa was sunny (he has problems with 'f's)". "You're welcome buddy, I love you too. And yes son, grampa was funny"; and he turned to sleep.

            Anyone with a four year old knows conversations are rare and are more like taking turns repeating things like "Hey Aidan look at the bird" and he says "Bird"....that kind of stuff. This was the first time he told me he loved me without me saying it first, and the first time he thanked me for something without us prodding him to use his manners.

            Yes, I did have a weak moment...and the beer did taste good; yet that, my friends, pales to the taste my son left in my heart which he and I will both remember forever.

            Thanks for thinking of him today.

            My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


              Aidans 4th Birthday!

              Oh Aidanspappa that made me laugh and cry! What a sweet boy you have and what a crazy day too! I was feeling a little lonely and blue and I found you and your great story. You were strong and didn't cave to the old life line- the beer. Each time we work thru life without the crutch of AL we get stronger and able to take our recovery to the next level.
              Thanks for sharing!
              Toughen up!


                Aidans 4th Birthday!

                Awe, thanks for the update. You are creating memories, and some day, they are all we have, really... Hugs, best
                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                  Aidans 4th Birthday!

                  WOW...that was very brought tears to my eyes.
                  Thanks for sharing.
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    Aidans 4th Birthday!

                    That sounds like a great piece out of a Chevy Chase movie!! You handled it with the utmost class. You and Aidan sitting by like bystanders watching it unfold. Priceless!! An angel intervined when they sent Aidan to you to distract you from the beer you were about to drink.

                    What a wonderful story, thank you for sharing. I hope today is a bit more peaceful for you and yours.

                    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                      Aidans 4th Birthday!

                      Thanks All for reading about my chaos...

                      Today, The Clampets are celebrating Father In Law's Birthday. OK, breathe....

                      I will let you know how the "party" goes. Part of me wants to drink...gunna have to work on that. You would think with such success these last 15 days AF I would be stronger...yet, the erge to drink is stronger than I can remember. I will need to stay focused. Maybe I will just eat til I get know...too full to drink, right?

                      Thank you for enjoying my story
                      My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


                        Aidans 4th Birthday!

                        keep it going Pappa, I was on the same day as you and I drank last night and im dissapointed with yourself those negataive feelings, you doing great. Im proud of you.


                          Aidans 4th Birthday!

                          Your sons b/day sounds great ,what a day?eh...hope you taped it. These are the days of our lives!


                            Aidans 4th Birthday!

                            Thank you Aidenspappa, I laughed, I made me feel better
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

