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Scary question(at least for me)

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    Scary question(at least for me)

    Antabuse does not stop cravings, anyway i do not have them(thank God). While on antabuse you just cannot drink as it might even kill you.
    Caysea i'm not really sure what are you trying to say in your post. Please clarify as i am little confused

    All the best
    We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


      Scary question(at least for me)

      I was like you network, I so wanted to drink in the 'future'... but can't ... and I really don't 'get' moderating without getting drunk, so what would be the point of 'me' trying to moderate, because my aim is drunkeness.

      I still don't know how people moderate and stay sober, (if alcohol is produced to make people drunk why do they say its produced for the taste? If this is so then why dont we make identical-tasting alcohol-free drinks??) so my mindset is total sobriety now, I am 'happy' not drinking. Not ever.
      ?We are one another's angels?
      Sober since 29/04/2007


        Scary question(at least for me)

        I hear what is going on seems that many here know that they need to find a new way of life without alcohol.....but, at the same time, want to hang on to the false belief that one can resume drinking at some point and just call it "Moderating". What all of this really sounds like is not modderating at all but, "Drinking Without Consequences".Isn't that what we have all wanted for a very long time, as we have continued to prove to ourselves time and time again that once we take a drink.....the drink takes over.

        Anyone who is interested in Modderating, I encourage you to read the My Way Out book. Honestly, it will help you to understand what modderating truly is.
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          Scary question(at least for me)

          I abused AL for years as well. And what I found for myself personally was that I have go slowly and take it only day by day. If not, then I was pressuring myself too much. Also, everyone makes mistakes ~ but each day sober gets a little easier and you begin to feel alot better too. I have just made the decision that there is no room for AL in my life. I'm slowly realizing that i don't need it anymore.
          "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

          ~Red :h


            Scary question(at least for me)

            hi net,
            i have all of the same thoughts as you. i know I have a problem abusing alcohol but i want to be able to still have a glass of wine now and then....but then i think 'who am i kidding'....A glass of wine....just one?....when would that ever happen...when i have one I am gonna want two....okay so then i'll have two....REALLY?...i REALLY think i can stop at two every time???.....okay so sometimes i'll have three.....wait, i know that usually after three i am drunk enough to not be logically thinking about moderating anymore and will have some point during all of this a switch gets flipped and i just can't get enough and then i wake up hungover wondering what the hell happened....why did i drink so much....i have such an intense WANT to moderate....what the f is my problem i think that morning for a few more weeks i stick to the 'moderating' thing...'oh, i'm doing so well, i only had three glasses of wine last night, yeah'...i pat myself on the back and think i am all better....until next time that little switch clicks over and i am falling down drunk again.....that is the danger of moderating i think....for those of us with patterns of overdoing it with alcohol....for me there is no telling if that switch flips after two three or seven drinks so i really don't know where to set my limits...sorry I am rambling on and on....

            i still like to believe that i can moderate someday

            i think we need to figure out WHY we enjoy being tipsy and what the alcohol is 'fixing' or covering up and for me that may take a lot of therapy....

            maybe if we figure out why we like getting tipsy and fix some of that when we are sober we can be in a better place to successfully moderate

            but what do i know....maybe not, too



              Scary question(at least for me)

              Dove you took the words right out of my mouth!!
              AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
              Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                Scary question(at least for me)

                that is exactly what i worry. That you are right.
                We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


                  Scary question(at least for me)

                  long road, you're funny, you've oscar wilde as your avatar who famously said "work is the curse of the drinking classses"
                  life is simple its just not easy


                    Scary question(at least for me)

                    Science has already proven that the brain that is addicted to alcohol is different than the non-addictive brain. Our bodies handle alcohol differently than the non-addictive brain. This physiology simply will not change. As of now, there is nothing that science is able to do to change this physiology. It is also said that traum plus this physiology causes alcoholism.

                    One might say they want to drink just until "Tipsy" and allow themselves "mistakes", with the reasoning that "we all make mistakes".....and call it moderation or learning to mod, but sorry.......that is not what we are all her it? Honestly, I think to attempt to sell this idea on a site that was created around a plan that is based on research and science is just an attempt at one person to try to sell their own unproven perpetuate their own desires to drink. Yes, Network, you can drink in any way, with any label that you care to give it, but please keep in mind that there are others here who want to stop the madness, a madness, that, statisticly speaking can kill them! Alcoholism destroys lives.

                    Seriously....if you have formed an "idea" regarding your own version of what "Modding" is. Then by all means exercise your right to do as you want.......but, please do not try to sell it here!

                    Anyone that is considering "Modding".....please read the MWO book by Roberta presents both a plan and the guidelines to consider whether modding is possible and the guidelines to follow.

                    Thanks for listening, or not!
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      Scary question(at least for me)

                      I think if you can mod you probably would have never come here in the first place. Just my thoughts and I know for me I cant just drink one or two beers once or twice a month. If its one its at least 6 and then its the next day too. But maybe its just me.
                      Gabby :flower:


                        Scary question(at least for me)

                        I don't think this site is only about quitting AL completely. I assume that is about moderating as well and we don't have to stick to Roberta Jewell when moderating or do we?
                        We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


                          Scary question(at least for me)

                          Well that is sort of like going to AA and joining in and saying well we dont have to stick to the 12 steps do we! Too funny!


                            Scary question(at least for me)


                            Again, I will say it. This is the "My Way Out" site. Yes, we have both those who are AF as well as those who Moderate. But, the point is that neither AF nor Modderating is about "personal interpretation". The book clearly outlines the research done in both areas. It gives people who come here for help, some clear guidelines back up by research.

                            Network....if you want to play around with your own modderating, and you want to gain followers of your way, you can always start your own site! Please have respect for what this site is about. You certainly do not have to agree, but have respect for what is being accomplished here.
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007


                              Scary question(at least for me)

                              Hi Net
                              Having used antabuse in the past to help me stop drinking I am familiar with it.Yes you can't drink while using this drug it can be deadly. It did for me stop the cravings at the time I used it and yes I didn't drink while i was on antabuse.
                              One of the points of my second post was questioning you saying you are x amount of days AF when we discussed your use of antabuse to mod and drink which I thought was odd.
                              The one thing we do expect from each other on this site is to be honest.With ourselves and each other. Are You??

                              Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                              Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                              AF 5-16-08

