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made it non-all that drunk-almost

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    made it non-all that drunk-almost


    I feel like I can understand and appreciate where you are and KUDOS to YOU! Your comment about being the sober DD at the upcoming wedding really hit home with me when you mentioned sobriety=boredom. I think that is something to explore and think about. Maybe you could be a people watcher that night? Get into dancing or talking with the little ones....anything to keep you entertained without the wine.....which I also admit to loving but I'm here to control it just like you :l. Where there's a will there's a way and I know you can reach your goals.:h


    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
    - George Jackson


      made it non-all that drunk-almost

      Thanks heart. I guess my apprehension about being the DD at the wedding is this: I just hate it when say I'm sitting there with no drink just watching people and everyone else is drunk I hate having to answer "what's wrong? why aren't you drinking, dancing, etc." all night long.
      I'd like to try it but really think I am not strong I will give in at some point just to make them all stop and think I am having a good time.
      It doesn't help that we will be staying with my husband family that always has a huge amount of wine in the bar and cocktails every night at 5pm.
      I'm thinking I may use the I'm trying to lose weight thing which will work as I am the heaviest I have ever been right now.
      I think that my best bet.


        made it non-all that drunk-almost


        I feel for you my ex inlaws are big drinkers, and the vodka was always free flowing, I found myself in two unplanned family get togethers and I was not that proud of the outcome.

        You have an advantage in that you can plan in advance, I would suggest a full stomach before you go, as family gatherings can go so wrong. I also used to drink a big glass of V-8
        with some flax seed oil in it. For some reason a full stomach made drinking less appealing.

        Good luck to you !

        AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
        Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:

