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made it non-all that drunk-almost

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    made it non-all that drunk-almost

    made it back from two week vacation having had only one really drunk night last night (hungover and tired this morning but no blackout), one almost really drunk night (no hangover but got to the point where if my husband hadn't stopped me I would have drank all night - actually made a stupid comment about 'we need to get more beer' and he was like 'absolutely not!), and a handful of tipsy nights but NO HANGOVERS after those!!!

    the really drunk night was due to that god damn red wine....had only beer the rest of the trip...i could tell towards the end that it just wasn't enough, thus, the wine last night....LOVE the wine!

    so here i am feeling pretty pround with myself but i still have a long way to go....hubby is gonna support me in not drinking for a while if i can do it...he really just wants me to go ahead and do it and stop talking about it, already....

    school is starting back up on tues....already getting invites to parties and have a wedding to go to in three weeks....i think i am just gonna not go to the parties as hard as that will be and i really need to think about if i want to drink at the wedding....hubby is in the wedding so i'm sure he'll want to get drunk since it is his oldest friend...i guess i could be the DD...god, that's a scary thought....i feel like i'll just be bored all night long!

    anyway, hi all, im back


    made it non-all that drunk-almost

    So what is your goal here? I am very confused at the "feeling pretty proud" remark??? No judgment it is up to you if you want to drink....but, I am just very confused by this post?????
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      made it non-all that drunk-almost

      Good on you Dove,
      thats what i would like to do. Tipsy and no hangovers. That is when we can say we are cured.

      We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


        made it non-all that drunk-almost

        Your idea of successful moderating sounds like my idea of problem drinking. Each to his or her own I guess it but doesnt seem like you are committed to either moderating (as contemplated by MWO program) or AF. If you still "love" wine then maybe you have some way to go yet before you really need the MWO program.


          made it non-all that drunk-almost

          is there only one proper way of moderating (MWO way)?
          I start to think that this site might not be for me. I like exploring different ways.
          Life is not black(drinking) and white(AF).

          All the best
          We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


            made it non-all that drunk-almost

            Well...Network.....this is the My Way Out site.

            What you call "Tipsy".....most of us call drunk. Many drunks, never black out. Many alcoholics do not suffer from hangovers, this does not mean that there is no problem.

            I would say this, if you are here, to gain support for drinking. Or to gain followers of your "theories of moderation"....perhaps this is not the right place.
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              made it non-all that drunk-almost

              Hi Netty
              People do adapt the program to suit themselves but I think the most success is found when peeps stick as close as they can to the program. You should read the book as it will give you an insight into how RJ managed to control her problem drinking. Most people start with that. Its a very easy read and can be downloaded from the site and read on your pc. The program is all about using a variety of tools to help get rid of drinking problems. There are also threads for those who are moderating that might be of interest to you. I myself have followed the program as closely as I could and as a binge drinker (rather than a daily drinker) I do believe that through understanding the nature of my drinking problem I can now manage my binge drinking triggers so that I could have the odd drink here and there if I chose to but the odd thing I have discovered is that once you reach that point there really doesnt seem much point in having one! Maybe that is true moderating when you can take it or leave it and mostly leave it. I certainly couldnt risk getting tipsy as that would be a one way ticket to hell for me.... I have been there many times and I dont like it! Maybe you are lucky you have not got there yet and I hope you never will.


                made it non-all that drunk-almost

                you are right. I keep forgetting that this is a MWO site and i just did not realise that to be part of it you need to follow the rules of MWO. I am sorry.
                We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


                  made it non-all that drunk-almost

                  i am pretty proud of myself....two weeks without a blackout...two weeks without being falling down drunk??...and on vacation...that is awesome for me...i know i have a lot of work to do still....when other people post here about falling off the wagon and getting so wasted the night before, blah, blah, blah, so guilty etc....they get lots of support....why am i getting chastized??....if you don't know me your welcome to find old posts...i've been on and off this site for a while now

                  sorry just had to vent a little...i'm sure the couple reprimanding responses are just cause you don't know me



                    made it non-all that drunk-almost

                    Net, I personally to not subcribe to the AA ideas. In fact, I am very much against must of what they say. I would love to go on some AA sites and talk about the MWO approach. But, I would not do that, because, I must respect the fact that it is AA and people are there because they are choosing the AA method. I realize that Trust and Belief in a program is critical to a person, comitting to work the program. We must always be careful not to stumble anyone, by offering excuses to continue drinking.

                    Thank you for your only thought in addressing this is my strong comittment to helping people achieve sobriety, whether AF or modderating. Because in the MWO program......both of these, if worked correctly are indeed sobriety!
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      made it non-all that drunk-almost

                      Sorry Dove
                      I didnt mean to chastize you at all. If you are happy with your success or progress then that is all that matters. Only you know your own drinking. So well done to you and keep it up.


                        made it non-all that drunk-almost

                        How strange to say you keep forgetting that this is a MWO site? That is like sitting in an AA meeting and talking about your goal to enjoy get tipsy but not having a hangover and then saying oops sorry I keep forgetting I am at AA! LOL. My Way out means RJ's way out (not yours or mine) which she has made available to us. If we could have found our own way out of our drinking problem then I am sure many of us wouldnt be here!


                          made it non-all that drunk-almost

                          Just new years post was to have a non-drunk year. To me that means not downing two bottles of wine in a couple hours, blacking out and waking up with gashes and bruises and no memory....and is a work in progress....

                          i know i let my gaurd down and could have been there the last night of my vacation but i didn't. i drank more than i should have and know that it was wrong.



                            made it non-all that drunk-almost

                            Katie,Boozehag- you are totally right(and i'm not being sarcastic, please believe me). I meant i keep forgetting this is a commercial website. I will not post anymore as i never read the book so i really don't know what MWO is all about. I will just open one more thread to thank everyone.
                            I will also be coming back to read.
                            We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


                              made it non-all that drunk-almost

                              Well - I hope you stay because I really like your avatar!

