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Drinking like a normal person

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    Drinking like a normal person

    Hi all,
    I'm not sure about you, but i never drank like a "normal" person. I started drinking at the age of 17 and i already drank till i pass out. Was i born an alcoholic?
    Let's say i wasn't alcholic when i started drinking, so how come i coudn't drink like a "normal" person. With age i drink less and less(im honest here i drink MUCH less now then when i was a teeneger), the only difference is my hangovers are MUCH bigger and longer.
    I'm starting to think that this all alcoholism is bulls** and we just need to LEARN how to drink less.

    All the best.

    We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.

    Drinking like a normal person

    Im not sure about the whole alchoholic thing. I drink less now, but Im sure Im a problem drinker. Why? Cause I have a problem with it. hehe. I think the most important question you need to answer is are you ok with your drinking. You have to be honest with yourself and you'll get your answer.


      Drinking like a normal person

      MM, to be honest the main reasons i decided to stop is hangovers. Lately i was having hangovers from hell, something i never experienced before.
      We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


        Drinking like a normal person

        You are fighting hard to figure out a way that you can drink and enjoy "Being Tipsy"(your words) without consequences. That is the wish of many an alcoholic or problem drinker which ever label we choose. The fact is......we always want to believe that the next time we drink, things will be different, funny thing is, it is always the same! This process is called "Denial".

        I encourage you to do some research and reading on your own.....the evidence that alcoholism is based in genetics as well as trauma is overwhelming. Our brains are different, we do not have an off botton when it comes to alcohol. Just as diabetics cannot "learn to metabolise sugar" alcoholic cannot "learn" to drink in moderation.

        The fact that as we get older we drink less with worse hangovers is due to the fact that our Liver canot metabolize the alcohol as we did early on.

        I too, think that you need to get honest with yourself. You already know the answers.
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          Drinking like a normal person

          Network, Some of us are just wired to become addicted to alcohol. I had and still sometimes do have a problem with wanting to compare myself and be so called normal. Letting go of that and accepting who I am is a great healer. This is a good web site.

          HBO: Addiction


            Drinking like a normal person

            I agree with what Kate and Kat said and I do know I am wired AL off switch. Yeah, we would like to be *normal* drinkers but we just cannot do it. Think about it.


              Drinking like a normal person

              Yeah how true....No off switch was included in my blueprint...anything worth doing is worth over doing...Be it Alcoholism....or AF...I do it to extreme with nothing in-between.
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                Drinking like a normal person

                But you now have a blue bicycle.


                  Drinking like a normal person

                  network;524804 wrote: MM, to be honest the main reasons i decided to stop is hangovers. Lately i was having hangovers from hell, something i never experienced before.
                  One nice thing about our bodies: It lets us know before its too late. Kind of an early warning system.
                  Starting over again 09/06/11

                  "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                    Drinking like a normal person

                    Ditto Kate.

                    the first time I ever drank it was like a switch was flipped on. I didn't have to learn to become an alcoholic. I was obviously extremely predisposed to it. if it's in my system at all I become a slave to it's false promises. If i can keep it out of my body my life is freaking fantastic
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Drinking like a normal person

                      Netty, I don't think we can 'just learn to drink less'.

                      I sure can't. I'm proving that over and over again.
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        Drinking like a normal person

                        FloridaBoy;524917 wrote: But you now have a blue bicycle.
                        How true...and I will sure look beautiful riding it around...Alcohol free...imagine the alternative ...falling down drunk...NO THANK YOU !!!
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          Drinking like a normal person

                          I don't know if network is just winding me up or is really after help ... mostly I agree with katehsm, if you want us to condone your continuing to drink you are in the wrong place.

                          I feel as long as people ask for help they should receive it, even if they are drinking 50 pints (or whatever) a night or 1ml (sip), because they are asking for help, but I don't think you are asking for help are you ?
                          ?We are one another's angels?
                          Sober since 29/04/2007


                            Drinking like a normal person

                            I'm with heavenly...

                            Any behavior can be modified. You CAN learn to drink moderately, but it's not easy. Don't think it will be easier than learning to abstain. If you want to learn to moderate there are threads here at MWO that address that and can help you give that a try. If you plan on drinking and waving that around in the AF threads, you might find yourself getting the cold shoulder. Try the modder threads.
                            ~Kid Shelleen~(long term moderator)

                            PS: cure for hangover= stop drinking like a fish:nutso:
                            It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
                            ~ Charles Spurgeon


                              Drinking like a normal person

                              i know i have never drank like a "normal person" i started very heavy, very young and added drugs and sex quickly which added lack of inhibition and responsibility for my actions and just right out not giving a shit about anything but having fun and being on top of the world. i am thinking of writing a list of things i have done while drinking or on drugs that i would never do sober to see if it would help me clease during my recovery. would that be a mistake? i have done some really crazy off the wall stuff.
                              I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
                              sober since 2/4/12

