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Thinking like a normal person...what exactly is that?

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    Thinking like a normal person...what exactly is that?

    Tonight was a supreme night. I joined 200 friends at the Arusha Greek Club to watch Obama sign in. He, I believe is not just the new President of the United States of America, but a person that can change the world. Not individualty, but with his carisma and message and the people he has chosen to go forward with him.

    I wore a Kanga (Swahili word for clothing) that had his image printed on it. His speach and behavior gives everyone in the world great hope.... because his words and promise is what, not only the USA, but the World needs. I am a Kenyan and his father is Kenyan.

    I celebrated his inaugration in Tanzania because thats where I live right now, but my Kenya heart was very proud. What I like about Obama is that he lives the belief that everyone of us can play a part in changing the world for the better. That includes us international friends who are battling alcoholism.

    I'm tired and very lonely but I feel a hope. Lets feel good tomorrow.
    A BushBaby with Attitude

    Thinking like a normal person...what exactly is that?


    You are exactly right. We, as individuals, are the ONLY power on this earth that can inspire change. Millions of baby steps = great strides toward improvement for the human race. I too am excited and proud and look forward to positive change in, not just the United States, but the world. We are no longer segregated countries, but a global community. We are our fellow man and he is us. So glad you posted this. Hugs, Best
    "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


      Thinking like a normal person...what exactly is that?


      I too feel renewed optimism due to Obama. I liked him from the first, he just inspires belief in me.

      I'm sorry to hear you are tired and lonely hon. You are a favorite MWOer of mine, you are so eloquent and real. I hope whatever is causing your tiredness and loneliness passes quickly.:l


        Thinking like a normal person...what exactly is that?

        Liz, normal is relative turmanology ........ Now, if you mean thinking not like an alcoholic......well[ that's different. That behaviour we might be able to change....... Then again maybe not, it might even take that you can't drink like a normal person and you must obstain. This behaviour might be in our DNA. Only you can fiquire that'll know after awhile. IAD
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          Thinking like a normal person...what exactly is that?

          Elizabeth, my thanks to you for posting this. It just goes to show how truly small our planet has become and how we are all connected. You are not alone just a little removed.
          I can feel the wind of change in the air. Yes, even baby steps with a purpose can propel us forward.
          I would have loved to raise a glass of Champagne in honour of the new President of the United States, but my genes do not permit me to do that and not loose my way.
          So here goes: I am raising my glass of Perrier to congratulate us all on the occasion of the inauguration of President Barack Hussain Obama. May you lead your nation and the world in compassion, wisdom and peace.
          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


            Thinking like a normal person...what exactly is that?

            Elizabeth, what a beautiful post! Of course, I always enjoy reading what you have to say! I shall, raise a glass of San Lori, I am a non-drinker I am beyond happy that Obama is in the White House, he gives the US as well as the entire world, great hope and confidence!!

            Just a little personal note, I am not one who cries easily, but today I was in my car during Obamas swearing in and his speach.....I was crying out loud in my car, I was so completely over joyed!! (I TIVO'd the entire event, so I will watch it shortly!!
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007

