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Step Parents

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    Step Parents

    Hello all... I just wanted to post that I know one of my triggers is my step-son. I love him dearly... I have been with his since he was 6.. He is now 20. Once he turned 16 and got a girlfriend... I haven't been able to have a decent relationship with him. He has since lost the girlfriend, which was a blessing and he realizes this also. He is a great boy. He is going to school to become a firefighter.. (while living with us and not having any responsibilities "AT ALL".,...... ) He has lived with us since he started 9th grade... He talks to me like I'm trash sometimes and it pisses me off so bad... He is disrespectful of what we do for him. He doesn't appreciate us at all... And then there are good days... He can be so sweet.. But that only last a couple of minutes.... I'm sorry.. I had to vent... But this is one of my triggers..... I want a glass of wine so bad right now... I want to cry... I have talked to his dad but dad just wants to keep peace.... For who???? Not me.... Does anybody feel my pain???? It makes me angry that he treats me this way and I don't deserve it... I know it is hard being a parent.. but my opinion is... it is harder to be a step parent sometimes.... Very hard... Thanks for listening....

    Step Parents

    THD -- duplicate thread??


      Step Parents

      yes. duplicate... sorry.. I don't know how I did that../


