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who's On Line

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    who's On Line

    I'm having trouble determining who's On-line. The numbers don't seem to add up. Can anyone help?

    Sorry if I'm being partiularly stupid.


    who's On Line

    Morning Tawny

    That confused me too... It show 4 peoples names but 7 online - weirdd!!

    Wonder if RJ can shed light - she is God of this site !!!

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Bambs aka Hydrogen

    :h XXX :h


      who's On Line

      Who's on

      No, I agree, it's a bit confusing. I can see everyone who's on (except those who have elected to be "invisible") because I log on as admin. And that's what I'd like everyone to see; I've reported as much to the help desk. I notice when I come on with my "Tester" account the numbers don't add up either. I'm trying to speak English to geeks in explaining this and haven't gotten too far yet. I think we'll get it figured out eventually, but for now it's not making much sense, I agree.

      Working on the text size, too. It's crazy making. But we'll get there...

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        who's On Line

        Thanks RJ

        You're working your little botty off there.
        It's much appreciated - I am Lurving this site !!

        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        Bambs aka Hydrogen

        :h XXX :h


          who's On Line

          Who's On (Tip 'o the Day)

          Thanks, Bambino.

          Okay, this isn't quite as mysterious as I'd thought. I originally configured the settings so that any registered members may log on in "invisible" mode. I believe it's in the options area. In another setting, I prevented others from seeing who's invisible. (I mean what's the point?)

          Invisible allows you to participate in board activities as normal, but your name doesn't show up on the "Who's Online" section. I figure if some folks want to come in on stealth mode, it's their prerogative.

          Anyhoo, that's why the numbers don't add up. If ten members are logged on and four have selected "invisible" mode, you'll only see the names of the other six. Unless you're me (I do see everyone, in fact.) But I never tell.. ;-)

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