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Prayers, and good thoughts needed

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    Prayers, and good thoughts needed

    Keeta, Saying prayers for you and your brother. Sending love...
    "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


      Prayers, and good thoughts needed

      Thinking of you and sending strong vibes to your brother!
      :l Hang in there kiddo
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Prayers, and good thoughts needed

        Sending you and your brother, peace and comfort....Keeta....stay strong!
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          Prayers, and good thoughts needed


          You know I luv you gal, it is a positive sign that your brother sought help while feeling suicidal. Hold onto that thought. He was crying out for help, he hasn't decided he wants to die he decided he wants help with living!

          You are always in my thoughts, babe. :l


            Prayers, and good thoughts needed

            Thank you all so much!

            Dear MWO friends,

            Thank you so much

            I am so scared he just doesn't have what it takes to pull this stay off. I am hoping that all the loving supportive positive energy here will some how reach him.

            Without delving into the *keeta's family dynamics and life* too much, lets just say that for various reasons, my brother reached the age of 37 without having ever purchased a car on his own (father did it all for him), never had to stand on his feet, pull himself up, fix any problem he faced big or small without financial help, or some other form of help from our dad. He has never developed any problem solving or life skills.

            This time it has to be all him. That thought alone terrifies me. :upset:

            Add to the mix his alcohol problem, and the heart breaking phone call I got the night his friend had to take him to the hospital. There is nothing quite as awful as hearing a grown man sobbing, saying he is going to kill himself, that he can't live this way, he wants to die he is done.
            I just can't believe they didn't admit him because he had touched drugs or alcohol.
            The friend who had taken him to the hospital then had to spend the next two days baby sitting him, watching him drink, and pass out, and continue to be so withdrawn and utterly hopeless it scared her enough to have her child stay at her mothers.

            I am helpless, as I am 300 kms away and not financially set enough to have gone there to help her, to HELP HIM:upset::upset:

            She put her life on hold for two days.
            I truly believe she saved his life. She is an amazing human being.

            As I said, he is now in a Recovery Centre. Treatment is 30 days. With no outside contact.

            Kapo, I am not sure if I am allowed to write. I will check into it.

            DeeBee...Thank you, and I am not sure what is happening with your brother, but I will pray for him as well. :l

            Becoming...I am afraid my brother will be so afraid of change, and not being allowed any contact (he is very emotionally needy, and HATED being alone) that he will want to leave also. I PRAY PRAY PRAY he stays. Thank you for you response. I may just take you up on the offer to pm you!:l

            Frogzter...thank you also for sharing your pain, and for adding my brother to your prayers. I will add your son to mine. :h

            To everyone one of you, thank you SO much. I just am afraid, and feeling helpless. I can barely help myself with my own problems and addiction. I just feel so emotionally unable to DO this. But I have to.

            Your support and caring words DO help. The help me feel cared about, and in turn hopefully that will keep me strong enough to support him. His road won't end in 30 days. Then the tough stuff will start.

            Does anyone know if they will have a councellor for him in there? For the depression, and suicidal tendencies?

            I am sorry for writing book, this is the only place I have to talk about this.
            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


              Prayers, and good thoughts needed


              Thank you so much. I agree that a piece of him really didn't want to die. He wouldn't have gone to his friends house before saying he was going to kill himself first. Although I honestly believe down in my soul that if she hadn't been the one to be his advocate, and help him through the next few days of back and forth to hospital and Doctors (sadly he all the while was drinking) he would have indeed killed himself. Those days and nights he never even went home. He remained at her house. :upset:

              The crazy thing is, they haven't been "close" friends in over a decade. She is an amazing woman. She has put up with some heart wrenching things with him these past two or three days.
              She was a Godsend. She was meant to be the one. As I spoke to her many times over the last few days, the coincidenses that lead him to her, and the resources she has, and just the heart of a true angel make me believe this may work. It was just so meant to BE, the way it happened.

              Thanks hart, your luv and support mean a lot to me:l
              Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                Prayers, and good thoughts needed


                You're not writing a book. You're talking about your life and we will always be here for you.

                Be :h
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  Prayers, and good thoughts needed

                  I'm with you too. We'll say a prayer:h
                  no time like the present

