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Been a while

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    Been a while

    i got laid off, first time in my life i lost a job. i can feel myself slipping. everyone calls it "time off" but it's not. it's torture, really. i contacted volunteer orgs today to try and make this period mean something. don't wanna be debbie downer - and i know others are in my situation, just want to connect.

    Been a while

    Hi Babbert,

    I am in the same position as you at the moment. I lost my job recently. Yes I too was very afraid of having too much time and not seeing anyone..For me its early days but I am going to contact the volunteer organisations. I would like to do something meaningful as well. I have also made myself a list of all the bits and pieces I neve had time to do while working. There is a sense of achievement as those things get ticked off.
    Keep reading and posting, that will help you to feel "part of something" also, can you use this time to think about you and what makes you happy? Maybe this is the break you needed to make some changes in your life?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Been a while

      Thanks so much for replying. I am so sorry you lost your job too. i am trying to think of it as an opportuity but that's a tough sell right now. I want to make this time worth something, but i'm just so panicked it's hard to concentrate. And also hard to control the drinking. Not sure yet but think i may go into rehab if the husband can deal with it.


        Been a while

        Think of yourself first, if you need rehab, this is your chance to do it.
        I always believe we are only given as much as we can deal with at any one has happened for a reason and this is YOUR time to figure that out.
        You will get through this, it will make you stronger.
        I think being laid off feels like rejection for many people too, and can have an impact on self esteem. Maybe this is troubling you too?
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Been a while

          Babbert, I also lost my job last year, and am struggling to find something work. There are alot of us in the same boat, and it is hard to be strong. Try and think of this time as a chance to do something new and a chance to change things that you need to to be a better person. Im trying, and i know its so hard, but once we get the ball rolling, we'll get back on track and get going again.
          Take care.
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            Been a while

            hi all,everyones losing there jobs, i wish i could give you mine and retire,i wish you all good luck in finding a new one gyco


              Been a while

              Babbert, cy and starting,

              I hope you all find jobs which are fulfilling to all of you. My brother, 62, lost his job after 19 1/2 years with the same company. Didn't want to pay his retirement. He's scared to death. Volunteering is a good way of networking, too.

              Good luck and take care,
              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                Been a while

                Hi, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your job. I know it is hard and leaves you with a "what now" that is pressing on your mind. I also lost my job last year. I began to drink more and ended up in rehab. I recently returned home after 3 months of rehab and am still at a loss for what to do. I think it really works on my self esteem and the days drag on while I wonder what to do. I have also thought about volunteer work just to have something to do because sitting at home with too much time on my hands is not a good thing.

                I will keep you in my prayers and hope that you find something soon. I hope you do the same for me. It is a tough situation especially with the economy in the toilet right now. Just hang in there and something will come along. I am wishing you all the best!

                This is my first post here in 4 months. I had to respond because I can so relate to what you are going through right now as I am right there with you! You are not alone! I will think of you often.



                  Been a while

                  Babbert & all,

                  I am so sorry to hear of your job losses. It is my worst fear. Unfortunately, I have the job of laying people or terminating, in our organization. I hate it. There have been several times when I couldn't even sleep, knowing what I had to do the next day. I have always tried, in these situations, to treat people with the dignity they deserve. I don't care what you call it, laid off, down-sizing, right-sizing - it sucks. Regardless of the title, people have still lost their livlihood and so much more. So many of us see our co-workers as our peer group. We work so many hours, that is our only socialization. It effects our self esteem, anxiety levels, and is down right scarey, especially in these economic times.

                  However, I have found, that every tragedy that I have experienced in my life, has preceeded and led me to something far better than I might have hoped for, and could not have happened if that tragedy had not occured. It's impossible to know, but keep the faith. If you have an opportunity, check out Ester Hick, power of attraction on You Tube. Pretty intersting stuff!
                  "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                    Been a while

                    take your "time off" to go to rehab. think of that as your volunteering time to yourself, it can't hurt.

                    best of luck to you all, i'm so sorry that people's livelihoods are the consequences of these hard times.



                      Been a while

                      Thank you all. I am saddened to hear of so many others in the same position. Need to get my head straight. You and your postings have been more support to me now than anything else. Thank you again.

