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Are you a secret drinker or out in the open?

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    Are you a secret drinker or out in the open?

    Major Congrats Lucy!!! I have watched your progress....and I am so happy for you!!! Are you on Antabuse? I would love to get 40 days...I would love to have a million days!!

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


      Are you a secret drinker or out in the open?

      Wayyy out in the open. Wife knew/knows exactly how much I was drinking but only really sees it as a problem if I'm too drunk for sex or drink so much beer while she's out that there is none left for her. Having said that, cutting down drastically this week has been very good for the both of us.

      All our friends are also heavy drinkers and it was completely normal to sit in someone's sunny backyard getting completely sloshed on a Sunday afternoon, discussing who had gone thru the most cases of beer that week.


        Are you a secret drinker or out in the open?

        NEVER hid drinking.. that is way too much work.. :H


          Are you a secret drinker or out in the open?

          The way I drank was dictated by where I was in my addiction more than who I was with. I drank so much for so long that I always had to have a certain amount of alcohol in my system at all time. I;ve done all the things everyone else here have mentioned. (and I thought I was so original!) I would sneak drinks into work but drink openly in my car while on break. Go figure.
          As far as my hubby goes. He was one of those good ole boys who always had beer in the fridge but only have a few through the week. He stopped doing that because he would buy and I would drink it all. He actually kept his booze hid from me so I wouldn't drink it all. He can drink or not and it doesn't bother him at all.
          His attitude changed about my drinking as I progressed. At first he thought I was funny. Then wanted me to moderate. Then totally disapproving. Then wanted me to moderate. Then just didn't care anymore. Then one day we were talking about retirement (as with everyone else our retirement money going down the tubes) And in a very mater-of-fact way told me I didn't need to worry about retirement because I would probably be dead from alcohol abuse in a couple of years anyway. He wasn't mad or mean -just excepting. A real wake up call for me.
          So I feel that I have influenced the people around me more with my drinking than they ever influenced me.
          AF since 7/26/2009

          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


            Are you a secret drinker or out in the open?

            I have hid beer once or twice, but usually I go to the fridge to get one realizing that in the morning I am going to be bombarded with "can't you just let it sit in there?" "why do you have to drink it just because it's there?" All I can say is I'm sorry and you're right
            :crazymonkey:Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.? -George Carlin


              Are you a secret drinker or out in the open?

              Ripple;528317 wrote: NEVER hid drinking.. that is way too much work.. :H
              but if you had to, would you have?


                Are you a secret drinker or out in the open?

                It is getting easier! Though I have to add to my previous post---once I did not want my husband to know I bought AL--he seems eager to unpack grocery bags now, wonder why--so I literally stuck the bottle in my pants. Then I said I had to pee really bad, ran to the bathroom, and hid it in the back of the vanity. How's that for sad and sorry?:upset:


                  Are you a secret drinker or out in the open?

                  I am a closet drinker...I'm on day one of AF again, but this time it's gonna work because I found My Way Out!!!

                  My husband knew how much I was drinking, but he would never say a word about it. I would do the little bottle / big bottle routine. Keep the little one up front and filled half way and drink out of the big one.

                  My family and friends have no idea that this is my addiction.

                  I just had "the" talk with my husband this morning. He is going to be my ROCK as I stop all this crap that I have been doing.:new:
                  RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                  "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy

