***Hi. Well I am at an all time low now! My only hope was getting someone to prescribe me antabuse, and seen as no one can, I just want to give up trying.
I am a serial relapser. My longest period of abstinance, being 3 months, before stupidly picking up a drink again.
I went to see my GP to ask for AB, but he said no. It was almost as tho he didn't want the responsibility of dealing with me. He referred me to an alcohol services group instead.
One of their CPN's has just been to see me...a vey nice lady, but who sadly informs me that I will find it near-on impossible to get AB from any CPN/GP! (i am in UK).
So, thats it then.
I don't have the money to buy it from the net, nor the patience to wait for it to arrive.
The lady who came out, was as upset as me. Upset, because she so wants to be able to help, but is powerless to do so.
Do you know what?? I am so emotionally out of sorts right now. I had so much hope for today, oh how stupid!!! stupid, stupid! I really should have known better.
It's not her fault, and I dont blame her. it's all just politics. She's as frustrated as me.
She did give me half hours accupuncture tho, never had that before, so maybe that will buy me some time. ...dont know how, just wishfull thinking.
Also, is anyone on lamotrigine? as I had that prescribed, a month or so ago, and am shit scared to take it, because of possible side effect's...in particular hair loss/weight gain, major freak outs for me!!
Well, vent done with, from one very pissed off, frustrated, utterly fed up ....