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What is it with the UK and meds ???

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    What is it with the UK and meds ???

    I posted this in the meds section, but am posting it here too, as I am MAD!

    ***Hi. Well I am at an all time low now! My only hope was getting someone to prescribe me antabuse, and seen as no one can, I just want to give up trying.
    I am a serial relapser. My longest period of abstinance, being 3 months, before stupidly picking up a drink again.
    I went to see my GP to ask for AB, but he said no. It was almost as tho he didn't want the responsibility of dealing with me. He referred me to an alcohol services group instead.
    One of their CPN's has just been to see me...a vey nice lady, but who sadly informs me that I will find it near-on impossible to get AB from any CPN/GP! (i am in UK).
    So, thats it then.
    I don't have the money to buy it from the net, nor the patience to wait for it to arrive.
    The lady who came out, was as upset as me. Upset, because she so wants to be able to help, but is powerless to do so.

    Do you know what?? I am so emotionally out of sorts right now. I had so much hope for today, oh how stupid!!! stupid, stupid! I really should have known better.

    It's not her fault, and I dont blame her. it's all just politics. She's as frustrated as me.
    She did give me half hours accupuncture tho, never had that before, so maybe that will buy me some time. ...dont know how, just wishfull thinking.

    Also, is anyone on lamotrigine? as I had that prescribed, a month or so ago, and am shit scared to take it, because of possible side effect' particular hair loss/weight gain, major freak outs for me!!

    Well, vent done with, from one very pissed off, frustrated, utterly fed up ....

    Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!

    What is it with the UK and meds ???

    ((((( Step )))))

    I don't know what to tell you. I have also read up on Antabuse and bookmarked a couple of sites. For me, it's more an issue of a very small community and there's no way 'd go to the pharmacy here and fill that Rx.

    What is the cost for you online? Perhaps I can send you what I've found, if it's lower?

    Hang in there please and do NOT give up.
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      What is it with the UK and meds ???

      Thanks Sunshine, for such speedy response. Cheapest I have found was $95 (us).
      Just makes my blood boil that I cannot just go get it from my GP! ... I am not a child!!! I have done my research, know the consequences of drinking on it, but I just can't get it!
      Can't even get Naltrexone here, and that is far safer. AAARRGGHHHHH
      You get all revved up, get into the right 'mind set', and NO ONE WANTS TO HELP! Right now I could just go drink.
      Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!


        What is it with the UK and meds ???

        How utterly frustrating.
        I am sorry you are hitting wall after wall that seems to be put up in your way.
        As for ways to find it, I can't help you as I am in Canada. But I sure hope you won't let this drive you to drink.
        Keep posting, even if just to vent...hopefully some one close to you can offer help and suggestions.

        Good luck Step.
        Keep on trying, please never give up.
        Many hugs,
        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


          What is it with the UK and meds ???

          Thanks Keeta,
          I do have some great support thank goodness, or I would be a lot worse right now.
          I did almost buy wine ealier...twice. dropped off at tesco... twice, had all intention of buying it.
          I looked at it...all the 'nice' shiny bottles, with their fancy labels. Stood there as tho in a trance, watching people load their trolley's and baskets. looked again. And walked away!!!

          God I hate this.

          Home now with a herbal tea, and a cat on my lap, and another sober night to add to my count.

          Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!


            What is it with the UK and meds ???

            Step, would your doctor agree to you seeing an addiction specialist?
            I know the addiction services from a gp can leave a lot to be desired.
            Well done on not giving in tonight
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              What is it with the UK and meds ???

              Good job with your herbal tea pick! I'm new here (how long do I constitute me still being new?) is there anyone from over there on that side of the pond that can help? I think I've seen several posts from the UK.
              Stay strong.


                What is it with the UK and meds ???

                Hi Step, I feel really sorry for you up against the UK medical system. Would topomax etc be an option/alternative that could help you somewhat? Just a thought anyway. Or maybe visiting a different doctor or getting some advice from AA even? I don't know - just trying to throw ideas at you.

                You sound really strong to me in the way you are being so proactive dealing with this. I wish you all the luck in the world, maybe if you get through the next day or two the craving will lessen again too.

                AC x x x


                  What is it with the UK and meds ???

                  I am so glad you have good support. It can be such a life saver,even when nothing else seems to work.

                  Your description of your stop at tesco is so vivid. I can almost feel your longing. So if you can describe it so well, I can only imagine how it must have felt.

                  AWESOME job resisting that temptation. You are very strong!

                  Keep up the good work, Step!

                  Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                    What is it with the UK and meds ???

                    Hi All. Firstly.... I AM EXTATIC!!!!!! I am so so happy right now! After my home visit from the alcohol support unit, and the unsuccessful out come, I called my doctors sugery this moning asking if they had a cancellation, and guess what...they did! It was with the GP who pescribed me the hemminevrin that got me started on my 3 months AF stint last time. Well tonight, I took my partner with me (for support, and also so the doctor could see I had someone keeping an eye on me). I pleaded with him to give me the antabuse. He then launched into the adverse reactions and side effects. So I said...well can I ,be honest here.... with which he poceeded to finish my sentence by saying...." ok, you are getting it off the net/ or have nicked some off a friend??".....and I said yes!
                    Well, the out come to this is... I HAVE IT!!!!! I have my script for antabuse!! and a months script fo diazapam, for when the going gets tough! I have to repot back to him in 2 weeks, and evey pescription has to be sanctioned by him. Well I DON'T CARE!!! I have the antabuse. I finally have it. It's true what they say (on the antabuse thread)... it is so nice, not to have to torture myself as to whether to drink, or not...only to end up dinking to black out. The choice is simply removed. I absolutely CANNOT drink now! end of!!!
                    Thank god for a doctor who has the gumption, and the balls, to help me. And shame on those who don't. My doctor has saved my life tonight. For the first time I have hope, and an inner sense of calm.

                    Love to all

                    A much happier, and less frustated ....


                    Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!


                      What is it with the UK and meds ???

                      Go to . Thats where I ordered mine and it was good. Be very careful. The more you take it, the more confident you become. If you have any questions, PM me.


                        What is it with the UK and meds ???

                        Hi I am new here reading this to see what all thought of diazapam. this is my third day. went to docs yesterday avo and she said only have topamax here is australia for migrain. so i have the diazapam. seem to take the edge of the craving for about an hour. not used to being up at nine at night, usually passed out unless we having a good binge. wish i was on day 30. glad to have found this site though. thanks to all


                          What is it with the UK and meds ???

                          hi step,you did do 3 months, so you have the willpower,as far as the drugs,seeing that you can stop,hopefully i wont get chastised,why use them,in Canada we have family service centers,its a matter of getting a referral from the doctor, explaining you might have a problem, or an addiction or allergy to Al,that is up to you to decide,i'm not even sure you need a referral,you must have family services,i spent 4 classes there and the councillor said,he was in aw that i was even there, i had a month under my belt, at the time,i told him i didnt have a problem stopping just staying stopped,ive learned over the last few months since being here cause some docs will refer to AA. note AA is not for al, some people need more research on why there the way they are, and preventions,again i'm rambling, i do wish you well, gyco

