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Decisions Decisions Decisions

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    Decisions Decisions Decisions

    Hi Peeps I saw this and thought of you . Bit deep - not like me - shallow as a puddle !!!

    When you look back there will be things you will regret.

    You made the wrong decision.


    You made the right decision.

    Life is about decisions.

    1. Am I going to have the practical
    car or the fast car?

    2. Shall I go to college or get a job?

    3. Will I have wine, beer or water?

    Whatever decision you make is the ONLY one you could make.

    Otherwise you would have made a different one.

    Everything we do, we choose.

    So what is there to regret?

    YOU are the person you choose to be.

    Paul Arden

    I read this in a book yesterday - i haven't read a book for years - I would have to put down my glass to hold it and my eyes wouldn't focus anyway!!! I
    It just made me think.

    I CHOSE to drink, then drink CHOSE me . I must not look back and regret it because to look back is to fester. I CHOOSE to look ahead and move on. I CHOOSE not to drink. I CHOOSE to have a life.
    ( don't know if I've nicked that last bit from Trainspotting !! )

    God I'm boring myself now !!!
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Bambs aka Hydrogen

    :h XXX :h

    Decisions Decisions Decisions

    I trainspot too

    Hi Bambino

    your thread made me smile,one of my favorite sayings is "Choose Life", not sure if our american friends no trainspotting, scotish is not english! Keep strong


