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From UKSean 1/22/09

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    From UKSean 1/22/09

    I just thought of an idea..
    I will write to you in word from home put it on a disk and then put it on here when I get to the library, this will give me more time to do the things I have to do in the hour I have.
    Not much new to tell (except that Metlife is still giving me the run a round
    I can make calls from the Share house (were I did my rehab)and they told me they will take any messages for me.
    I am really sad that tomorrow I will have my car repossessed. I worked hard to get that car and keep it.
    Thank you everyone for your kind words I will keep each and everyone of you in my prayers.
    I will see you all soon.
    Lots of love,

    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice

    From UKSean 1/22/09

    Hey there Sean - great idea about your alternative posting idea! Cool.
    CRAP news for you about your car - I empathise....mine was impounded last Easter (I drove while disqualified) - a HUGE limiter for many things.
    Keep uup the positive and enthusiastic attitude, mate ! I am AMAZED and encouraged by just HOW you do with your full plate of not so palatable issues.
    Keep on keeping on!!!
    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


      From UKSean 1/22/09

      I don't really know you, but you really brighten this place up! Your attitude in the face of all this hardship is very inspiring. Take care, and I am hoping you are okay!
      I love libraries!!!


        From UKSean 1/22/09

        I too love libraries!
        UK - just the fact that you have made 16 months AF runs RINGS around ANYTHING ELSE! YOU are bloody awesome, mate!
        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


          From UKSean 1/22/09

          Hey you!!
          Glad to see a post from you. Ill be praying that your issues with your claim get handled quickly. Love your attitude through all this. Keep your head up.


            From UKSean 1/22/09

            Hi UK Sean,

            I'm puzzled by the TYFE you use to sign off. What does it mean?


              From UKSean 1/22/09

              Seaney, hope everything gets sorted quickly for you, cause i miss your fun upbeat posts,
              & i'm with Monica, the only thing i could come up with for TYFE is Thank You for Everything???
              please put me out of my misery. what does it stand for ???
              Progress, not perfection!!!
              A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                From UKSean 1/22/09

                Sean , great to here from you.


                  From UKSean 1/22/09

                  hi sean,you are a very smart cookie,and great idea with the library.hope things get better soon for you,gyco


                    From UKSean 1/22/09

                    Hey Sean, Glad to see that you have been so resourceful and that you are able to use the library and the rehab for communication.

                    Have you thought of contacting your local newspaper and TV stations. In our current climate of Bail Outs, etc.........the press might take interest in your story. There are some reporters that specialize in human interest stories, when good people, through no fault of their own are hurt by Insurance companies and the like. The thing is, you and your employer paid for your short term disability insurance. It is supposed to begin to pay after two weeks. Due to Met-Life not living up to the terms of your policy, you are now in a place that you should not be. In CO we have someone called "The Trouble Shooter" Tom Martino, you might check out his site for somone in Montana!

                    Also, have you checked out the local food bank? HR at your work should also be helping with your insurance, since it was through your employer...........just wracking my brain for some real help for you!

                    Thinking of you, Sean....Stay Strong!
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      From UKSean 1/22/09

                      Great to hear from you Sean. Your stength is inspiring. Hang in there. There are some serious flaws in the disability system. The Government is worse than private insurance. I have watched so many people lose everything before they see a check. Something needs to be done. I'll give Barack a Chin up Sean, better times are coming.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        From UKSean 1/22/09

                        Glad to hear you can keep touch with us !!!
                        I agree with Obama...things are gonna get better..I can see it...IN MY CRYSTAL BALL....LOL
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          From UKSean 1/22/09

                          Sean...Kate has some GREAT ideas....fight back my friend! These mega companies expect little folks to lie down and just take it. Don't do that.
                          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                            From UKSean 1/22/09

                            I can see your life has some big bumps in the road right are handling it in good form from what I can see....You are a STAR. Keep a stiff upper lip and remember to smile!!!! I am here to help in ANY way I can. I am in Utah (not too far from you, Sean). Krigs
                            "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                              From UKSean 1/22/09

                              So sorry about your situation, I agree. Fight back!

                              The big companies don't care about the little folks.
                              Goin to the local paper sounds like a good idea to me.

                              Take care!!

                              AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                              Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:

