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From UKSean 1/22/09

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    From UKSean 1/22/09

    hey, you always manage to say good things to others when you are having problems ... so will pray for you too, and I am sure you will be back up and running soon ...
    ?We are one another's angels?
    Sober since 29/04/2007


      From UKSean 1/22/09

      I am truly sorry for the predicament you are in. I think that Kate had (as usually) an excellent idea. Get the word out and ask for help.

      We are taking it on the chin from banks, insurance companies etc. They think it is their God-given right to screw us over time and time again. We should all march on our respective "Wall" Streets, armed with plastic baseball bats, and give the upper echelon a thrashing they won't soon forget. I detest violence but I am just seething at all they have done to us for years. Don't mind me - just venting!

      Things will get better and above all do not loose your wonderful sense of humour.

      Hugs Lori
      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein

