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7 Day itch?

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    7 Day itch?

    why can I stop and not crave a drink or think about it for 6 days? On day 7 I start getting a headache and get to think about why I have a headache and get restless. Then I take a drink. What is up with that? Why the 7th day? any ideas?

    7 Day itch?

    Days 3, 5 and 7 seem to be the hardest. Could be the sugar withdrawal, could be the physical can do it - 6 days is amazing. Be proud of your accomplishment and keep talking to us.
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      7 Day itch?

      Bump, can anyone else give advice?
      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


        7 Day itch?

        Uni Thank you , anyone?


          7 Day itch?

          Hiya BG,
          Yes, I think Uni is right, there seems to be several "rough spots" in the sobriety game. I know I found 3 weeks tough...
          My advice is just know it will get better. The mind is a funny thing as is addiction, it will play tricks on you, telling you that you need the alcohol again. Give yourself time to get through it. It will be uncomfortable sometimes, but thats all it is, discomfort. It gets easier and sobriety is SO worth the initial difficulties...
          Keep reading and posting about your feelings, that helped me SO very much.
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            7 Day itch?

            Whenever you're starting to seriously consider caving in and having that first drink, you could jump on here and read the posts from people who did just that. The tone is always bitter regret, disappointment.

            I see this caper as a path with two forks ahead:

            1. There's no telling where our lives will lead, if we keep resisting that first drink. It's an amazing confidence boost, to do something you're proud of.

            2. On the other hand, we all know, deep down, exactly what will happen if we take that first drink.

            There's no way we can have any personal growth while using substances to avoid reality. Be strong!


              7 Day itch?

              Try jumping on-line and having a chat with someone -- it really helped me when I was stuggling.
              There is wonderful support here so just put your hand up and we'll help you through the "witching hour".
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                7 Day itch?

                Could also be that you have that 7 day failure programmed in your drinking mind......The Beast puts the thought into your mind like it's a matter of fact you will fail at day 7....and of course, you do.

                After you are 5 days AF you are past the hard physical's in your head now. Try not looking at day 7 as some sort of goal or turning point. It's just another get up and don't drink, just like you did on day 5, 6,....

                You can get past this....just have to adjust your thinking.... don't sit around anticipating failure. Think positive and proactive about quitting drinking. YOU are doing're not just waiting around to see what happens. Tackle each day with the fact that you will not drink today, no matter what happens.



                  7 Day itch?

                  BeerGoggles, great chatting with you last night. and ditto what Chief said.
                  how you feeling today?
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    7 Day itch?

                    Your brain is thinking this time last week i was drinking, and that leads to cravings?
                    To Infinity And Beyond!!


                      7 Day itch?

                      thanks guys it really helps...Just have to use my head a guess. I doing Ok, I just miss my girl. It makes it even harder...


                        7 Day itch?

                        Maybe harder, but all the more worth it..there is much more chance of having her back if you are sober and in control.
                        You have a wonderful reason for making this work.
                        Chin up, it will get easier..
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

