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The End of my ADDICTION ...Baclofen ???

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    The End of my ADDICTION ...Baclofen ???

    I am reading the book "The End of My Addiction" by Olivier Ameisen MD...I would love to hear from any of you that have read this book. The man is amazing to me. He searched to find a way to help himself, when other Dr's. wouldn't or couldn't. They saw him as BAD..not SICK.
    I was almost in tears when I read that he was trained that "the disease" was the enemy ...not the person who is suffering from the disease.
    He found that baclofen worked on so many different levels with alcoholism...Cravings depression etc.This book is so encouraging and I wonder how many have read it and how many have had success with following the baclofen route ??
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

    The End of my ADDICTION ...Baclofen ???

    I haven't read the book, nor have I tried baclofan. Like you I would like to hear from anyone that has.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      The End of my ADDICTION ...Baclofen ???

      WOW ... evie is that the TRUTH= "the disease" was the enemy!!! you have done so well on your sobriety ... hold on to it.. i know you will. :l


        The End of my ADDICTION ...Baclofen ???

        Have not tried baclofan but I've had great success with Topamax. In fact, I have introduced my doctor to Topa and he is now prescribing it for others with drinking problems along with MWO which I think is fantastic!
        vegan zombies want your grains


          The End of my ADDICTION ...Baclofen ???

          Thanks...Rippy, you kissable Llama you...
          Cycle,I have been using Topa, myself. In Ameisen's book he speaks of significant side effects of Topa...Blindness being my biggest concern. Many other positive effects (anti depressant ) come with the he says..and it is cheaper and safer ???
          I have odered it from Riverpharmacy and when it comes, I will do a trial for myself...Then my results will be posted.
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

