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Tired of Falling Down

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    Tired of Falling Down

    I am really disgusted with myself this morning. Got very drunk last night and did something very stupid and I'm very ashamed of myself. I had been doing ok by modding and I was naive enough to think that maybe, just maybe, I might have this thing under control but then the beast sneaks up from out of nowhere and Bam!! Today is pretty much a lost day with nursing a hangover and all. One of the other "benefits" of drinking is you get drunk the night before and then get to pay all over the following day.

    As they say though, today is a new day so I'm here to start over. What's done is done - I can only look ahead. I MUST beat this thing. I've given life much tought lately as I'll turn 60 this year and have no desire to spend whatever time the Good Lord gives me in a drunken stupor. So I'll pull up my boots and move on.

    Thanks for letting me vent. I'm not looking for sympathy but I find it helps to post. That way I can see in black and white what an ass I'm making of myself.

    Tired of Falling Down

    I know what you mean Smokey, Falling down SUCKS...I have done it more times than i can count...I see it as part of my recovery long as you don't stop haven't just had a brain fart !!
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      Tired of Falling Down

      Read my old posts. I am sure you did not as stupid thing as I do always if it makes you feel better. I understand the place you are in . It is hell on earth.
      Do not give up


        Tired of Falling Down

        yep, it's a new day!
        hang in there smokey, you'll be allright.



          Tired of Falling Down

          Thanks everyone. YLFA I will go read your posts, and yes, this is hell on earth.


            Tired of Falling Down

            Hi Smokey, sometimes we need that defining moment to help us move forward. Its sounds like you have had yours.
            It will get better. Keep at it.
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Tired of Falling Down

              I certainly hope so S.O.

              What a wonderful thought: living not just existing.



                Tired of Falling Down

                I've given life much tought lately as I'll turn 60 this year and have no desire to spend whatever time the Good Lord gives me in a drunken stupor. So I'll pull up my boots and move on.
                Smokey, that struck a chord with me. I have the same thought, on the brink of turning 57.
                Let's not squander what time we have left on this earth! Let's not spend it hung over!

                We can do it!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Tired of Falling Down

                  We can do it Dill, but it seems to be an uphill battle, doesn't it?


                    Tired of Falling Down

                    Yep. But they say it gets easier with time.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Tired of Falling Down

            `s a kick up the arse from me. You KNOW you can do this!!!!!!! :l

                      Star x
                      Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                        Tired of Falling Down

                        Smokey, it's good you are posting about this and taking another hard look at your patterns with alcohol. Are you ready to quit drinking, or are you thinking that you will be able to try again to engage in moderate consumption? Remember that having a plan and a clear set of steps to follow is essential... I understand what you are saying about the age issue... I am 56 and am working hard at not regretting all the years and parts of my life that I wasted, or destroyed, with my drinking. Approaching 60 is a good time to make a firm decision to never let alcohol interfere with the rest of our lives!


                          Tired of Falling Down

                          NEVER GIVE UP!!!
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            Tired of Falling Down

                            Hi Smokey...

                            Missed seeing you around, and honesty is the best way to begin a new day. And it IS a new day.

                            Hope you wake up tomorrow feeling on top of the world!

                            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                              Tired of Falling Down

                              Hi Smokey,

                              Yes it's so hard to accept the things we do while drinking, so embarassing etc.

                              I don't know how people cope with it over and over again.

                              But plenty of people seem to be able to stop that cycle. I have a feeling it's linked to good impulse control!

                              Good luck and know you are not alone. Don't judge yourself too harshly. You have a problem and you are working on it.

