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ARMY THREAD Jan 25th 2009

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    ARMY THREAD Jan 25th 2009

    The time zones make me out of it. The day seems to start here, and by the time I participate, the thread is over so today I say "Good Morning to all you Wonderful Persevering People!"
    MWY has helped me immensely and :award: this is day 30 AF! You are so much a part of my success, Thank you all.

    BUT! Today I had a difficult time, and thought about drinking all through my yoga class, and it's been on my mind all day. Don't know why. It was sort of out of my realm, (with the successful use of my meds) But it has reared up it's UGLY head and is trying to entice me.
    I feel I am weakening.

    Oh yeah, I don't really do AA but tomorrow I think I will go for my 30 day chip, I am going to trade in the only other 30 day chip I have ever received, (I could make a necklace out of the one day chips I have embarrassingly stepped up to the plate and accepted.)

    Hope you all have a great day, with less cravings, and great fortitude, Carry on lanter:

    ARMY THREAD Jan 25th 2009

    Good mornng to all you troopers, hope you're all Ok and have a great Sunday.
    Ocean, so sorry to hear you're struggling, how are you feeling today...any better? Try to stick with it, you're doing amazingly well, just think how you'd feel if you gave in now. Do whatever it takes to keep you strong. It won't be long now till the troops are here to give you support, hang around if you can.
    Although I'm in the UK, like you, I seem to miss joining in the Army thread each day, I am just so busy at the moment and I'm loving it. My one problem is I don't sleep too well, but not to worry, I can cope with that.
    I'm on day 31 today and can honestly say I have had no cravings so far. I've had many lapses over the past year, the last one being New Year, but this time I feel so different. I'm happy for the first time in a LONG time. I have a wonderful supportive family and am so very grateful to them for not giving up on me ( I posted a thread as Mum on "families affected by alcohol" WOW did that hit home. I have all you amazing people on MWO and the help from my wonderful counsellors.
    I've just started working again, the first time in over five years and I'm loving it. I come home each day and I'm shattered but it's such a good feeling.
    I wish you well Ocean, lets make it to day 32 and 33 and beyond eh? We CAN do it.

    Mint xxx


      ARMY THREAD Jan 25th 2009

      Hi Minty and Oceana!
      Its lovely to see you both here. Yes the time zone thing can be a problem, but never worry about jumping in wherever or whenever you can OK?
      Oceana, sometimes those cravings will hit unexpectedly and will also leave as quickly as they came. Make a list of all the good things about your sobriety and also a list of all the bad things about being drunk. It may help a bit..most of all, know this will pass.
      Minty, its fantastic to hear you are doing so well, isnt it wonderful when all of a sudden, everything feels right? I think your job will go a long way to boosting your self esteem.
      You are both doing fantastically, and its lovely to have such postive posts to start the morning.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        ARMY THREAD Jan 25th 2009

        Morning all. I have another day of work today and really don't want to go in which is not like me. I have the odd can't be bothered with work moment but today i just don't want to go in, end of. I will go in though as i need the money but will keep quiet and just get on with my work. Not really in a talkative mood.

        Ocean ... sorry to hear your struggling, you have done so well getting to 30 days AF ..... i hope the urges pass soon and you can carry on building up those AF days. Stay strong x x

        Minty ... Well done on your 31 days AF .... you sound like your doing brilliant x

        Starts ... Why are you up so early!!!! How's you today?


          ARMY THREAD Jan 25th 2009

          Aloha Ocean, Minty, Starts and Wish.
          Hang in there, Ocean - the effort is well worth it. I could probably make a chain the circumference of the world if I collected One Week AA chiips! :H
          I too relate to the time-zone thing - however, there is usually someone about! Lots of us have insomniac periods!
          How are you doing, Starts?
          Wish - hope your day gets better and better, hon...
          All good here - just finished 12-hour shift - got tomorrow to go, then two days off!!! Am still thoroughly enjoying my managerial role - who woulda thunk it!
          Minty - great to see you too - keep coming back!
          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


            ARMY THREAD Jan 25th 2009

            Just been going through yesterday's army thread.
            Ones - you are SO not on your own with the isolation thing. It was REALLY hard for me to take on my new job - although I am an excellent "fakie" people person, and do eventually enjoy it, it is FAR more natural for me to be a loner.
            i too unplug my landline regularly, do not answer the door, and often if I have visitors will slyly ring my mobile from my landline, pretend that I am talking to someone I have to meet when I answer it, in order to get rid of my visitor(s) and be alone. i am generally comfortable with this, just don'want to be rude. I DO KNOW, however, when it is getting unhealthy - and sometimes have to REALLY force myself to be a motivated friend.
            Try not to worry to much - it won't help.
            As long as sobriety is your priority, all things are OK
            LOVE ya x
            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


              ARMY THREAD Jan 25th 2009

              A very good morning all. Its good to see you all!
              Had real truble sleeping last night. Must of watched about 100 interventions! Nothing really on my mind to worry or bother me, but just couldnt sleep.
              Big day of footie for me today. My beloved cardiff city are up against the prem giants of arsenal. But they have to come to our shitty home, and they wont like playing there. My brother is an arsenal fan too, though he was born and bred in cardiff, and says he will support arsenal!! I am disgusted in him, and told him too!
              Ocean...good to see ya! I often have trouble once i have completed my 30 days. I need challenges in my life, and the 30 days is on of them. Once it is over i lose a bit of that drive and determination. But, boy do i regret it when i do drink after 30. Keep strong my friend.
              minty....great to see you doing so well. Its good to read such positive posts in the mornings.
              The ladies....Good morning and a big sunday kiss for you all( though i havent cleaned my teeth yet!)
              Have a great day all, and have a peacefull sleep Kap.
              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                ARMY THREAD Jan 25th 2009

                Hey Cy - great to see you. Hope you thoroughly enjoy your Sunday fottie park up - and REALLY hope your dear Wishy on the bounce back from her downer. Give her a big hug from me when you see her next, would ya?!
                *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                  ARMY THREAD Jan 25th 2009

                  Ah well.
                  As unsocial as i am incllined to be when it comes to daily face-to-face humans, I CAN'T WAIT til I have a bit of time off and can catch up with of all of you soldiers.


                  'night x
                  *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                    ARMY THREAD Jan 25th 2009

                    Will do bud. The 'fakie' people person i can relate to so much! Go into a packed restaurant and do the 'cymru show' Smile, get people laughing and singing, make 'restaurant friends'. Make out im someone who im not basically. To look at me when im in my element in a packed rest you would think im all shinny and gold. Scratch the surface and its dark and dirty. All a show. Which is why i dont want to work in restaurants for a while! Gotta start 'finding' myself. That has helped, so thanks Kap. xx
                    To Infinity And Beyond!!


                      ARMY THREAD Jan 25th 2009

                      Nos Da kap.
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        ARMY THREAD Jan 25th 2009

                        Hell yes - I very relate to all that, cy. At work they say, "you are SUCH a people person, etc etc etc" - they are lovely "normal" people who know NOTHING about me whatsoever, and I am all good with that. I know who I am today, and that is a recovering alcoholic. I also know that too much time on my hands can be extremely dangerous. So I don't mind doing the restaurant "act".
                        Cy - you really are a kindred soul....hope you have a fantastic Sunday, and look forward to catching up properly during the week.
                        Bless you, totally x
                        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                          ARMY THREAD Jan 25th 2009

                          Thanks Kap, your a good friend. sweet dreams x
                          To Infinity And Beyond!!


                            ARMY THREAD Jan 25th 2009

                            Hiya Kap, seems we arent so different after all are we? Except I just clam up often in company, find it hard to even put on that act....often I have thought of myself as "scratch the surface and there is nothing there" .....feck, we are our own worst enemies arent we?
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              ARMY THREAD Jan 25th 2009

                              Night kapo x

