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We need a ghost

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    We need a ghost

    We need a ghost. Like in the Christmas movie. We need to see how things would be. We need to see how bad things would be if we were drinking. I think staying sober for some of us is hard, because there isn't' a big enough prize. Well, that isn't true. The prize is huge, but we can't really see it. It's very ironic really. The bigger the prize, the less we get to see of it. What I'm saying is, sobriety brings the downfall of so many horrible things, but we never get to know it. I wish when I got some AF time in, a ghost would visit me. He could take me to the times I would have been drinking, and showed me how bad I screwed up. I'd see the damage, and my heart would be filled, that I wasn't living that life, but living a sober life. But that doesn't happen. We get some AF time in, and sometimes think, "well, life just still sucks the big one! I may as well have a drink. Why did I quit anyway? Life is still sucky, and I still have this noise in my freakin head!" And then, we drink, and the bad shit is there again, staring us in the face. This has been my issue, and I think it is the issue for many of us. The first weeks/months even of AF are amazing. Because we can see our "PRIZE." I can do some stretches. I've done them. But, I need that ghost to show me, remind me why I am doing it, because, my memory is not very good.
    where does this go?

    We need a ghost


    I totally agree, that is a great analogy, "life on life's terms" really DOES suck sometimes, I am feeling that way now.................:upset:

    Thinking that drinking may help numb the stuff will get me what it has always gotten me(not good), I know that right now, but boy the drinking thinking will just sneak up on me at times, and it is so tempting....................glad when I am AF most times though.


    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      We need a ghost

      Wow, this really struck a chord with me. Sometimes when I feel down and think life sucks anyway, it would be wonderful to have a reminder of how good things really are. It's just me focusing on the negatives, not all the beauty in my life.
      Thanks for this very thought provoking post.:h
      You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


        We need a ghost

        Great post Morrison,
        After spending so many years drinking I guess I do tend to look at the negative instead of the positive. Only looking at the nagative is really a good excuse to drink. Maybe we should start a new slogan: My worst day sober is still better than my best day drunk"
        AF since 7/26/2009

        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


          We need a ghost

          Write it all down Morrison. When it is fresh in your memory.
          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


            We need a ghost

            I really like that slogan.
            :crazymonkey:Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.? -George Carlin


              We need a ghost

              i can say its very true morris.. we do need a ghost and i did have one, me seeing myself laying there ..i will never forget it .. too many blackout, too many close calls .. i should be dead and for some reason i surive everytime .. and i still ask why and wtf am i here for .. but i look around and see everything.. i have done for myself in the past year n half .. and i can say this is my reason for being who i am ..
              but i will always ask that question.. why, when ,where ,how and wtf .. but life goes on and it will always have its up's and down's
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                We need a ghost

                Wow! Morrison....that is really a profound thought! But, then again, you are a very insightful person! I think that this is an idea for a screenplay!!

                Honestly though......we do know our future if we continue drinking......not good! The one thing we do know that a life that includes alcohol, for us, means more of what we have experienced in the past and most likely even worse! It includes, failing health, loss of income, loss of friends, self esteme, depression, possible problems with the law........yes, that is our future, if we continue to ghost needed!!

                Love You, Morrison!
                xxx Kate
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  We need a ghost

                  KateH1;529040 wrote: Wow! Morrison....that is really a profound thought! But, then again, you are a very insightful person! I think that this is an idea for a screenplay!!

                  Honestly though......we do know our future if we continue drinking......not good! The one thing we do know that a life that includes alcohol, for us, means more of what we have experienced in the past and most likely even worse! It includes, failing health, loss of income, loss of friends, self esteme, depression, possible problems with the law........yes, that is our future, if we continue to ghost needed!!

                  Love You, Morrison!
                  xxx Kate
                  Was your first paragraph meant to sound sarcastic? Read it with a sarcastic tone, and it's pretty hilarious. IF not, sorry for thinking that. I can't tell on these danged boards. It's nothing real deep, that is for sure. I was just trying to make myself feel better. Something bad happened, and I tried to feel better by thinking of all the bad things that didn't happen, on all those sober days. That's all. Love ya Kate. Now Boots will kick yo butt!!
                  where does this go?


                    We need a ghost

          , I was not being sarcastic......LOL....but, if it gave you a laugh, with it!

                    You know, you make another excellent point, without being able to see posture, voice inflection and expression, so much on a message board is open to interpretation!

                    LOL....I need to email Bootsie......I miss her!

                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      We need a ghost

                      It's cool Kate. I thought you were having fun with me, but wasn't sure. Glad we can joke about things. I was thinking of the "ghost of what coulda been." Don't remember which one he was at the moment. So, the screenplay remark made me think you were teasing me. Like, it's been totally done before, you know? Haha. I can make fun of myself for being a bit weirdo. I used to not be able to do that. I could make a screenplay from my dreams. Now they are totally f'ed up.
                      where does this go?


                        We need a ghost

                        I know what you mean Morrison.....learning to laugh at myself and not take myself (nor others) so seriuosly had truly made huge change in my life too!! I would not enjoy seeing my "Ghost of Drinking's Past".....Argggggh! Yesterday is gone and truly in the past!! I worked hard on that one!! But, like most people, I would love a glimpse into the future.........but, then again, I would only want to tknow the good stuff!! But, I do know this, no matter what is ahead for myself or anyone else, life will be richer, happier and healthier as long as we live as non-drinkers!!
                        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                        AF 12/6/2007


                          We need a ghost

                          AMEN Kate!
                          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                            We need a ghost

                            I love the idea Morrie, I think even thinking about it like tht would help, great post.


                              We need a ghost

                              This is an awesome post, Morrison.

                              A ghost, or an angel, like in "It's a Wonderful Life" ...
                              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

