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Withdrawals ???

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    Withdrawals ???

    Can anyone tell me, what the longest they have had withdawal's for, cuz this just aint' funny anymore!
    Today is day 9 for me. I really had expected to start feeling better by now, but NO, I'm feeling worse!!!
    I am totally exhausted (just cannot get up in the morning as my head is welded to the pillow), was late to work on friday, and just cannot get warm. I have an almost constant headache... which is quite unfair, considering I never used to get the slightest headache after a heavy evening's drinking...(which had gotten to be best part of 2 bottles of wine every single night, with no nights off).

    I am now on antabuse, thanks to my saint of a doctor, (who had the balls to trust me with it, where no one else would). And for once, I have hope. No more torturing myself every time I pass an off licence, or a 24 hr supermarket. Huge huge relief!!!
    But hey, this still feeling 'crappy' is just not funny anymore.

    Well, would just appreciate your experiences of withdrawal, and its duration.


    Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!

    Withdrawals ???

    Hey stepintime. I think it differs from person to person. Just like the amount it takes to get drunk, how we behave when drunk, etc. etc. 9 days seems a bit much, but I can't imagine you aren't feeling better. No? At least slowly? I know being tired is a huge deal when going AF. We expect to have all this energy, but it seems it takes awhile to get there. Try to force yourself to workout, and drink a ton, a ton of water. I can't stress this enough. Eat some good food,, lots of protein too. I found these things to whip me back into shape in no time, and I've had some bad spills. Keep us updated on your progress.
    where does this go?


      Withdrawals ???

      Great job, step

      Nine days is awesome! Sorry you feel like crap though.

      You know--it could be totally unrelated to withdrawal. Maybe you just caught a cold or a virus. I have been fighting a sinus infection for a month and I swear I feel hung over all the time! Totally sucks.

      Water, exercise, are on the right track.


        Withdrawals ???

        with drawl, can last a long time,even after being sober for 2 years there were days i felt i was having them,as far as i no it takes about 5 days,but as soon as you drink again, it will always take longer each time gyco


          Withdrawals ???

          Just keep it up. I'm feeling cold too, and bundled up warm at night I sweat a lot. I think this is because my body is switching over to burning sugar/fat instead of alcohol byproducts. I'm on day 13 today. Headache ditto, but today it's let off a bit.

          My mood is slowly lifting, and I'm not shaking or feeling nervous any more. But the articles indicate that you and I both may have a couple weeks more to get the toxins out of our bodies. I too never had the problems drinking that I had while quitting. But I had other problems, to the point where I just need to stop now. Let's keep going!


            Withdrawals ???

            Thanks guys. I am just not used to feeling this yuk. I am surprisingly very healthy and fit, on the whole, so this just sucks.

            Thank you Boss Man, nice to know I am not alone in prolonged withdrawal.
            Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!


              Withdrawals ???

              Hey step congrats on 9 days.
              There is a good article on TLCrecovery. Look under the articles info section. Once there read the article on Post Acute Withdrawal (PAW) It's about more long term withdrawal symptoms.
              I have 7 days AE and also have no energy. Went to the movies this afternoon and have spent the rest of the day sleeping. I guess there is a reason it's called recovery. Good luck and hang in there.
              AF since 7/26/2009

              "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

              "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                Withdrawals ???

                Step -- i can totally relate to how you feel on day 9. I am on 22 AF days and 8 and 9 were miserable -- tired and anxiety. Only lately have I started feeling better and the workouts finally are kicking in. I have heard it isn't uncommon for 9 days to be rough and it can take up to 30 days to get rid of the withdrawals -- it gets better just don't give up!!!


                  Withdrawals ???

                  Just back from sitting a computer exam (3rd attempt), and I just know I have failed it again.
                  I am tired, bodily cold, and craving a drink.
                  Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!


                    Withdrawals ???

                    Drink some hot tea. take a hot bath. eat something. Be good to yourself.

                    You may have done better on your exam than you think. Don't worry about it know it's out of your controll.
                    AF since 7/26/2009

                    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                      Withdrawals ???

                      Thanks , I do have a herbal tea now, and a chocolate bar! I think I am eating the calories I used to be drinking!!
                      I know one thing tho...if it hadn't have been for the antabuse, I would be wading quite swiftly, thru my second bottle of wine now.
                      Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!


                        Withdrawals ???

                        It takes commitment to be on the antabuse. I think it shows real determination to wanting to be AF. Because going in you know you can't just go out and drink. A committment to being AF.. Am I making sense? So good for you. and STILL be good to yourself.
                        PS I've been eating cookies with my tea! lol
                        AF since 7/26/2009

                        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                          Withdrawals ???

                          Good job on the resolve

                          I forgot about the cold -- and I am still easily cold 23 days AF, just not as bad. What helps me is thinking that this Monday was better than last Monday and the next Monday should be better. I do that every day and it helps -- I was miserable last but the workouts make me feel better now instead of like crap.

                          Try the water with lemon when you want to drink -- I heard that on here and oddly enough it seems to help.


                            Withdrawals ???

                            Hi guys. I am not good right now, and am in serious danger of slipping, and ruining all my good work. I was so in awe and full of hope, when I got my script for the antabuse, but so much crap has gone on this week, I am wondering why I am bothering. Without going into too much detail, I ended up on the wrong side of my B/F's temper. I hurt, and have been off work since tuesday. (please don't give me lectures on this, it was a rare event), it's just everything is so hard right now. The antabuse has been great, and I am 2 weeks sober, but I haven't taken a pill since tuesday, and am already plotting in my head how long I have to leave it before I can drink. (the rose is in the cupboard...x2). I play a lot of sport and at the moment I cant even do a press up. I am diagnosed with cyclothymia too, and feel I am on the down ward slide. I know too, that a drink would make me forget everything. ....the pain from where I hurt, and my low mood. I can always go back on the antabuse a little while after. It also doesn't help, that 2 weeks on, and I still feel much much worse than I ever did following constant nights of drinking. Probably wouldnt be so miserable tho, if I didn't physically hurt as well.
                            Perhaps I'm just not ready for this
                            Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!

