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Withdrawals ???

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    Withdrawals ???

    So... not sure what you would want us to say to you at this point? It sounds like you have made up your mind to drink, and it is never helpful for your friends to try to talk you out of it. Only you can do that... we all have to do that, for ourselves, during times like this very difficult time you are now having.

    You said: "I wonder why I am bothering." That sums it up, doesn't it? What helps me when I am in a difficult situation, and tempted to drink, is to give some serious thought to that very question. Why DO I bother? For me, it's pretty easy to answer that question: I know, from my own rotten experiences, that no situation is so bad that it won't get worse, MUCH WORSE, if I drink...

    I hope you decide to come through this without deciding not to make things even worse, by drinking.


      Withdrawals ???

      If you have taken antabuse recently I thought there was a period of time where you can't drink even if you haven't taken the tablets that day etc ... do you want to drink with the antabuse in your system ? and kill yourself ? Just being frank here ...

      You do have to 'talk yourself out of it' it's true ... support is good but not if you have really decided this is it ... but I wonder if you are in two minds because you posted on here for support and advice so I would think that you don't want to drink but just feeling miserable with all what has been going on ....

      I always say, wait, wait a bit longer and then just wait a bit more before doing something (I don't always follow my own advice ) but this is what I think you should do ...
      Are you on pain medication ? If so, then you shouldn't be drinking should you ?

      Good Luck
      Heavenly xx
      ?We are one another's angels?
      Sober since 29/04/2007


        Withdrawals ???

        I drank on anything and everything, and never found it did me any harm. I haven't drank tonight... yet, but haven't taken a 'pill' either. I am all confused.
        Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!


          Withdrawals ???


          My withdrawals lasted about 5 days, then I was fine except for some nightmares, crying jags, and man was I itchy! I didn't stop cold turkey if that has anything to do with it. I was drinking up to a pt. and a 1/2 of vodka every day. I did a week of beer to detox myself gradually b4 I stopped completely. I stopped cold turkey once and wound up in the ER. Had 20 seizures in a row and than a gran mal, so I don't reccomend that to anyone. Today I'm AF 2 weeks and I feel fine. And you will too soon. So hang in there. :elk:
          Starting over again


            Withdrawals ???

            stepintime;534444 wrote: I drank on anything and everything, and never found it did me any harm. I haven't drank tonight... yet, but haven't taken a 'pill' either. I am all confused.
            Hey Stepintime
            My ethos is when I am confused or in doubt I dont do anything, no frame of mind to be making serious decisions. Hope u make the right one for you.:l


              Withdrawals ???

              crying helps me when the shit piles up real HIGH .. its the only way i can release and feel better. :upset:


                Withdrawals ???

                To Step...

                "I drank on anything and everything, and never found it did me any harm."

                Yes, yes, yes! Alcohol DOES indeed do you harm. Please don't convince yourself otherwise. It is a killer of self-esteem, dignity, friendships, time, motivation, progress, families. It destroys cells and livers and bank accounts. It kills people. Alcohol can sometimes be like second-hand smoke, killing those innocents who never used.

                I know this. We all know this. PLEASE--you need to know this too. If you don't, then you won't be able to stop.


                  Withdrawals ???

                  "I drank on anything and everything, and never found it did me any harm."

                  I think maybe Step meant she drank while taking anything (other drugs?) and it never hurt her (despite the warnings).

                  If this is what you mean, Step, I was that way too. I mixed all kinds of things you shouldn't mix, no problem. BUT, you CANNOT drink on Antabuse. Even if you have stopped for a day or two or three. You will most likely end up in the ER if you do. If you absolutely feel the need, PLEASE, take it VERY slowly, for you will feel horrible stuff happen to you and if you take it slow, you can stop before it's too late. (I speak from experience).

                  Remember, this is precisely why you took Antabuse in the first place-- to take away the choice. There really is no choice. Face it, you are currently physically unable to drink -- once you accept it, you will be able to be grateful for it.

                  (Hope that wasn't too harsh)
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Withdrawals ???

                    Thany you Beatle. You got it bang on with what I meant.

                    I drank on meds that said you shouldn't mix with alcohol, and never noticed any ill effects.
                    I hear people say "oh, I have to gave a week off the alcohol cuz I'm on antibiotics". .. HA! as if that EVER would have stopped me! nothing ever happened, and the antibiotics still did their job.

                    I do know about the dangers tho, with the antabuse. And yes, that is exactly why I wanted STOP the choice, to take it away from me. So I do know the implications if I drink on it.

                    Thanks Beatle, because I think you really do understand me. And great advice too, especially as it is from experience.


                    Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!


                      Withdrawals ???

                      Okay, Step

                      NOW I understand...I thought you meant something altogether different. Sorry about that.:thanks:


                        Withdrawals ???

                        No, wories upnorth. You weren't to know.

                        Good words there too, regards what alcohol robs you of. We should never forget its power.

                        Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!

