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    Marby - I could not agree more! Spot on!
    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*



      I agree marbella to an extent. Maybe those who wish to drink and get 'tipsy' though should also have consideration for those of us who are struggling not to have a drink and get tipsy.

      It works both ways ... If your goals are to get through several or one night of celebrations and drink but not get drunk I am there to offer support, but I think I will go back to my usual haunt of long term abstainers because moderation to me is not to get tipsy, nor to drink every night to the detriment of health but remain 'sober' even though knowing that the alcohol intake is still way above medical limits (I say ''way above'' because I am not a person that believes in strict adherence to medical limits as medical research in 'alcohol limits' to be consumed changes all the time) ...

      I have commented before that if a person wants support I am there, but until they are sure what they want maybe I better keep quiet.
      Good Luck to all - whatever your goals,
      ?We are one another's angels?
      Sober since 29/04/2007



        MWo was the first and only place that I was ever honest about my alcohol consumption. If I had been drinking I would only read, rather than make a fool of myself trying to type.
        Thank Dog that is over and I don't have to choose between socializing or getting drunk. It's all good.
        *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein





          Read your previous posts and am slightly confused. But that's ok cuz I confuse easily even when I don't drink. You sound rather lonely, but being here should cheer you up!

          About your Q.
          A. Honest and Tracking, and since I've been here I have improved so much I have amazed even me. But I am looking forward to being AF.

          It would be counterproductive to lie. And I don't think that's what people are here to do. No sir, they are here to help others and to be honest!

          All the Best in Your Journey! :l



            Ripples was extremely honest for a long stretch.. then gradually i started using again and was posting some real nasty shit. i was warned a few times, and i didn't even remember once what i said in chat?

            When booze becomes a problem in life it wrecks everything. Why ruin a good thing. Enough is enough, before no-one wants anything to do with you anymore. The jokers and fakers are easily identified.




              Always honest.....silly not to be.
              :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



                If I wanted to continue lying I wouldn't be here...and I really love that we are all accepted, warts and all.




                  PS Marbs - I totally agree with you also. Everyones goals are different, but it feels AS good for me to reach my modding goal as it does for someone else to reach their AF goal. And if someone meets their 'tipsy' goal instead of getting paralytic then good on them...that goal is just as important, to them.





                    Everyone has different goals, whether it is to be totally AF, to moderate, or to get through just one night without falling down the stairs.

                    I don't think we are expected to come here and "confess" each individual drink or experience. I think it is more about how we are FEELING at the time--whenter we come for support, love, hugs, tough-love, :h advice, friendship or to bare our souls.

                    What we choose to share is an individual choice. Some days waking up without mysterious bruises is a success for some people and should be treated as such. Sticking to two glasses of wine on a Friday night is a huge conquest for others, while going AF during a party is a mohor accomplishment for the rest. If someone goes from two bottles a night to two glasses, and that person feels she or he is successful, then he or she should be supported, not made to feel bad because they did not meet MY goals
           each his own.

                    That being said--we may differ, but we all struggle ourselves and support each other. :thanks:



                      hi net,honesty,is coming here daily,whether you mod,drink heavy,or you dont drink at all,this is not a place to judge others,as rube said , some of us have been in rehab,for some it helps and some not,i wouldnt wish,rehab on anyone,for me it was inevitableand mind boggling,, i for one came to this site cause it was different,plus i read in AA, that AA is not for all,always remember ,we have a chioce to do what ever we want in life,until we mess up,hope it helps net ,have a wonderful weekend ps net, even the people that we think are strong at this recovery thing,have struggles gyco



                        Yikes, you guys are scaring me. Is it just because it is Fri the 13th????
                        Woke up without bruises???? And that is meeting a goal of some sort?
                        I am all for tolerance and openmindedness, but this is going pretty far somewhere dangerous!



                          I think a slip can be a great wake up call. At least it has been for me. Just enforces to my mind what a monster alcohol is and how aware I have to be to keep him away from me.

